Resolution 249-1979 RESOLUTION NO.249-1979 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE AN INSTALLMENT PAYMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~1ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION FOR PURCHASE OF THE IBM MAG CARD II SYSTEM. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF 110NROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute an Installment Payment Agreement by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, and Inter- national Business Machines Corporation, a copy of same being attached hereto, for the purchase of the IBM Mag Card II System. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 23rd day of October, 1979. Attest. 2 \}'I- , ).~ " . ~,~ ,- . ./",./ ~"j:~ ~ --- ..- (" /:-{ / {. -~., ~. -,,' / Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS :: MON;~b~:~A __ (Seal) APPROVED ON_ BOOK ,ILl! PAGE 52-. l~ ~. 'j ~'l ~~ (Z.Q.JJ -t.l ~ If '1 .. \ ~ '1 7 , . --- - ----- - ----- - -.....-- ... .- --- - ----- ---- -- ---.- Installment Payment Agreemen (State and Local Government) FrS('11 Y. 11 "'ill j' .; ( I to ,1. . . {~ ,....!- ?' '. Electric Typewriters (ET) & Input Processing Equipment (IPE) Type Of Instilllnwnt Pilvnl"nt Plan 6 MO l II ~ ~'. ~ I' All Machines Other Than ET & IPE Type Of Installment Payment Plan 1,' ".'" ;'" 1.'11 , Jr'Mol<- 48 MO ' 60 MO 1.' ~,,10 . .{~ ~ / (\ ~ . 1. This Installment Prtyrnent AgrecIT1cnl sup,plements and amends ttle Purchase AgreJ?ment. dated 19 , hetween INTERNATIONAL RLJSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION (IBM) and the Customer with respect to the IBM machines and/or their model upgrades and features (hereinafter called machines) on that Agreement. /7 /'; ,;:' ./ r .__'" /,'... $~)/_/I2.//, tC' ~__,_ (A) $__'=___.____._ (B) $ _~,L.-:/.5:'J.~~ (C) $ _/,.:?~.2.f..-- (D) $ _. j;.l //_ /1"'___ (E) $ _ u;j -,.;-["";2.-;7/'---- (F) $__, .._-==__,__ (G) $ ___'lj?',[-/':",___ (H) $_~-==:__ ___ (I) $ ___/.2..,:2.,25__ (J) - $ 'd-~~I,,yJ...2L-:?;.L (K) $ ~,.. r.---r ,., C (L) - ..n' 7'.,..)-'-';___+"'/- Purchase Price (from Purchase Agreement) Trade.ln Credit (from Purchase Agreement) PlIrchase Option Credits (if applicable) Cash Down Paynwnt 0 Til11f.~ of Installation Total Down Pilyment (8 + C + D) Unpaid Balance of Pur':tlase Price (A-,E) State and Local Taxes (if arplicable) Time Price Differential (Finance Charge on F) Tax on Time Price Diffcrentiill (if applir;able) Total Cash Payment (0 j G + I) Total Installment Payment Price (F + H) Total Installment Sale Price (-I -+- K) [)yEffectlve Dale of Purchase / Installment Payments to be made as follows. (Select Onel o o Monthly Option ;Or Amount of Fir'sl Installment Payment . v Amount of Subsequent Installment Payments Annual or Biennial Option Fiscal Period Installment Paymenls $ $ 2. 3'/,5' 7 " .. - ____________u_________ , ;2 3.'1", ,2/1 1 2 3 4 5 6 $ 1'1.jL,-:/.:I~m_u_ $ _. __,,2 7,-3./t,K.L__.u.n . $ ..;2 1 .~-I[,/J:'-!,_._.,- $ $ $ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON THE REVERSE SIDE ARE A PART OF THIS AGREEMENT Sr Off No CuSI(,rnpr s Narrp I ..._.___nl/[)}/ l.urL1(tJl'(/..nund/~L.//.f~ Addrps; / /' . .., 5cn(l !t~~, !-'~f/r/l.:j0'-'=-~-T-- ell... it"(1 Sld\P llo C{)d~ / . / ..:. -::- -::>::.? 7 .,.'nA Cj_{1._,-'> f...LZ4..:. _.u~!.~~c.._~ r.