Resolution 223-1979 RESOLUTION NO.223 -1979 WHEREAS, there has already been one death in the immediate area, and WHEREAS, the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles has also requested the installation of a traffic light pursuant to the attached letter dated October 14, 1976, and WHEREAS, the County of Monroe has been advised that the Department of Transportation is reviewing this matter and has been reviewing the matter since 1974 without taking any objective action, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the Department of Transportation take imme- diate action to advise the Board of County Commissioners as to specifically why the Department of Transportation has not installed the light, including the basis of such decision and/or when the light may be installed and/or any other action the Department of Transportation would recommend be accomplished at this time. 2. That this request is made on an emergency basis in that this matter has been under consideration for a con- siderable number of years without any immediate and final action being taken to date. 3. That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Department of Transportation, including the Secretary of the Department of Transportation and the Monroe County Legis- lative Delegation. DATED October 9, 1979. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, F ORIDA By Attes,t: I 'X-;;7 / ,/ 'or )',., Z \. A!f/ / t--::./ 0l--tf4'/'l~ ,/ C erk (Seal) ,.,.,.,. AI m FOIfM AND ~ $tJfFIC1E~~V.. a1 ,/' ///; 2:> { BY _ /!-,J{.{.~/j:dJ'::,.:J ~rrcr""'Y '<, ,,' .,(; 31~ !.Ii? , .) .. I ' !, . .~~.., " d' ',' "..r :,--, ',. Y'_ ' ;'~'~,~o~:, L:~ ,t ,i ,,' ,:\"\ '_ I'..' -\' - ,'0 "}:-:- ..; C'~:,:--.-/ :J' .,... ;~':/ ' ',~;-.,-;../ ,/ /1'~c /:...( / { t I , ;'/ t ( " L ...:.", . " I. .' _,)lale u/ ~/orijll D3oartli18nt 01 !110Q'"J;\" "r\ (!rl~' t H u "-1 ~ }t ~ ~}h tj A~~D r.lDTOn VEHICLES eOL C l.D H I.GE 'tn.: ~CH, 1)1 nliCTOA ,DIV1,.10N (1r '-LonlOI/l, ....IGHWAV ~",T"O\.. 1'4t-:I\.. KIHKMAN ULa-G J 0 I I r-.l 0 C A LV 1 r~, 0 I TI E C T 0 H 1"."1510.... or MorOlf VLI-4tCLf:'.i COLL.INS BLDG 101 w. (~AI"41:' .T. T A,-L^HA)SE( mo. CLAY W, KEITH,OlfH.:CTorl DIVIS10.N 0'- onlvEn LleF.N'SES N~'L ...'H)ool.M....N BLDG. RALPH DA\ IS f!.fCVTll('; I. ~LC'tO" HIl'~ ....llIIII"..4" "LO~. AunrlV CJlRTt.H, JR..OlnE.CTOR DIVIIION 0" AOM1NI5TRA'fIV" SI:AV6CI.I H.'''' tot'R",M"'" .Loa. October :4, 1976 1'.::-. Joh~ ',;i l~,;or. ~ e p D. :-:'~:i ,~ ~ ":, 0 fir' aD :; po r t ~'.. t ion 738 3',[ 2~ t'l ot. Ft. Lau~crd~~G, Fla. 33315 T.::: ::::Y~ir,Gerinc 8tud:.r on SR 5 in the area of the Island Chrictlan s~~ooi in I31a~lorada, ~lorida. .. Dec.r .."......... ...t. . ',;J. l:;on " .J- ':lcrC;'IJ:! ;,'cc~uc~;tJ :;:lat o.n (;nt;i~eerin5 study he conducted cn :3 5 i~ t':lt"; area of t~li,' I::;land C:':"l:."'istian School in Isl.::tL1orD,da for t.he purpose 0:' ~;':':;1:c:;1:'i:'V, t:c~lfr'ic c.~ciic:r:t3 ~J.:1d. Drovif.inG safety devicES for ~:nG ~Jro- 7..Ecl.io:: ,)~~ J,/c [,c";lCJOl. c:"..i:l(;'~Gn ',:1'10 attend trJ.is school. This partic'..:L, e.rc:'. is, ',-.:'-:1 (lccicj,;''1t ~U'C','1 end t>.,?;"P has >0;8n a fatal a~cid8rlt ;It t(~(. soMol ::lvoc'Ji:l[', " "coc.li 'ooy \<',0 attc:,utcd to cross the hiClway. I ",eel t:-~~t :,:::':'(; 1...::; i~l:;'J.fficic,lt J"ra:i'ic contl'ol (:svicGS in t-.v; o.rea to 33.1'e- SU2.:::'C t::e c',111c.rr~n (tnd 3C;1001 '8USG8 thC\.t opel'ate in the arGc.., :'-'1(' .JC."'lJlts of JL/l'.~ c'::il,::::.~(;rl ../-.0 att,,;nd t,llis school ::;.rG vc:..':T CJ:-,- CE:-':-:Ccl 3:,),)'''':'' t':,e ~,i~t:.:lt.~,Cln [L:-d 31"8 'f)repaireG to voice t:-:cir o,?inior.. an']- '.:cy ','0 S 5 t"~' e. I, 'no. v () [;?Q" en to 00 th the Prine 1 p",l, ;ir. An toony ';",;(\',10;1 "nd :):lntJ:'"" 1''..~C," ~')~'tc;c of t>-; Is2.C\.nd COiTIitunitj c;~urc'r.l n::)out t'c,is si.:.uo..7..i'Jn a:1u ;l:l'vE t:~:"'L f'J.:~::' Gu:))ort. ... ~ I 'J",Y>,:"'llil.:,J ,):t:;:'01 t',lis 8.::-'eC\. an:: (,D.ve \lo:;:,ked ~3Gve!':J.l accidents, i:1C'__IJ-:"i, C". ::':'~,J'11. ('\'-I'? 011'~ ::ic;,.l1:,r seriCJ'J3 ones.I stron;rly u:-'3G you to :~;::'.ke c;~~rj ~:~0~t to c:r~0ct t~is situation ana 1 hope you feel frsG to con- 8l~~~ ~~, JOLI ~{ish. ~ Fla.. 33070 ... cc-?~~~~~r ?or~(r . ~"'. ':' -: ~l ~.r :-: a.~.~. :-:10 tl ... ~~~~. ...r1.,............ ... ..;;.........."'. /,/ 's. ! .~~~ 40.. : .., -u, ~- -_.....~---,-_._.. ,~--.. ~....~ .'.,'..1' ....' ,c,',.." " .., 2. I") t"'l , '~~."':._\: ,.,"':>'.""~;' ~.,....~,.~,,\,,'I r' \,,~""':'S'~~--, . .,. '. ".~-:,::';"':~, ," Y',.;5':~'':':~:<~#~ ~~~:;:tS'?:"i;':~,\::~:~,', ~~~..:~~~, ~f~-,'~';~::~,;~, 't,.i~'':'''':''' ,.TZ.,."._ .~:.~.~ /~,. ~~ -y ,,)J' ... " , ' .~. , . ..' .. ~ ,_.~ ,,~"", ",-;,::.;.:";,?':""-,:;~\i::,:::-~:,,,~~:~""r<,