Resolution 209-1979 r :. z 0 0 w > 0 ~ a:: a.. 0 a.. 0 c:( en RESOLUTION # 209-1979 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MONROE County, Florida, has received an application from Vincent Brostek to install: A solid concrete seawall at a distance of 5' out from MHW and backfill with approximately 70 cubic yards of clean fill. About 50 cubic yards of this fill would be placed below MHW and 20 cubic yards above MHW. Eroded riprap which is currently located along the project shoreline would be relocated to the toe and ends of the seawall. Pilings for the seawall would be placed from a barge and silt screens would be utilized during construction. The project site is located in a residential area of heavy development on a tidal embayment about 1/3 mile from open waters of the Florida straits. These inshore waters with artificial canals and navigation channels are heavily iti1ized by boat traffic especially from marinas in the area. Some nearshore waters are natural, shallow flats with mixed seagrasses and much of the area shorelines are altered. Tidal flushing to the east is limited causing increased levels of turbidity in this embayment relative to adjacent waters, due to runoff, vessel traffic, wave action, etc. The project shoreline is located between a concrete seawall about 10' below MHW to the north and a combination riprap and concrete shoreline to the south. This shore presently contains riprap but due to erosion and age is somewhat deteriorated. Little vegetation is attached to the riprap probably due to wave action and levels of turbidity. Depths slope rapidly from the base of the riprap which extends out about 5' along most of its length. Depths out from the riprap slope to about 10' MLW in a nearshore artificial channel and this slope is rock rubble, silt and essentially unvegetated. The uplands are old fill and vegetated with grasses, weeds, and upland trees. The project will involve placing a concrete seawall along the slope about at the outer edge of the riprap and relocating the riprap to the toe of the seawall. Riprap will also be placed at the ends of the wall, especially on the north end where a slight discontinuity will remain with the adjacent seawall. The project, as proposed, will have little short or long-term impact on local biological resources. It will prevent further erosion along the shoreline slope, provide deep water access and if the riprap is properly relocated, it will provide improved and stable benthic habitat. (Q V) WHEREAS, this project has been reviewed and it has been found there would be no adverse affects from the proposed construction on the biota and environment, therefore w C!:l ~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MONROE COUNTY, Florida, that said Board hereby give its approval for the construction of the above mentioned project. RESOLVED this day of September , 1979, at a 25th Regularly scheduled Meeting. A~e~~.... _ N~ S ~/A / ler BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE COUNTY, Florida l~~ C ~rman 307