__ Ma.ck For IAlt~)1'0'1 Y' / International Business Machines Corporation \ 1____ -' n. ,--- Please Type Of" Print all IrIformatlon except signature I -- ---- --- -- ----~-~----~~ -- Branch Olllr:e Addre'is " ,~ff3_:?2"n /l/,Jr'// .5~:3 ~.t: \ CI'Y and Stale \ -,_~Ll"A/Lll~r" Eltl.. _ ,t By (18M R~pre5e"'a""'e c; 5'1 ~Iure-I I \140:-2186 . \'M 25 \ ....,p C0df' stamer s Slgnalurel ~r J Dali> :'~,"'.;'" ',' ...,.,~,,~..;:;,~~., ""','_jicf""~'<" -7.-'~;-~- J"; /) C9- r-~~'i""~' ,f:.~"" ':\, ""~". '~'l.'" J." // "'?/ /' / .1./;d;;;_:tt~;t~5n_--I'I-;~~;'~- 4;/C))1 r j r'(,;~mMn COpy /. -~ .:......; ./ // \ , \ \ \ : ~'~~;"~.~:~7::~:'".~~:'~~.~,~'~';'~~,"~~=-.~--:~.,-~:~'.~~~'~~~~~~, .~'. ...~.:~r._~~:,.,').'~F, :.~;~~'~'~ , ....~; t:~: ,,,'t!..~f'..:Jt.'rJl"~ ~..". ~'- ~"i'":1- .'t. ~ t..,~ r' " ..: ,.~.. l"-:Y ........ .~..p, ..-y.,:, ..rro.,"'1fUt...-.,..., '""Yo ":"':; ~ "-'i" ''", -' . ~ "',;r.:y.. I" :-:;: ~ .,..:...r_.".' '.' :3.(, o' "*" -.. .:p...~'....... _._~;~.... <(, ,'.: ,;.. .t;............' or...'. '';'' ,,-. ..." . . "'~r," ;'-': ..... .>.....~ ". ...,".....' .r,." .;." 'j. ....'l.. . ",,,,""-, ... ." "';;;";., '.' ,",..,~,"', ,........ ;>-.1'/" "!5:8-' "0 -4-.~......~~~.r:~,....:t.' ~"'\.;'-"I"", ....,' ,,0. -"J'- - rl., ,_/nA""!J",'_"'--Jo-'.'-_",*",~-. .;.:.,.., ~.... .'If.-.-'L, f/(, '. '.' J' ,,,,,- ...l'! ,.~.-, \' . f'~' . '... ~'. ._."'. ~ .',>..;0.<.. ." ",."-'~" ....'_' " ~. - .:~" " - ..'t . ....., -, " ro' ,'-' , ," '. . . ,.,.........,"', ,......,~~ ..",-. """""-=--~""'-~''''~~'::'_':..:..,-_.'...i.,;,.~ ;;:~~;,:,.;,:.:,=:o:,___:::,,::,~::;:;,:_;;:~,..:;;;;.:::~y.:~-:::.::...=-;.::_-;;.::.:.:...:::~t-____:.-:..;-:--,'-:' . ~ , #' . :,'1 ...... \ ~ INSTAllMENT PAYMENT AGREEMENT (State and local Government) TERMS AND CONDITIONS I ACCEPTANCE Acceptance of this Agreement by IBM IS cont'ngent upon the absence ul any ,""thematlcal ~rror or deviation from 18M's current prices, Unless the Customer rs adVISed 10 the contrary wlll"n 15 days after the signrng of this Agreement, this Agreement is accepted by IBM as wrrtlen and IS in full lorce and effect on the date signed by Cuslomer, '. PAYMENT The Customer promises to pay: (1) the Total Cash Payment In full, and (2l the Installment Payments until fully paid, all as shown on the frrst page of this AglCement. The Total Cash Payment will be due as followS: (1) lor other .than Ihe pu,chase of installed leased or rented machllles on Ihe Date 01 Installatron;. or (Z) for the purchase 01 installed leased or rented machines on the Wectlve Date 01 Purchase The Firsllnstallment Payment will be due as lollows , (1) On Ihe I st day 01 the loll owing month when the Installation Date or Effeclive Date of Purchase for a machine is on Ihe 1st through 151h day 01 any month, (2) One month after the 1st day ollhe following month when Ihe InstallJtron Date or Effective Date 01 Purchase for a machine is on the 161h through the last day 01 any month, If Customer selects the Monlhly Option, subseQuent Installment Payments will be due on the 1st day of each month following the due date lor the First Installment Payment. Il Customer selects the Annual or 8rennial Option (8iennral Option only if Customer is under a blCnnlal fiscal period), subseQuent Installment Payments are due on Ihe flfsl day of succeedlllg f'scal periods The Customer having been offered the cho'ce of purchas,ng af tile Purchase Price (less any credll for trade.in eQuipment or purchase option accruals) plus applicable Slate and Local ta<es or at the Tolal