Resolution 207-1979 RESOLUTION NO. 207 -1979 RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT A COUNTY PURPOSE IS SERVED AND AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND THE BIG PINE KEY ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION, INC. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, did adopt Ordinance No. 16-1979, which pro- vides for the Board to contract with non-governmental organi- zations when said organization performs a valid County purpose, and WHEREAS, the Big Pine Key Athletic Association, Inc., a Florida corporation, does provide a valid County purpose by providing a playground and recreation area for the citizens of Monroe County and more specificially for those in the Big Pine Key, Monroe County, Florida, area, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the Big Pine Key Athletic Association, Inc., performs a valid County function and/or pur- pose in the course of its activities and that the interests of the citizens of Monroe County are served by contracting the organization to perform the service of providing a playground and/or recreation area on Big Pine Key, Monroe County, Florida. 2. That the Chairman of said Board is hereby authorized to execute a contract by and between the Board of County Com- missioners of Monroe County, Florida, and the Big Pine Key Athletic Association, Inc., a copy of same being attached hereto. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 18th day of September, 1979. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE OUNTY, FLORIDA By ~~~~.:=;;=? APPROVED ON ~ \ \ ~ \ '1 \ t4Y po 4~~4 Attorney'" OffiCe (Seal) BOOK. \1111 PAGE \~L(- - 300 , " '.- .. AGREEHENT Tlti.; dg;~l'U:\ent l_:nLerccl LilLo this 18th day of september , 1979, by and between the BOARD OF COUUTY COHl-USS IONEf~S OF IvlmmOE COUNTY, FLORIDA, herein- after referred to as "County", and the BIG PINE KEY ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida corporation whose mailing P. O. Box 89, Big pine Key, F~a. 33043 address is hereinafter referred to as "Association", WITNESSETH, that the County and the Association for the consideration hereinafter named agree as follows: 1. The Association agrees that it shall provide a recreation/playground area on Big Pine Key for the residents of Monroe County, Florida. 2. The County agrees to provide the ne~essary manpower and equipment to clear the playground/recreation site aRd to provide and spread 500 yards of fill to be placed on said site. 3. Further, the Association agrees to provide both a detailed report of its annual activities, designating those activities of the organization to which county funds were applied, and a copy of the organization's annual audit report, certified by a Certified Public Accountant licensed to do business in the State of Florida. Both reports shall be presented to the County by the organization within thirty (30) days of receipt by the organization of its annual audit re~ port. The Association shall comply with this section for each audit year concurrent in whole or in part with the term of this agreement in accordance,with Ordinance No. 16-1979. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first written above. . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE UNTY, FLORIDA By ~J~ ~rk (Seal) . Il( , i \,' Page 1 of 2 Pages -~ ~~,_.. ~,_,.:l ,~~. -~:']"'i~":[~(~~~~=~~-li-;;{&;,~i'!lj_I'2'-""'-'--"''''''''''''''''''''~~'''''m:''!'''''''''~'"'!'''~'''~~~~'?~'''2h'''t'l?~~;~~_ , v -; r BIG PINE KEY ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION, INC. By _______ Chairman (S'2al) Attest: Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEP1L SUFFICIENCY. ", ~,~/ ,"/';::;?r/ BY , / / ':A" / -'- ,(,t" ~ Attorney's Office Page 2 of 2 Pages <CII;',,~::,l""'.' "'"'f"..-,.~- '-_:C<" ,...c....._~.~,.,~-" ,_ .....,t,. .~~;ft"O"".~~''''r-'''''''' t....ll"lrtr.-._~,,~L_ ~i6IIM:l:IS L.lu_kh "-..,-- -"''''--:'''''':'::'-._7Ir>.~:,-,,.,,..,:-,~~.,~'''''~~~:'''-'7'---'~^7--''''''';-~-"-="';'-~""'7:r'\:.-"'7~"-'-P-- ,302- L1l.lm!.r"$:~- ~IIM II L IiilJf~~~ 1~.lI:t.. '!\Af::JlllL1~~~~I.":'!~(~:,,-,,-1'I;;..:~'i.i>i: .-;:'....._v ,~:"':