Resolution 286-1979
FLORIDA, has received an application from Mr. Jim Flenner to:
Place riprap boulders along MLW of an eroded open-water and
canal shoreline and backfill with about 225 cubic yards of crushed
Miami oolite fill. Riprap will be placed on a 3:1 slope with a
dragline and backfill will be spread with a bulldozer. All materials
and equipment will be transported to the site over existing uplands.
The project site is on the east side of Sugarloaf Key north of U.S.l
and located on Bow Channel, a major tidal channel, handling current
flow between the Florida Straits and Florida Bay. Depths in this
channel range from about -3 to -8' MLW and bottom communities are
productive seagrass or hard bottom algal communities. Shorelines
in the area~e exposed to predominant SE winds. Across Bow Channel
on Cudjoe Key are natural mangrove shorelines and wetlands.
There are scattered residential communities in the area with a few
long dead-end canals. There is a peripheral channel along and to
the north of the site shoreline with fill uplands adjacent to this
channel. Upland residential development is low, probably about 10%
and there are natural mangrove fringes located immediately to the
south and further to the north from the project site.
The site shoreline is severely eroded back fram the peripheral
channel (1000' long) that termnates on its south end in a short
canal projecting to the uplands with natural red mangroves
(Hhizophora mant) on its south side. Distance from the channel
edge to the ero ed upland bank ranges from about 30-40' along the
open water shoreline and the corner formed with the upland canal
portion. The distance from the bank to MHW is about 8 to la' and
from MInJ to MLW is about 9 to 15'. Uplands are fill and are vegetated
by grasses and weeds and a few scattered button~70ods (Gohocarptls
erectus) along the bank. The intertidal zone is v7ell-sorted rock
rubble and essentially unvegetated. Below MLW are vegetated rubble
communities extending to the channel edge and consisting of turtle
grass (Thalassiatestudinum) v7here sediments are adequate and the
benthic algae Batophora, Gaulerpa, Penicillus and Laurencia in
addition to filamentous red algae. Shoal grass (Halodule wrightii)
is present in subtxal areas on the canal side in addition to these
algae. Distribution of turtle grass is patchy at the project site
below MLW but is more well defined in subtidal areas along the
shoreline immediately to the north of the project site (see photos).
Distance from MLW to the channel edge ranges from 9' to about 18' on
the point. Most of this zone is vegetated by either algae or seagrasses
providing habitat and organic production to a large variety of fish,
invertebrates and infauna as well as filtering upland runoff and
securing the bottom sediments.
Several hundred feet to the north is a residential seawall with
backfill ulaced at about MLW and further north, where erosion has
been less- severe, the shoreline is filled out to near the channel
As proposed, the riprap will be placed immedj~ely landward of the
vegetated subtidal zone. Observations of the shoreline structures
to the north indicate that subtidal vegetation will not be adversely
impacted by the placement of riprap along this line. Shoreline fill
immediately to the north should also be restricted to the MLW line.
The project, as proposed, will have no adverse impact on local
biological resources and 'tvill stabilize the upland bank from further
erosion. The riprap placed at a 3:1 slope will provide ample
dispersion of wave energy to prevent scouring in front of the riprap
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of MONROE County, Florida, that said Board hereby given its approval
for the construction of the above mentioned project.
RESOLVED this -l ~+n day of December, 1979, at a Regularly
scheduled Meeting.
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