Resolution 278-1979i RESOLUTION NO.278 -1979 RESOLUTION REQUESTING DEPARTMENT OFl:TRANSrPORTATION ASSISTANCE IN PREVENTING OBSTRUCTION OF U.S. HIGHWAY #1 AND CLOSER SUPERVISION IN THE POSTING OF DETOUR SIGNS AND BARRICADES IN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, at the present time highway and bridge construction by various contractors is presently underway in Monroe County, Florida and the tourist season has begun --.arid asea result thereof it is necessary that north and south traffic along U.S. highway #1 be relatively unobstructed so as not to adversely and needlessly impede the .free flow of traffic• -ands;_ WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the Board of County Commissioners that often times two-way traffic,:has been needlessly obstructed for long periods of time by construction equipment which could be positioned on said bridges in such a way as to allow one-way traffic if considered by said contractors, and, WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the Board of County Commissioners that road detour signs and road divider barricades have been posted in a' dangerous manner so that motorists •.b.n U.S•. -H �ghway #1,,"are in doubt as to the proper lanes to procede in.and as a result thereof:;'thbcDepartm:e.nt of Transportation of the State of Florida should exercise closer supervision over said bridge and roadway construction, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS.OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Department of Transportation be and it is hereby requested to institute proper supervision over the various contractors in Monroe County, Florida to request and demand that proper consideration be gi'ven•to-the motoring public that two-way traffic. not be needlessly impeded, and that closer supervision be taken by the Department over the .placement of road detour signs and road divider;:barricades to assure that road hazards not be created in the positioning of same along U.S. Highway #1. RESOLVED in Regular Session at Marathon, Monroe County, Florida this 4th day of December A.D., 1979. Attest: .BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE C„ TYRIDA By: : !, I � -` ` S!s do euti:ent has APPROVlth MY ED ON �, E,a yi9�'c she safrfe rlet�3 Z_ 800K PAGE ^�1�P,2a 3D`�'uI. 1110gAa 0 C. pAyrnm } L 1 1 1