Resolution 220-1979RESOLUTION NO.220-i979 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA, AND THE DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (NUTRITION PROGRAM). BE IT RESOI:VED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute an Agreement by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, and the District School Board of Monroe County, Florida, a copy of same being attached hereto, pertaining to the Nutrition Program. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 25th day of September, 1979. Attest: Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA i By — irman (Seal) AM*OVED AS ro FoRm,, AAbOA" Surnumc r ,NYv- Aftn it # Ofto APPROVED ON 1 �s "q I y BOOK "- 1 PAGE 365 .7 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into October 1, 1979, by and between the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, a body corporate and politic existing under the laws of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the SPONSOR, and the DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, a body corporate and politic existing under the laws of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the BOARD. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the SPONSOR desires to utilize the food prepara- tion facilities of the BOARD for the purpose of providing meals for Senior Citizens participating in the Older Americans Act Title III C, Nutrition Program, and the BOARD is willing to provide for said services upon the terms and conditions of this Agreement, NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereby agree and undertake as follows: I The BOARD hereby agrees to furnish meals, in accordance with Attachment "A" of this Agreement and at the prices there- in specified, to Senior Citizens participating in the Older Americans Act Title III C, Nutrition Program, such meals to be furnished at the various locations as shown on Attachment "A" or subsequently agreed to by the parties. II The SPONSOR agrees.to reimburse the BOARD for meals served according to the aforesaid schedule, payment to be made to the BOARD not more than thirty (30) days after receipt by the SPON- SOR of the BOARD's claim. Claims for reimbursement shall be rendered as promptly as practicable after the loth day in each month. The SPONSOR agrees that its obligation to reimburse the BOARD as aforesaid shall be independent of any funding Page 1 of 3 Pages 36\ provided to the SPONSOR for the operation of the Older Ameri- cans Act Title III C, Nutrition Program. III The meals to be provided by the BOARD pursuant to this Agreement are to be in accordance with Attachment "A" hereto. The BOARD may, upon request of the SPONSOR, make substitutions for the items on the regular menus. IV Meals will be provided five days a week, Monday through Friday year round except as shown on Attachment "A" hereto. It is agreed that the individual service institution for whom the SPONSOR is responsible will by 9:00 A.M. notify the manager of the providing School Food Service Department the number of meals needed for that day, except, if the SPONSOR does not notify the BOARD by 9:00 A.M. as aforesaid, the maximum number of meals shown on Attachment "A" hereto shall be prepared, delivered and charged for by the BOARD and paid for by the SPONSOR. The SPONSOR agrees to pay to the BOARD for the mini- mum number of meals as shown on Attachment "A" hereto only on school days; no minimum is required on non -school days. The SPONSOR shall pay for only actual number of meals delivered. The SPONSOR agrees never to order less than the minimum on school days. It is agreed and understood that the number of meals which the BOARD is obligated to provide shall not exceed 25% above the maximum estimated number. If the SPONSOR desires to have the BOARD provide additional meals, the BOARD shall be notified accordingly in advance, in which event the BOARD, may, but shall not be obligated to, furnish.such addi- tional meals. V The SPONSOR hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the BOARD from and against any and all liability which may at any time be asserted or claimed by any person, natural or Page 2 of 3 Pages 36-1 otherwise, arising out of or in connection with the performance by the BOARD pursuant to this Agreement or in connection with the purposes thereof, and that liability be provided to effec- tuate the purposes herein stated, except in case of food poison- ing or contamination, at which time responsibility shall be determined. VI If additional services are requested by the SPONSOR, the parties shall mutually negotiate for the additional services, including cost of providing same to be paid by the BOARD. VII This Agreement shall continue in effect to and including the 30th day of September, 1980, at which time the BOARD's obligations hereunder shall cease. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the date first above written. