Resolution 271-1979 RESOLUTION # 271-1979 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MONROE County, Florida, has received an application from Te1e-Media Company to: Place a fill pad with the dimensions 12' x 12' x 2' in a mangrove wetlands below MHW for the purpose of placement of a commercial antennae. A fill road to the pad will measure about 30' long x 10' wide and will be removed after placement of the pad. About 10 cubic yards of fill will be permanently placed below MHW. All equipment and materials will be delivered to the site over existing upland roads. This site was chosen as it supposedly is the site within the immediate area that will not be interfered with by an adjacent Southern Bell antennae. The project site is located in Marathon south of U.S. #1 in an area of scattered residential and commercial development. The mangrove community of the site is tidal and about 600' from open water of shallow, nearshore flats and the Florida Straits. To the north are natural unaltered mangrove shorelines, immediately to the south is an isolated borrow pit, with fill areas and further to the south is Marathon High School. Inland from the site is a single, long artificial canal, filled, essentially undeveloped uplands and a golf course. The fill site is a narrow projection of tidal red (Rhizo~hora mangle) and black (Avicennia germinans) mangroves to about 15 tall that extends from a larger, tidal mangrove area to the east. The site is bounded to the north by the Te1e-Media compound and to the south by fill from the borrow pit. This tidal area is about 65' across, had about 6" of standing water throughout and contained leaf litter as much of its benthic community. Observed in the immediate area were small 1ivebearers (Poeci1idae). The tidal connection to this area has been reduced by a fill road to the south to a small ditch about 3-4' across (see photo). The upper reaches of this mangrove pocket deadend in another fill road across which there is no tidal movement. The fill road will be placed from the open fill area to the south. This project will result in the filling of about 144 sq. ft. of tidal mangroves with some alteration caused by the placement and removal of the fill road but due to the limited amount of disturbance and the limited tidal flow to the area, this impact is not considered significant. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MONROE County, Florida, that said BOARD hereby given its approval for the construction of the above mentioned project. day of November, 1979, at a Regularly RESOLVED this 20th scheduled Meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY~COMMISSIONERS MONROE COUNTY LOR ~ - BY ATTEST ------) "~;P-b Cle ,~ ~~/ - APPROVED ON 1 I -d, 0 - ') 1 ~AGE ao1 BOOK -r \35