Resolution 221-1979 RESOLUTION NO.221-l979 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A PROPOSAL FOR MODIFICATION OF EXIST- ING CONTRACT BETWEEN RECREATION PLANNING ASSOCI- ATES (RPA) AND THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS (BOARD). BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute a Proposal for Modification of Existing Contract by and between Recreation Planning Associates (RPA) and the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (Board), a copy of same being attached hereto. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 25th day of September, 1979. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONR~FLORIDA /~ By Cha rman (Seal) Attes t '--, L "-,,./ ~/' ) ",;:-." / ~&: C~//r'.v 25. L.-"" C e r - APPROVED 4S TO FOHM ANt) LlGAL SUfffCfElV{;Y~ ;k~~~ BY,.. - " ~ 0Ifir;6 APPROVED ON BOOK \'1 " <i ' ~ 5 .") ~ PAGE--1~ I, ~~~ .-. 'Ii' 312> .' A ::IATEB LTD. FUNOlr'~G CONSULTANTS. PL ~S . LANDSCAPE ARC.Iy/ /) , -\ /~' ",; ~ .~ ~ '';. <", ~_.."" I n -i en ) " 2400 EAST DEVON AVENUE SUITE 165 DES PLAINES. ILLINOIS 60018 PHONE (312) 297-1180 . Board of County commissioners Monroe County, Florida 618 Whitehead Street Key West, Florida 33040 11 m :l> en rn r =i -< en -i C o m en . August 31, 1979 SUBJECT: PROPOSAL FOR MODIFICATION OF EXISTING CONTRACT BETWEEN RECREATION PLANNING ASSOCIATES (RPA) AND THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS (BOARD). Dear COmnUssioners: The following is a Proposal from our firm to you for modification of our existing Contract with your Agency to include Items A. and C. list- ed below under Scope of Work and for you to authorize our firm to pro- ceed with Item B. of the below listed Scope of Work. Since Item B. is already covered under our existing Contract with your Agency only the proposed authorization is necessary for its implementation. PROPOSAL S COPE OF WORK A. Immediate implementation of the three (3) phases of work outlined in the attached Exhibit "A" (Outline for Feasibility for Site Usage Study and Preliminary Development Plan) as necessary and required documentation for the preparation and submittal of an application for acquisition of surplus federal real property. B. Prepare and submit the required application to the federal govern- ment for acquisition of any part of or all of the 155 acre parcel of G.S.A. controlled surplus real property located in Key West, Florida upon completion of Item f1A" (described Above) . C. Upon acquisition by the County or any entity or joint venture of the County of all or any portion of the subject 155 acres of sur- plus real property from the federal government, development and initial implementation of a "Detailed Final Development and Imp- lementation Master Plan. II SCHEDULE A. Completion of Item "A" of Scope of Work listed above: approximate- ly three (3) months after the date of this Proposal's approval. Work on this Item will commence within five (5) days of the date of approval by the Board of this Proposal and receipt of the signed document by Recreation Planning Associates, Ltd. " _,~, ~-~ r-. ..., ,............ ,. " ~. , page'2 of Pro~ to: Board ot County Commissioners Mon~oe County, Florida August 31, 1979 B. Item "B" of Scope of Work listed above: within thirty (30) of completion of Item "A"listed above. C. Item "c" of Scope of Work listed above: To start within thirty (30) days of acquisition of all or any portion of the subject 155 acres of G.S.A. controlled surplus real property by the County or any of its entity's or joint ventures. Completion date of this Item is to be determined prior to initiation of this work item or as otherwise provided for in the Contract covering this Proposal. BUDGET A. Item "A": ,Staff time Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) plus lodg- ing, subsistence and travel expenses payable upon RPA's billing. B. Item "B": Eighteen Hundred Dollars ($1,800.00) plus out-of-pocket and travel expenses plus a "secondary fee" as provided for in Article IV. B. of existing Contract with the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners payable as per terms of Contractual Agreement subject to mutual agreement. C. Item "C": To be negotiated with the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners within seventy-five (75) days of the date of approval of this Proposal. STAFF The firm of Recreation Planning Associates, Ltd. will be the prime con- tractor for the above described activities, but will be allowed to sub- contract to other consulting firms such portions of the above described Scope of Work activities (namely portions of Items "A" and "C") as it deems necessary for the