Installmenl Payment Price has elected to purchase at sllch Tot,lln,tallment Payment Prrcp., The Customer may at any time pay in advance the full amounl due hereunder and Ihe Time Price D,fferentlal Will be adjusted by IBM to retlect Ihe shorler pa,menl peflod All remIttances Me fo be made fo the IBM Rranch Off,ce Address ,ho...n on the InslJllmenl Payment RecQrd. ..h,ch w,lI be maded to the Custom"r by IBM ASSIGNMENTS This Installment Payment Agreement is not assignable by the Customer. nor may the Customer sell, transfer, reloc<1le, or dIspose of the machmcs, or any of them, Without prIor written permISSion of 18M, In no event may the machines be relocated outsIde Ille UllIted Slates Any attempted assignment or transler by the Cuslomer of any of the lights, dubes or obligations of thiS tnstallment Payment Agreement IS vOId, CUSTOMER'S COVENANTS The Customer agrees that: (al it will not create, assume, or volunlaflly suffer to eXISt, wlthoul giving IBM alleast 15 calendar days' prior wfltten notICe, any morlgage, pledge, encumbrance, security IIlterest,lien, or charge 01 any kind upon Ihe machines, or any of them: (b) it will keep the machines in load repall and operatIng condition; (c) it wrll pay promptly all ta>es and other charges when levied or assessed upon Ihe machines, or their operation or use, or upon IBM in connection with this Inslallment Paymenl Agreement (exclusive of taxes based on net mcome); and (d) It wrll promptly satisfy all liens againstlhe machines. The Customer further agrees to procure and mamtain fife Insurance with extended coverage agarnst loss, Ihelt, damage 10 or destructron of the machines for the lull ,nsurable value thereof for Ihe duralion of th,s Inslallment Payment Agreement, the policy lor such IIlsurance berng endorsed to show loss payable to IBM and assigns as respective interests may appear, Upon reQuest a certlf'cate of such insurance w]1I be lurnished to IBM or assigns. Any p'oceeds rece,ved dlfectly by IBM under such insurance shall be cred,led to the payment reQuired from the Customer pursuant to the section entitled "Destruction ot Machines," DESTRUCTION OF MACHINES In the evenl Ihat any of the machines shall be lost. stulen, irreparably damaged or destroyed or otherwise rendeted permanently unlit lor use from any cause whatsoever (such occurrences belllg heremaller called Casualty Occurrences) prior to Ihe payment lIlfuil ollhe Total Installment Payment Price, to the extent permrtted by law fhe Cuslomer shall promplly pay to IBM a sum eQual to the aggregate Casually Value of such mach,nes. Any money so paid shall be applied, on the lIlstallment date next lollowlllg receipt by IBM of such. payment, to reduce II1stallmenls therealler lall]ng due so that such installments represent onty the payments due for Ihe rema,n]ng mach,nes, The Casualty Value 01 each machine suffering a Casualty Occurrence shall be Ihe sum of the balances of unpaid Insfallment Paymenls and Time Pflce Drfferen",,1 unpa'd at the flme of 5uch Casualty Occurrence and altflbuled 10 such machine, such Time Pllce Dllferent,al belllg adlusted by IBM to rellect the shorter payment period. DEFAULTS Anyone or more of the following are ever>ls of default: (a) tile Customer sh-dll fail 10 pay in full any sum payable by the Customer when due hereunder follow1llg IBM s Wfll1Cll notice 01 suc.h fadure, except as provided for in the section titled "Fundmg"; (b) the