Resolution 235-1979 RESOLUTION NO. 235 -1979 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF LEASE END EXTENSION AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN FORD MOTOR CREDIT COMPANY AND THE COUNTY OF MONROE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That said Board hereby authorizes the execution of a Lease End Extension Agreement by and between the Ford Motor Credit Company and the County of Monroe, a copy of same being attached, for the leasing of one (1) 1978 Ford Fairmont to be used by the C.E.T.A. Office. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 9th day of October, 1979. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA tg~~ al. an By ---- (Seal) Attest: ~/ ) ,': Y,~~-;"'-" !,'~, -----;t%~ /i~--d~_/:;' AJIlJIIWOWD AS' TO FORM AIID.,~tlAL SUFFICIENCY. ~ij1 /1 ~;~/ " BY ~:{!d:C; AU,i)r,~-'p~".~:- /~", BOOK (\ T' C!,,~ J I u I. EAGE --L t) '?--- -.. APPROVED ON '\ I" .... 6i~ ~'FPrd Motor Cree RETAIL VEHICLE LEASE npany LEASE END EXTENSION AGREEMENT Di ? /20/",'9 LeSeor s Name and Address Lessee's Name and Address Ford 110t.or '~re,ii_ t~o. ;,cs~:()r J900 IT. \.]. 79th hv". ;O'Jnty of Lonroe r~oo ;:h5.tehc.'id 0t. .i='~.Y l!cst, ii'L ).30~10 ",~ . ,. r'l ,dlarll) J<.L' Lease No. I'M 1\T1 "" l-TMOn Date of Lease: 10/2)1/ ~~'signee: FORD MOTOR CREDIT COMPANY (Ford Creditl For valuable consideration, Lessor, Lessee, and Ford Credit agree that the term of the described Retail Vehicle Lease (Lease) with respect to the vehicle(s) described below may be extended from the Present Termination Date set forth below to the New Termination Date set forth below on the terms and conditions hereafter contained. Yea;' ,-.~ ,- ( Tota Is Vehicle Make -For' : ':" Serial Number "'A92T?C519 ~~ ~ Description Model Fair<YI,'llt. Present Termination Date 9/2h/79 New Start'ng Date ID'1/79 ,-: " '," . ' " " " " , , " " " ':: , , No. of Months Extended 12 New Termination Date 9 j;jj/'o New Termir ation Date 9/30/80 Monthly Rental During Extended Term Commencing n~+ ~ ') 19 --R B,I..P.D.. [J Pa id Herewith Additional Coil., Comp, [J Incl, in Insurance Month I y Payment Credit/Dis. 0 Paid Herewith Premium(sl Insurance 0 Incl. in Monthly Payment Service (Maintenance) during Extended Term' Total Monthly Payment :~l':S .;;0 Monthly Tax Rate 0, o Total Monthly Amount Due ~.~) 1 J:~ .~~O 'If no specific amount appears on this line, Assignee (Ford Credit) will assume that any service (maintenance) charge previously included in the Lease and sub s e que n t I y outl i ned in a separate agreement between Lessor and Lessee has been term inated un less otherw ise specified in such agreement, Lessee agre~ to'\ pay the Monthly Renta}1l~ Monthly Tax during the Extended term commencing on the date specified above and the other changes a0ndica,t~d above. EXCEPT ar'moylified above the Lease continues in full force and effect. / / ,<:L V Le""_~~~ . .~;~:-' , L~ of. ~t:yy:. FV c,~;' Com~"" IF"d c'ed:~DMIN By ,- .....--"...-:.:..'-~._'-.._.~~:- '''--no By '~L?A__ ~i -f.J. ... )B'yl~ AA _ A~.re;" A./ ....T:'n Consent of Guarantor: The undersigned Guarantor consents to the above and foregoing exte~J(;n and agrees that tlied"ame does not release, impair or limit his liability as guarantor of the Lease. Guarantor Signs F M C C 11418 July 75 Previous p.rliti()n~ MAY he used. Date DEALER: Prepare 4 copies and submit to Ford Credit for signing. Copies (2) and (3) will be returned to you. BRANCH: Ori~inal - DPC COpy 1 - Lessee File Copy 2 - Lessee r"nv 3 - Dealer 'I,";; .~'., Lease No, Retail Vehicle Lease (Net Lease) D'ate: October 24, 1978 Lessor (Name & addressl DuDeaD Ford L1neo1D Ktt1'e1U7 1618 ROO..flUt BlYCt. l~r.w.t,a~.essor"1 S3040 Lessee is a 0 IndiVidual [] Partnership 0 Corporation Intended use of vehicle 0 Personal 0 Agricultural 0 Business as Lessee jN~me & address) Cowrt.~ of M01U'Oe ~ Whitehead st. (h.ft'8Y'f~ P-lain ';~1!~ .,. j ";\:'i..-:-'.': . ~... . {-.