Resolution 283-1979 RESOLUTION NO. 283 -1979 RESOLUTION GRANTING ZONING APPEAL OF RELIABLE VENDITNG SERVICE, INC. WHEREAS, the Monroe County Zoning Board of Adjustment on August 10, 1979, denied the requested dimensional variance for Reliable Vending Service, Inc. to build within one (1') foot of the rear property line on property described as: Lot 36, Block 54, Maloney Subdivision, Stock Island, Monroe County, Florida Plat Book 1, Page 55 and located in Section 35, Township 67 South, Range 25 East. (Zoned BU-3) and WHEREAS, RELIABLE VENDING SERVICE, INC., having duly appealed said denial to the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners and WHEREAS, said Board setting as the Monroe County Zoning Board of Appeal has read the transcript of the August 10, 1979, Board of Adjustment hearing, and has listen~d to the testimoney of all parties interested in said matter, and applicant having reduced his request for a variance to authorize the building of a structure bo within five (5") feet of the rear property line, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the appeal of Reliable Vending Service, Inc., be and the same is hereby granted and the decision of the Board of Adjustment reversed and applicant Reliable Vending Service, Inc., is hereby granted a dimensional variance on the real property heretofore described to build within five (5?) feet of the rear property line. RESOLVED in Regular Meeting at Marathon, Monroe County, Florida this 4th day of December A.D., 1979. -") At te st :/'., IZ ,'..... ' }~. / " :i$/ C:(~//./t~) '--- 'C rk" BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE ~~Y~RIDA .{~ , -I {~tO-,<- /', /','/ ./7 v. ?'~.. Cha rman '~.-Iti.u . '- ,. J .u.~...... .--......;.';....i..."--..~ "...;,0.., .......--.-....--.~'" By: r ..,: .1' ..,~..""'".."'t:--.t. ',,~\,!- I "rnlr.:;w C"?'I'CV U:Si: t.::-::; t:'J;,~..b ,,;,. ""''', .~....i.~J'j 1.,.1 Ll' , .._ :(.'~'"...~.,[""<:I"'.~~ ~,:'-J b"'e'" rr,,,;r.-Y\i''''''\ for ,~r;i.li ~,j, ; ''''t, '''''''.J. "" ...:.. .....,\., v..l ~ ";~m\l ccn,~nt ,m~ that U'lf s"me tf\]LS Vla.l 8 approvaL ~CH~D ~E AS!it. Co:.mty I\U.:)rM':/ AFiF5p:t"r iT) ON 80:),; .5 J~.1' PAGE_~_~~ L. 0 '2-