Customer sha~ fall to obtam msurance as reQuired in this Installment Payment Agreemen\; (c) the Customer shall, for more than 30 days after IBM shall have demanded in Writing performance or observance ttlereol, failed to comply wrth any other term of this Installment Payment Agreement; (d) any insolvency proceedings of any character. voluntary or involuntary, sha~ be rnstituted by or against Ihe Customer; 01 (e) tile Customer shall make an assignment lor tile benelil of credItors. ',. // . "' ':'t ~'-rf REMEDIES 11 all r'1Tflf vi 0dault shall hiJve occurred. InM or a:,-:;iRns fT11Y, fo th~ f'JIp-n1 permitted by I~w: (a) recover the balance of amounts due hereunder, (b) enter any premISes where the machines may b, and fake possession 01 them, or render them unusable, and relarn all prior payments as partial compensation for Ihell use and depreclatron; (c) il Customer has failed to keep the machines in gooo repalf and operating condition, restore the machines to good repair and operatrng condition ai CuslQlTler's expense lor actual time and materials expended bY.l8M at IBM's then current charges: (d) sell the machines, after at leasl15 days' nolice before the date 01 any intended public sale or Ihr date alter which any private sale or other disposition olthe machines is to be made, With or w]lhou, the machines at the sale, at which sale IBM or assigns may purchase the machines; (e) incur reasonable altorneys' fees and legal expenses in exercrsing any 01 its lights and remedies upor defaull whIch the Customer agrees to pay; and/or (f) pursue any other remedy permitted by faw or ir eQuily. WaIver of any detaull shall not be a waiver of any other default; all of IBM's lights hereunder a[( cumulat]ve and not alternative, FUNDING Since the Custnmer IOtemls In renuest Ihe appropriation of funds periodically to be paid for th' machrnes, if funds are not--approp"ated fa> the Customer for such Installment Paymenls for an lulure Fiscal Period. the Customer will not be obligated fo pay the remarnder 01 the Totallnslallmen Payment Pllce due beyond the end of the then current Fiscal Period. Such event will not constilule af event of default, The Cuslomer agrees to notify IBM in writing 01 such nonappropriation at the earlies poss,ble trme, In the event that funds are n~appropriated as provided above and the Customer is unable to ma~J furlher payments due under thIs Installmenl Paymenl Agreemenl beyond the end of the then currer F,scal Perrod, IBM w]II, w]lllin x reasooable time alter tile end of such Perrod, enler and lake th' machines Irom the Customer's premises and will relain all sums previously paid by Customer to 181, as partial compensation for machine use and deprecialion; provided. however, thai upon Customer' reQuesl. Customer may, prior to such repossession, retain the machines during a reasonable pello agreed fa by IBM at a monlhly charge desrgnated by 18M, beginning on the first day follow]ng fhe la' F]scal Peflod lor whIch payment has been made hereunder. SECURITY INTEREST AND lOCATION OF MACHINES To secure the payrrrnf of tile Total Installment Payment Price, IBM reserves a purchase mane secuflty Interest 10 each of tile machines and the Customer hereby ~r"nts a security IOterest III at subs.llut'ons renlacements and arldilions thereto and the proceeds thereof. A copy ot t11 Installment Paymenl ^greem"ntmay be tiled wilh approprrate authorillCs at any time