-' County A~ (Occupation of Lesseel, LESSOR, named above, hereby leases to LESSEE, named above, and Lessee hereby leases from Lessor the Vehicle(s). including the Equipment, described below (hereinafter called the "Vehicle(s)" on the terms set forth below and on the reverse side hereof and in any Schedule attached hereto and made a part hereof. Year Fairmont , : ~ " ,., .... b Base Monthly Rental Service. 2 (MaInte- nance) 3 Insurance. $ 4 . ..,' ,... $ 5 $ T ota I Mth Iy 6 Payment $ 11 +2 +3 '4 T5) Month Iy 7 Use or $ Renta I Tax Total Mthly B Amount Due $ (6 +71 Down Pvm'l, 9 line I. Trade- $ Inl 10 Rental $ Securi ty $ $' Other 11 $ $ $ InItial Pay- 12mentI8+9+ $ 10+111 $ $ Excess mi leage charge: .05 C per mi Ie over 15.OOOv1iles per year TERM AND RENTAL PAYMENTS: The term shall comr]1ence on the date hereof and sholl continue for the Lease Term stated above. LESSEE agrees to pay to Ford Motor Credit Company (hereinafter called "Ford Credit") as assi9.nee of Lessor the Total Monthry Payment (Ilem 6 above) for the term of the lease in accordance with tne Payment Schedule' set forth above plus any taxes. or other charges for which Lessee is respon.. sible under the terms of this lease and a delinquencv ch'Jrge on each payment due hereunder wh i ch is in d efau I t for 10 doy' 5 or mo re in th e amount of 5% of such payment or $10 whichever is the lesser I?lus all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, in effecting call ecti on hereunder. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: Except as provided ab~v;' if a char e is provided for insurance, Lessee shoJI provide at his own eXp'ense t~e following insurance on each VE"hicle during the term hereof: (,) compre" hensive fire and theft insurance, if the Vehicle is a p'assen~er car, or fire, theft and combi'led additional insurance if the Vehicle IS, ~ truck, sublect to a deductible amount of not more than $50, (I.) colliSion 0'10 upset insurance subject to a deductible amount of not more thon $10Ud liii) automobile liabdity insurance with limits of not less than $100,00 lor anyone person for bodily iniury or death $300,000 far anyone accident for bodily in/'ury or death, and $25,ObO for property dama~e. Lessee shall pay for 0 I repairs made necessary by OCCident or colliSIon which are not covered by insurance. All i'nsuronce sholl protect, os their interest mqx appear, the Lessee, the Lessor and Ford Credit and sholl be acceptable os to form, content and insurance company to Lessor and Ford Credit. Lessee shol furnish such evidence of such insurance as Lessor or Ford Credit may from time to time require. Lessee sholl promptly notify lessor and Ford Credit of any accident involving or camoge to any Vehicle and of any c1oim, suit or demand arising out of the ownership, moin'enuncc or use of any Vehicle. TERMINATION: This lease shall terminate with respect to a Vehicle (L) upon expiration of the term of this Leese( the return of such Vehicle to the Lessor and the payment by Lessee 0 all SumS with respect to such Vehicle for which the Lessee is responsible hereunder, or (ii) at the option of Lessor, upon the death of the Lessee if the Lessee is on individual or if the Lessee is a partnership, upon the death of any partner or other di.ssolution of the partnership, or, if the Lessee is a corporation, LESSOR accepts this this lease to F conditions se 'deration assigns on he terms and revers side hereof. By' (. ~ GUARANTY: Undersigned hereby guaranties Lessee's 0 reverse side hereof. Guarantor: * 0 Maintenance: to be provided by Lessor during the first mi les of operation of each Vehicle pursuant to a separate agreement for such service, and which, s,er\iice includes not to exceed replacement tires' during the lease tenn. MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS AND OPERATING EXPENSES NOT EXPRESSLY COVERED BY SEPARATE AGREE- MENT REMAIN THE RESPONSIBILITY OF LESSEE in accordance with paragraph 3 overleaf. []J Non-Maintenance,<,;.Fli:. ',; '.~ UINSURANCE is the responsibility of the Lessee in "accord- ance wi th the Insurance Requi rements set fOl th below, If a charge for insurance is included in item 3, opposite, Lessor will use his best efforts to obtain and maintain insur- ance as follovvs: :~:;"::. II \~' Physical Damage: 0 Collision ($ Deductible) o Comprehensive ($ Deductible) .