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By__--- airman (Seal) Attest: ld ;-,Clerk Attest: DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By Chairman (Seal) Page 3 of 3 Pages APPROVED A$ TO FORM AND t.FGAt SUFFICIENCY. eYEL— ttom®y's Office im ATTACHMENT "A" SCHEDULE OF MEALS AND PRICES (Annexed to and made a part of Agreement dated October 1, 1979, between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, and the District School Board of Monroe County, Florida) Relative to School Food Service providing lunches for the aged at Douglass, Harris, Marathon, Coral Shores Schools and any future site established, the following items are agreed to: 1. A. Douglass - Food to be prepared off -site and de- livered in bulk between ll:.00 A.M. and 11:30 P.M. Disposal trays, knives, forks, spoons and paper napkins will be used and supplied by the sponsor. School Food Service's responsibility will cease when food is delivered, no serving labor will be provided. B. Harris- Food will be served in the School Cafeteria at 1:00 P.M. C. Marathon - Food will be prepared at Marathon High School and transferred in bulk by the Sponsor to the serving site. Food will be served using disposable trays, knives, forks, spoons, cups, and paper napkins provided by the Sponsor. Take-out meals will be dished at the serving site and delivered by the Sponsor. No delivery or serving labor will be provided. D. Coral Shores - Food will be prepared at the Coral Shores High School and transferred in bulk by the Sponsor to the serving site. Food will be served using plastic trays and metal utensils supplied by the Board. Take-out meals will be dished at the serving site and delivered by the Sponsor. E. Future Site - To be established upon determination thereof by Directors of the parties. Page 1 of 4 Pages 3 b� 2. Meals will be provided daily Monday through 'Friday except for the following dates: (a) Columbus Day - October 8,.1979. (b) Veterans Day —November 8, 1979. (c) Thanksgiving -.November 22 & 23, 1979 .(d) Christmas - December 25, 1979 (e) New Year's Day - January 1, 1980 (f) Washington's Birthday -''February 18, 1980 (g) Good Friday - April 4, 1980 (h) Memorial Day - May 26, 11980 (i) Independence.Day - July 4, 1980 (j) ' Labor Day - September 1, 1980 3. Meals provided during days when school is in session will be charged at a rate of $1.80 per meal. Meals provided on non -school days will be charged at a cost using the following for- mula: �1.18. (food cost) + labor (actual rate. + 15%) + .11 (administration) + indirect cost (6.98%) 4. The type A School menu will be served on all - days when school is in session. Special menus may be_served on days when school is not in session. The minimum menu pattern to be followed for Senior Citizens is as follows: Meat or Meat Alternate 3 oz. .Vegetable or Fruit 4 oz. Vegetable -or Fruit 4 oz. Bread or Bread Alternate 1 oz. Butter or Margarine 1 tsp. Dessert 4 oz. Milk 8 oz. 5. The minimum and maximum number of meals p.er site is as follows. This applies only to the school. day SITE MINIMUM MAXIMUM Douglass 50 65 Harris 80 100 (unless additional site is established) Marathon 25 35 Coral Shores 20 30 Future Site TBA TBA' . . Page 2 of 4 Pages 6. Unless cafeteria managers are notified of a modified number of meals by 9:00 A.M. the maximum number of meals allotted will be pre- pared, delivered and charged on school days. 7. Special meals for dietetic or medical purposes cannot be prepared because of the lack of proper equipment and trained personnel. 8. Meals to be delivered to homes will be dished at serving sites by Sponsor personnel and delivered yb the Sponsor personnel. Home deliveries must be completed prior to or after completion of Board student meals. 9. Menu planning will be the responsibility of the Monroe County School Food Service. No changes to this menu will be allowed without the approval of the BOARD's Director, School Food Services. Menu changes will be allowed when there are un- available problems, i.e., non -delivery of raw food, which precludes the scheduled menu being served. The responsibility and the authority for menu changes belongs to the Director, School Food Services. The Board's Director shall notify the Sponsor's Nutrition Director of any changes in menu monthly. 10. Any problems or areas of interest will be brought to the attention of the Board's Director, School Food Services by the Senior Citizen Nutrition Director. Due to the number of sites involved, it is absolutely imperative that the proper re- porting channels be observed. 11. Special functions, i.e., picnics, birthday parties, etc., must be scheduled and approved at least 30 days in advance by the Board's Director, School Food Service. 12. The responsibility for the care and maintenance of the serving site at Douglass and Marathon is the responsibility of the Sponsor. At all other sites the dining tables will be wiped and chairs straightened by the Sponsor. 13. At serving sites where Senior Citizens and school children are sharing facilities, there must be no conflict between the two programs. The Senior Citizen Nutrition Program must not interfere with the School Lunch Program. Page 3 of 4 Pages 311 14. School Food Service recipes and preparation tech- niques will be used exclusively on all days when school is in session. 15. At the sites where the meals are delivered in bulk it is the responsibility of the Board to make sure all items on the menu are delivered. 16. The School Board will not be bound by contract to provide meals on days when school is not in session. A reasonable effort will be made to provide meals and the Sponsor will be given (30) days notice if meals are not provided. 17. The Program is authorized to operate 249 days a year. Through mutual agreement by both Sponsor and Board, the operation of any site can be dis- continued at any time and for any length of time. Page 4 of.4 Pages