afler slgnallJ' by tile Customer as a finanCing sfalement,n order 10 pertecl18M's securrty mlerest Such filing do' nol constitute acceplance of thIs Installment Payment Agreement by IBM The Cusfomer shall ai, execute from time to lime, alone or with 18M, any flnancrng statemenls or other documents and c such other act or acls considered by IBM to he necessary or desirable to perfect or prolect II securrty Interests hereby created, lhe machines shall remain personal property, not become part' the freehold, and be kepi at Ihe Customer's address shown on the first page of Ihis Agreement whe IBM may inspect them at any reasonable tIme, GENERAL II the un,t prrce or trade.,n credit for any machine is adjusted as provided for in Ihe Purch" Agreemenl relerred to herern, the payments herein agreed Co be paid shall be adjusled and HI Inslallmenl Payment Agreement shall be amended accordingly. The terms and condrfions of this Installment Payment Agreement shall prevail notwithsfanding a' variance wIth the terms and conditions of the Purchase Agreement referred to herein. Should this Installment Payment Agreement and/or the Purchase Agreement referred 10 herein I held by the courts 10 be invalid or unenforceable. in whole or in part, the parties agree that tl machines shall be deemed fa have been IIlstalled pursuant to the terms and conditions of 18M's Sta and Local Government Lease Plan at 18M's apphcable Stale and Local Government Lease PI,. Monthly Charges, commencIng With the Date ollnstallation or the [ftecfive Date of Purchase 01 Ii machines For the period prror to such holdmg, IBM shall credIt to the applicable Lease Plan Monte Charges tile amounts p3ld by the Customer to IBM under this Installment Payment Agreement a amounts pJld by tile Customer for mainlenance, properly laxes and insurance: Any Bcess cred shall be refunded to the Customer, and any deficiency shall be due to IBM; butm no event shall a amount be due to IBM in excess of funds appropriated, THIS INSTALLMENT PAYMENT AGREEMENT AND THE PURCHASE AGREEMENT REFERRED " HEREIN CONSTITUTE A SINGLE AGREEMENT AND TIlE COMPLETE AND EXCLUSIVE STATEMENT ( THE "GREEMENT BETWHN THE CUSTOMER "NO IBM. WHICH SUPERSEDES AlL PROPOS"LS ( PRIOR "GREEMENTS, OR"L OR WRITTEN, "NO "LL OTHER COMMUNIC"TlONS BETWEEN T~ PARmS REL"TlNG TO THE SUBJECT M"TTER OF THIS AGREEMENT. THE CUSTO~ "CKNOWLEDGES TH"T CUSTOMER Ii"S RE"D THIS AGREEMENT, UNDERST"NOS IT, AGREES BE 80UND 8Y ITS TERMS "NO CONDITIONS, "NO BY CUSTOMER'S SIGN"TURE ON THE FIR P"GE OF THIS AGREEMENT "CKNOWLEDGES THAT CUSTOMER IS LEG"LLY "UTHORIZED ENTER INTO THIS AGREEMENT. THE CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF " TRUE CO HEREOF "NO OF THE PURCHASE "GREEMENT REFERRED TO HEREIN. , ,._.-...,.......i/;I~~1J~z:'f'~>1. .f '&.4 ' 1 _...__._-_.~--' ;':'';'''';~._. ,;....~.....-.....-~;~...~~;~:.i: --.--------.;-':"" -"---~-'---:""-"""'~'..._-----.- .~:.Ir~'"'.~...,....~'.-':.. ~""'''''~'''':\ "'""~';"'....-~ .",..,"..,"t-,,,'--'''r: "':~'cft.:... ".0::... _' ... -...-...-..~......, ';""~-"~"',~T~~,~~~.~"'-f..".~. -.. _..~..l....";"~~"-"''';'.'''~ _._....~t_ ~;.;r-,...A'I.::-;,~.,.,.;Jtr. ~.:...zW'TZ1r:.-:~..,....;..., ,:\... ,....m:~'-fv:'.'..,.i.~.....i:J... ft"'.,..,,,.,,' '";L''' ~':'\ot!f""..".,.~...., ,~, 1,0" r",.' ',Ji't.. .- t' "fr;--: ,< ., ...,..... /'-'..'-.... ." .e.,..-.r- iii: .'---, r .... 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