Resolution 188-1979RESOLUTION NO.188 -1979 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A COOPERATIVE FIRE CONTROL AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND CONSUMER SERVICES, DIVISION OF FORESTRY, AND THE COUNTY OF MONROE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute a Cooperative Fire Control Agreement by and between the State of Florida, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Forestry, and the County of Monroe of the State of Florida, a copy of same being attached hereto. Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, held on the 28th day of August, 1979. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE C UNTY., FLORIDA By hairm n (Seal) At Clerk APPROVED 4$ TO MW AND 4f qAL $Ufff AENrCV. eV �. AtWnWS Office �.. APPROVED ON BOOK Z-I (0 FC-50 Agreement Entered vinto yJuly M1,w1972. Rev. 6/72 (.'OOPI R_�'.I: i\'iT FIRE CONTROL AGREENUIT BIi"ThIEEN DEPAf.'rhii_;P)T OF AGRICULTURE AND CONSUMER SERVICES DIVISION OF FORESTRY AND The County of in the State of Florida .--Monroe-----' ---- _____.—.___. �7fb47- ----- Acres Land THIS. C00PERA.TiVE AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 1st day of 19 by and between the State of Florida, Department September ----of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Forestry, hereinafter called the "Department," and thr_ County. of Mpn�Qe_ __ _ of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the . "County . " WHEREAS, Section 125.2.7, Florida Statutes, provides that the Division of Forestry of the Department c)f Agriculture ar)d Consumer Services shall enter into agreements wi..tic the Board of County Commissioners of each county in the State for the establishmeut maintenance' of c.c'untyt-,ide fire protection of all forest and wild lands within srt i d count,.; , and WHEREAS, Se.crion 125.27, Florida Statutes, also provides that each .county shall, under the terms of this agre.emeiit, be assessed each fiscal year as. its share of the cost of providing such f::ire. .pror.ortion a sum :in dollars equal to the total forest and i✓ild land acreage 'of_ the coi_tnt-y, as determined by the Department,, mul- tiplied by three cents (3�). NOW, TRERE.FORE, this Cooperative Agreement shall. be in full force and effect on and after �e� �m�er_1- 19..79_.3- and shall continue in full force and effect.until superseded by a new agreement or. cancelled.by- the Florida. Statutes. 1. The Department shall- prowid- Fi-re. protection. for 77,647 acres of forest and wild -Lands within Monroe County. 2. The County shall, under tl(: Lerms of this. -agreement, pay .to the Department annually as its share of the cost of providing such fire protection $ 2,329.41 said receipts to he deposited in the General Revenue Fund of the State. 3. No amendment, addendum, or changes in this agreement shall be valid and binding upon the parties hereto unlcss such amendment, addendum, or change be reduced to writing aiid executed by both parties. IN WITNESS 1.IMERI.;OF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed the day .and ;year first. above written. STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPR' M_7N'.r Or THE BOARD OF COUNTY- COMMISSIONERS AGRICULTURE AND'CONS011EI SERVICES, DIVISION OF FORESTRY County, Florida By: ---- -- B y :.--- - ' Commissioner. of ,Agriculture, C airman of Board• Date: Date: Otte, t: 'erk/ Cir'c4iit ours Witness COVED AS TO FORM Witness _ AND LEGAL SUFFICZ///fv(-, IEy% BY _. 2