Resolution 196-1979 RESOLUTIOI\ No. 196-1979 \'lIEREAS; ONEAL ZSTENOZ, the Resident County Engineer of ~onroe County departed this life on Saturday, Septe~ber 8, 1979; and V1HEREAS; ONEAL ESTENOZ had rendered valuable professional services to r,~onroe County and to his fellow man for I!l2.ny years la st pa st; arJ.d VlHEREAS, ONEAL ESTENOZ had accomplished the highest degree of professionalism, dedication and integrity in his devoition to his dl-tiGS as an employee of Monroe County and as a citizen of the United st:tes of America; and V1HE~EAS; OEEAL ESTENOZ, born in Key VI est of Spanish antecedents, personified the hie;hest accompli shments of diGnity, c i tizenr~r and respect for not only his county, his cOffimunity and his esteemed family; and WHEREAS; it is the objective of this resolution to ccnvey to his beloved family the most profound sorrow of the citizens of Monroe County of our loss; NO"l THER2FORE BE IT RESOLVED; by the Board of County C ommi ssioners of rl~onroe County Florida, that this Boar::1 c:': County Commissioners on beh~~L~ of all of 4- ' l"ne people of ~onroe County Florida express it's condolences to the family of our departed friend ONEAL ESTENOZ; B'2 IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that this resolution be spread of record in the annals of Monroe County Florida and that a copy hereof be fO~'Ja:ded to each member of his family forthwith. Resolution p&ss~d this 18th. day of September AD 1979; Attest; -- COUETY CLERK cor,~VISSIO~~OVED ON BOOK 3..-\ ~- '\ '\ ..- "T" PAGE \ j d.. v 2~g