Resolution 284-1979® RESOLUTION N0. 284 -1:979 RESOLUTION DENYINGZONING APPEAL OF RAYMOND MURPHY. WHEREAS, the Monroe County Zoning Board on -July 27, 1979, denied BU-2E zoning to Raymond Murphy for real property described as: and SW 1/4 =of: the: '_NE = 1/4 :of '_Section_- 26-,..:.. Township 66S, Range 29E, Big Pine Key, Monroe County, Florida (Zoned BU-1) WHEREAS, RAYMOND MURPHY having duly appealed said denial to the Monroe County Board of County Commissionerswho sitting as the Zoning Board of Appeal, having examined the transcript of the July 27, 1979 Zoning Board hearing, and..havin.g listened to the testimony and argument of all part.ie.s.intereste.d in said matter, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Appeal of Raymond Murphy be and the same is hereby denied and the Monroe County Zoning Board decision of July 27, 1979 relating to the a.f•oresaid.zo.nin.g request be and, the same is hereby sustained. RESOLVED in Regular Meeting at Marathon, Monroe County, Florida this 4th day of December,-A.D., 1979. Attest: Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Cha rman� fin."? `�' �'� �e •_ �n.^7�•`� f.:ek_3 �'1`ykt:C+^� ��„ �^..�� t�+W E�`�1,•'�' 11e-�uR:•i�i S'maS��1l � APPROVED ON BOOK PAGE Z o-3