Resolution 269-1979 RESOLUTION 11 269-1979 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MONROE County, Florida, has received an application from William B. Ansley to construct the following for the purpose of developing a commercial marina: 13 finger piers (2 locations) with the dimenSbns of 10' long x 2' wide, pile sUI~rted and connected to the uplands. 14 mooring pilings (2 locations) A total of about 450' of riprap to be placed at MHW (2 locations). A wooden pile-supported shoreline dock measuring 200' long x 4' wide. Riprap and fill an irregular area below MEW measuring about 50' x 50' x -3' MLW. About 285 cubic yards of fill would be placed below MHW. (Dimensions of fill area revised 9/25/79). A floating barge would be used to drill pile holes and to place mooring pilings and finger piers. All materials would be delivered to site by truck, a crane would presumably be used to place riprap and a dozer would be used to level fill. The project site is located immediately south of U.S. #1 in Marathon, on Boot Key Harbor, and in an area of intense residential and commercial development. Shoreline alterations are extensive with commercial piers, dredged basins and fill sites. Little natural shoreline remains although immediately east of the site is a shallow embayed area with a mature red mangrove fringe. The basin of the project site opens into Boot Key Harbor, an artificially deep navigation channel connected to Moser Channel to the west. Across Boot Key Harbor to the south is the natural red mangrove shoreline of Boot Key. The project site consists of a long, narrow spit of land bounded on the west by an artificially deep boat basin (used by commercial and private interests) and on the east by an embayment of shallow (-1' to -2') natural baybottom vegetated by turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum) ,Cuban shoalgrass (Halodule wrightii) and epiphytic algae. Most of the west shoreline is old concrete bulkhead that is presumably to be replaced. From this will be located the finger piers and mooring pilings. This basin is deep (-15' MLW?) , with essentially unvegetated, silt and rubble, eroded sides and presumably lacks significant benthic vegetation due to depth, lack of circulation, etc. The southerly 250' of this spit of land is an irregular low-lying rocky point that is vegetated by large red (~hizophora mangle) and black (Avicennia germinans) mangroves, buttonwoods (Conocarpuserectus) and glasswort (Salicornia). This area is presently too narrow and low- lying for development other than by transients which have established small homesteads and docks in the mangroves. About 140' of the shore- line of the boat basin north of this mangrove fringe area is an eroded rubble, sloping shore, vegetated subtidally by the algae Laurencia, Caulerpa and Halimeda. Along MEW in this area would be placed riprap for about 200' and the shoreline wood dock would be placed just waterward of the riprap. Presently, there are scattered, small red, black and white (Languncularia racemosa) mangroves along this rubble shore. Themst side of the property, adjacent to the shallow bay, contains a mature red, black and white mangrove fringe for about 300' of the open water shore to the north. This fringe contains mangroves to 15-20' tall and is about 10-20' wide. MHW is located through the I APPROVED ON -r ,,-.;}O.1<<1 PAGE d\ 0 -1 13 , BOOK middle of this fringe which precludes the placement of riprap in this area. Waters in front of this fringe are shallow (0 to -1' MLW) and contain seagrasses. South of this fringe for about 250' is a rubble, debris laden shoreline that contains scattered, small mangroves and slopes to vegetated baybottom. Riprap is proposed here along MHW and would continue to the south below MHW to enclose a subtidal depression about SO' x SO'. This area was artificially deepened (currently about -3' MLW) in the past and presently contains only soft sediments (2' to 4' deep), debris, junk and large numbers of upside-down jellyfish (Cassiopeia). Innnediately to the east of this proposed fill area are soft sediments and turtle grass and to the south is a shallow bank with coarser, more compact sediments, vegetated by shoalgrass and various algae. The west side of the fill area slopes up to the hard-rock spit and several large, mature red mangroves. Fill would be placed across the center of the spit to connect with the riprap at MHW of the west shoreline. This would square off the south end of the project. Fishes observed in this general area included snappers (Lutjanidae), pinfish (Lagodon Rhomboides) and silversides (Atherinidae). The~acement of the finger piers, shoreline dock and mooring pilings will have no adverse impact on local biological resources as they will be placed in an artificially deep basin. Placement of riprap along MHW in two sites will insure cleaner shorelines and reduce erosion with no loss of significant shoreline vegetation. The SO' x SO' fill area will eliminate an unvegetated, silt-filled depression and establish a clean riprap shore adjacent to seagrassed baybottom. The placement of this fill and riprap will not impact adjacent seagrasses. Several large, mature red mangroves will be eliminated along with their attendant prop, root connnunities. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MONROE County, Florida, that said BOARD hereby given its approval for the construction of the above mentioned project. RESOLVED this 20th day of November, 1979, at a Regularly scheduled Meeting. ATTEST /;.;;~/v~ Cle~ BY \)2-