-: o Fire, Theft & combined additional coverage ($ Per Mo, Deductible) o Liabi I ity Insurance Limits: " :~i{4i,;:,;(; B.I. per person '.. 8.1. per accident occurrence l In the event the Less-or."s cost for such insurance increases J during the term of this lease. Lessee agrees to pay the amount of such increase upon being billed therefore or. at Lessor's option. b-y an increase in the monthly rental for the balance of the lease term, In the event Lessor is not able to obtain the coverage indicated above, or if the insurance is cancelled or expires and the Lessor is unable to obtain replacement insurance elsewhere, the Lessee remains fully responsible for providing such insurance in accordance with the Insurance ReqUirements. belOW. Unless indicated above Phys. sica! Damage and/or LIABILITY INSURANCE IS NOT PROVIDED BY LESSOR. "-*Charges are for services indicated for the term of the lease unless specifically provided for a shorter 'term in any schedule att(lched hereto. If lessor's cost for such services increases during the t'Jrm Lessee agrees to pay such increased cost as additional rental. PAYMENT SCHEDULE INITIAL PAYMENT litem 12) due on the date hereof. TOTAL MGNTHLY PAYMENT (Item 6), plus any use or rental receipts tax in the amount in Item 7 or such other amOIJl1t as may be due the taxing authority from time to time, shall be due ,md payable on the o 5th 0 15th 0 25th day of each month during the term of the lease commencing , 19 Lease term: 11 I Months upon its dissolution or merger with or into any other corporation, or in upon the occurrence of on event of default os hereafter provided; or (iii) ot Qny time upon such terms and conditions os the Lessor and Lessee sholl 'mutuolly determine provided that the prior written consent of Ford Credit has been first obtained. Lessee has no right of termination prior ,to expiration of the Lease Terma \. ." . '.;":<"~~ '~.. ,:. J", ASSIGNMENT: Promptly upon the execution and deliverY her~of, Lessor will assLgn this lease to Ford Credit. Lessee acknowledges receipt ot notice of Lessor's intent to make such assignment to Ford Credit and agrees to make 011 payments due or to come due hereunder directly to F.ord Credit without further notice and without setoff, counterclaim or defense. Lessee a9.rees that Ford Credit shall have no obligation or liability under this lease by reason of such assignment for any repairs, service or maintenance of any Vehicle or to provide any insurance, or any other service req\Jired to be provided by Lessor wnether or not a charge therefor is included above and that Lessee shall look solely to Lessor for the performance of on,y obligation (\f Lessor with respect thereto, Upon assignment to Ford Lredit, Ford Credit shall have all the rights and remedies of the Lessor hereunder. Lessee shall have no right to assign this lease or any interest herein o.r in cny of the Vehicles or Sublease any of the Vehicles without Lessor's and Ford Cre,dit's prior written consent. I , " NOTICE TO THE LESSEE: (1) Do not sign this agreement before you read it or if it contains any blank spaces to be filled in, (2) You are entitled to a completely filled-in copy of this agreement. .. Lessee ilcknOV\lledges receipt of a completely filled-in copy of this agreement at the time of signing, notice of the assignment of the lease by Lessor to Ford Credit and receipt of del ivory of the Vehicle(s) in good order. r, ,-."" The ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS on the reverse side hereof are a part hereof and incorporated herein, ~' ....:.;:....'-.''''.... ~ .~t~:..~:~~;... ......r,"::.... , under in accordance with the tenns,qf the I?u~,r~nty set f,orth on, ~e .. ..~, ;;;~;d!)~;,~~};f r~ t::'\~;,~9: t ::;-~;::T. ,;>;~' ;::';:"~f~(:{C{ i' Witness: ,?i~'\'.~<\:').;' ~... "; I.: -. FMCC 11388 MAY 72 Previous Editions May NOT Be Used Prepnre as 'ollow~: 1 - OnUlnrll 2 - DlIpl icale Prepare 5 copies , , 3 - Lessf!P COpy 4 - Deiller 39,