Resolution 210-1979 RESOLUTION NO. 210 - 1979 RESOLUTION CANCELLING COUNTY TAX CERTIFICATES WHEREAS Coral Key Village, Inc. owns real property de- scribed on the Monroe County Tax Rolls as Parcel Accounts #9900--9901-- 9902 -- 9904 -- 38632, and WHEREAS the taxes on the above described property were not paid for the tax year 1973, became delinquent on April 1st, 1974 and at the tax certificate sale in 1974, no one purchased the certi- ficates and they therefore became County Tax Certificates which were numbered -- 35-A, 36-A, 37-A, 38-A, and l188-A 1974, and WHEREAS these items were not extended on the tax rolls for 1974 and 1975, however, parcels 9900 - 9901 - 9902 - 9904 were consolidated into one parcel at the request of the owner of said property and numbered 9900 prior to the certification of the 1974 tax roll and the Tax Collector's office was never officially notified of the above consolidation, and WHEREAS on March 29, 1976, the delinquent taxes were paid for 9900 - 1973 thru 1975; 9901 - 1974 thru 1975; 9902 - 1974 thru 1975; 9904 - 1974 thru 1975; and 38632 - 1973 thru 1975, and Certi- ficates No. 35-A-74 and l188-A-74 were cancelled, and WHEREAS due to the consolidation of parcels number 9901, 9902 and 9904 under parcel number 9900, the County Tax Certificates were not shown on the tax roll as said items were not extended and, therefore, not redeemed when taxes were paid on delinquent parcels 9900 as consolidated and parcel number 38632, and WHEREAS the County Tax Appraiser, County Tax Collector and the Clerk of the Circuit Court recommend the County Tax Certificates on parcels 9901, 9902 and 9904 be cancelled due to the above, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that County Tax Certificates Numbers 35-A-74, 36-A-74 and 38-A-74 be and they are hereby cancelled. RESOLVED in Regular Session at Key West, Florida this 25th day of September A.D. 1979. By: ,) ~ Attes~.' - d5: . /..' -, ,.,~~~#. . \....--..1 er k APPROVED ON BOOK HT'. PAGE }53 .3~