Resolution 214-1979 RESOLUTION NO. 214_l979 RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY AUTHORIZING WILLIAM R. HOUGH & CO. TO DEVELOP A FINANCING PROPOSAL TO EFFECT THE ISSUANCE OF AN APPROPRIATE AMOUNT OF MONROE COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY MORTGAGE REV- ENUE BONDS. WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature recognizing the critical shortage of affordable housing units throughout the State, recently enacted the "Florida Housing Finance Authority Law", authorizing each and every county in Florida to create by ordinance a separate public body, corporate and politic, to be known as the "Housing Finance Authority" of the County for which it was created; and WHEREAS, William R. Hough & Co. was authorized on November 15, 1978, to prepare a needs analysis study for the Monroe County Housing Finance Authority; and WHEREAS, William R. Hough & Co. has prepared and pre- sented said needs analysis study detailing the housing needs and mortgage market conditions of Monroe County; and WHEREAS, after reviewing the needs analysis report and related information and being aware of the general state of the local economy and rapidly increasing housing costs and shortage of low-cost capital for housing in the County, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County adopted Ordinance No. 10-1979 declaring the need for a Housing Finance Authority in Monroe County; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE MONROE COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITY, as follows: 1. William R. Hough & Co. is hereby authorized as Underwriter to proceed to develop a financing and residential mortgage acquisition plan, together with a bond purchase pro- posal to accomplish this financing. Page 1 of 2 Pages APPROVED ON ~-d.S-'\'\ ...' BOOK \, '1" II eAGE \51 32.3 2. The Housing Finance Authority is under no ob1iga- tion to accept the purchase proposal of William R. Hough & Co., and the County is not obligated to proceed. 3. In the event that the purchase proposal of William R. Hough & Co. is accepted, the compensation of William R, Hough & Co. shall be derived from the underwriting spread, if earned, Hough acting as principal. All expenses of issu- ance, including validation costs, fee of Bond Counsel, fee of local counsel, rating agency fees and expenses, cost of printing bonds, cost of printing and distributing the official statement, and closing costs shall be borne by the Underwriter. 4. In the event the purchase proposal of Hough is not accepted, Hough shall act as Agent for the Housing Finance Authority to market the bonds through alternate methods of marketing. Hough in this event is to be compensated by a fee mutually acceptable to both parties. In the event that Hough acts as Agent for the Housing Finance Authority, all afore- mentioned expenses of issuance shall be borne by the Author- ity. ADOPTED this 25th day of September, 1979. BOARD OF COill~TY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE HONROE COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE AUTH ITY By (Seal) AP/;'\;:';'t,') vi. .,~-' "]'f'!:) l "(~" ,;",:_" , ,(V ~ ,! ~........." "- v .. I ~~ ~ /' ,;< BY u~~~...4 At(!'tme:~'s Officff Page 2 of 2 Pages 324'