orderly and timely conduct of the "Study and Plan." At present Recreation Planning Associates, Ltd. intends to us the firm of Wurster, Bernardi and Emmons, Inc. (of California) as their primary sub-contractor for the above described Study and Planning activities. Among other activities, this firm has been substantially involved in projects such as the planning, development and implementation of the 250 acre Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency program; planning and implementation of Ghirardelli Square in San Francisco; planning of Cor- vallis, Oregon Redevelopment Plan; Los Angeles Redevelopment Plan; etc. CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT Simultaneous with the approval of this Proposal, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners will authorize their attorney and either a member of their staff or their Board to work out the final Contractual details and Agreement with the project staff of Recreation Planning Associates, Ltd. under the previously stated terms of this Proposal. Up to thirty (30) days will be allowed for the development and approval of the modification of RPA's existing Contract without jeopardy to the progress of work on Item "A" listed in the above Scope of Work. .Page'3 of Prof to: Board of County Commissioners Monroe County, Florida August 31, 1979 ACCEPTANCE Acceptance of this Proposal will be indicated by the signing and return- ing of one copy of this Proposal to Recreation Planning Associates, Ltd. in Des Plaines, Illinois. This Proposal is being offered to the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners for a period of twenty-five (25) days from the date of this Proposal. If not accepted by the Monroe County Board by the twenty-fifth day after the date of this Proposal, the Proposal will become void unless otherwise extended by Recreation Planning Associ- ates, Ltd. Respectfully Submitted: RECREATION PLANNING ASSOCIATES, LTD. By ~ ~. Dr. A. David Greenberg President ACCEPTED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THROUGH AND BY OFFICIAL ACTION AS AUTHORIZED BY THE BOARD: Date: September 25, 1979 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ::NROE c~/r F~ Ikfv~n ( Seal) Attest: - / \~;:: [/ (b 1 ....-'lst 31, 1979 EXHIBIT "A" OUTLINE OF PROPOSED "FEASIBILITY FOR SITE USAGE STUDY AND PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT PLAN" (Submitted To: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners) PHASE 1: SITE ANALYSIS AND'PROGRA}~ING 1. Review, analyze and summarize relevent information contained in reports, plans and proposals on the propert~ adjacent areas, the City as a whole and the County. (Materials for review to be supplied'by the County.) 2. Conduct a site inspection and photo survey to evaluate and record existing conditions on the site and within adjacent areas. 3. Coordinate the study with the General Services Administration to ensure development of a plan which will be acceptable and suitable for transfer from the Federal Government. 4. Identify funding opportunities for planning and development of the property. 5. Monitor and suggest concepts for elements to be evaluated under the GSA initiated Environmental Impact statement. 6. Prepare a site analysis describing significant influences which may effect development of the site and evaluating the opportunities and constraints to opportune site development. 7. Identify are~swhich will be significantly impacted by development of the site and which need to be included within the conceptual plan framework. Areas to be evaluated ~ould include: (a) Black Town; (b) The remaining adjacent GSA property; (c) The Existing commercial and governmental area; (d) The State Park area containing Fort Za~hary Taylor. 8. Test market concepts not id~ntified and evaluated in previous report prepared or commissioned by the various governmental entities. PHASE -2: CONCEPT PLAN FORMULATION AND TESTING 1. Prepare and test alternative physical planning concepts for the property and adjacent impacted areas. 2. Test funding concepts for alternative planning approachs identified above. 3. Test the economlC feasibility of the planning concepts. 1S t 31, 1979 " EXHIBIT "A" (Page 2) PHASE 3: CONCEPT PLAN DEVELOPMENT 1. Develop a conceptual plan for the property to include planning concepts or recommended approaches for adjacent impacted areas, Conceptual plan to include: (a) Physical Development Plan; . (b) Marketing Concepts; (c) Economic Development Concepts; (d) Funding Mechanism. 2. Prepare a final report and recommendation to the County Commission for GSA Application -k *k -;'( ;', * .J~ " o.J( 7( .J~ " -;'( "k