Resolution 013-1980 13 RESOLUTION NO. - 1980 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF ARMY ARTIFICIAL REEF PERMIT. WHEREAS, on September 25, 1979, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida authorized Dr. Haywood Matthews and Mr. Tom Murray to seek an appropriate site for the creation of an artificial reef, and WHEREAS, an appropriate deep water site has been !9cated for said artificial reef, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners be and he is hereby authorized in behalf of the Board to execute the attached application for artificial reef permit. RESOLVED in regular meeting at Plantation Key, ~onroe County, Florida this 3rd day of January, A.D. 1980. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COU~TY, FLORIDA ) ., / j l / By: Attest: ... I../:L/ / i /, .- '."7,(f, -4 '--Z lerk ^.....T'-.. t' t {..:. ('"...,,.,....,~t h"'( s I PfR~~Y ,.<. '1'\ ~"'~\)j~ ,l.J,' .,,_.. . . ,..... . .......~..t - t ., I"". r." ~ ''''~':'~'f';~ .-.r; n,! ::: ~.~tJ beert 1"(;1."'<:".;:)" fJf, G." S,,, .,'.. w" ct}r:t~~~t ~;'d' U~&lt the ~f1~ m(!;.st~ ~'';;S:; my approval b LJ . ~P"''{P'' ' ~R'CHARD G. M "I: . ..", _ _ ':. II'!', ;'''''\'-~ -,if A~~," v"t.~~..j 11...,.'-;.4'>>.. BOOK _ \ ...~.,~() PAGE~ nOt ~ 'Ly..~ DATA REQUIRED iJVTHE PP.IVACY ACT OF 1974 (6 V.S.C. 55;!,,) TlTLE?FFORMJojnt ApDlic;atiQn, Dept Qf.the.Army/F10rida Oept of Env 1 ronmenta I Re u'l a tl on tor Ac tlV 1 t 1 es 1 .r 1 1. AUTHORITY Section 10 River & Harbor Act 1899, Section 103 Marine Protection, Research & Sanctuari es Act of 1972 and Section 404 Fed ., 2. PRINCIPAL PURPOSE(S) Application form for permits authorizing structures and work in or affectino navigable waters of the State of Florida, the discharqe of dredged or fill material into navigable waters, .and the transportation of dredged material for the purpose of dumping it into ocean waters. To be used by citizens of Florida as one application form for State and Corps dredge, fill and structure permit applications. 3. ROUTINE USES Describes the proposed activity, its purpose and intended llse, including a description of the type of structures, if any, to be erected on fills, or pile or float-supported platforms, and the type, composition and quantity of materials to be discharged or dumped and means of conveyance. The application is made at the District level and subsequently the content is made a matter of public record through issuance of a public notice. The content of the application is made available to any requesting agency, dealinq with the review of the application. The form itself is not made available; only that information which is pertinent to the evaluation of the permit request. The form (or copies) could be kept on file at District, Division or OCE level, depending on the details surrounding the case. The information could become a par"t of any record of a revi ewing agency with a need to kno\'/; such as U. S. Fish &. Wildlife; Environmental Protection Agency; etc. 4. MANDATORY OR VOLUNTARY DISCLOSURE AND EfFECT ON INDIVIDUAL NOT PROVIDING INFORMATION The disclosure of information is voluntary. Incomplete data precludes proper evaluation of the permit appl ication. Hithout the necessary data, the permit application cannot be processed. '/:.i,~\t~ 2\{1 - '-" '.'~ .::.< '''i'~' ;..,...."~~~....~..-'..:~,:~_...,_..,~~..-.~!:_,...~,,,.__,'_.'".,.. J . , ~ ~ ---- ---- , , JOINT APPLlCA TION DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMYiFLORIOA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION FOR ACTIVITIES IN WATERS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Ref... to Instruction Pamphlet for explanation of numbered iterm.end ~ttachments requind. 1. Appljgtion number (To be assigned) 2. Oate . 3. For official use only 17 12 79 Day Mo. Yr. 4. Name, address and zip code of applicant Monroe County Board of Commissioners Monroe County Key West, Florida 33040 Telephone Number 294-4641 (area code 305) 6. Name. addreu, zip code and title of.applicant's authorized agent for permit application coordination Tom Murray, Director Florida Cooperative Extension Service P. O. Box 2545 Key West, Florida 33040 Telephone Number. 305/296-9786 .,. Describe the proposed activity, iu purpose and intended use. including a description of the type of structures. if Clny. to be ~rected on fills, or pipe or float.wpported platTorms. and the type, composition and quantity of materials to be discharged or dumped and means of conveyance. , See addition Dredged/Excavated Filled/Oeposited Volume of Material: CY CY CY CY WatefWard of Landwerd of Waterward of Landward of O.H.W. or M.H.W. O.H.W. or M.H.W. O.H.W. or M.H.W. O.H.W. or M.H.V/. I 7. Proposed use I Private ( I Public ~ Commercial [ ] Other ( ) (Explain in remarks) 8. Name i1nd address including zip code of Cidjoining property own!n; whose property i1tso .djoins me watelWJY. None I I 9. location where proposed activity exisu or will oc:.cur See attachment B I Street address 0 57' 47" 240 39' 34" I longitude 80 latitude (If known I Sec. Twp. Rge. I SUt,) County In CIty or Town Nur City Of" Town - , 10. Name of waterway at location of the activity Atlantic Ocean I ~...~ ::'.i#,:JiYf......."'" _~::::::;-:E::.::--~ SAJ FORM 983 .2] Jul 77 -z..-4 i ,J 11. Oate activity is pronosed to commence Spring 1980 Date activity is expected to be completed Summer 1980 12. Is any portion of the activity for which authorization is sought new complete? Yes (I No [X) If answer is "Yes" give reasons in the remarks section. Month and year t~e activity was eompleted . Indicate the existing work on the drawings. 13. List all approvals or certifications required by other Federal interstate, state or IOCdl agencies tor ;my structures. con. struction, discharges, deposits or other activities described in this arplication, including whether the project is a De. velopment of Regional impact. Issuing Agency Type of Approval Identification No. Date of Application Date of Approval Coast Guard Permit for Aids to Navigation will be applied for when Corps permit and funds are approved. ..t~ 14. Has any agency denied approval for the activity described herein or for any activit',' c;irectly related to the activity de- scribed herein? Yes ( ] No ocx (If "yes" explain in remarks) 15. Remarks (see I n.truction ?amphlet for additional information required for certain activities) See additon C .,-"""'" 16. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the activities described herein. I agree to provide any additional information/data that may be necessary to provide recsonable assurance or evidence to show th3t the pro- posed project will comply with the applicable State Water Guality Standards or other environmental protection stan. dards both durir.g constructio;'l and after the project is completed. I also a~ree to provide entry to the project site for inspector, from the environmental protection agencies for the purpose of making preliminJI y analyses of the site antj monitoring permitted works. if permit is granted. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and that to the best of my kn edge and belief such information is true, complete, and accurate. I fur. ther certify tha~ I possess the authority to n ertak roposed activities. I ,3 .~O Date 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any departmem or agen;;y of th~ Uni,ed State. knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or C0vers up by any t~jck, sct~eme, or device a material fact cr makes a~y false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or repre;entations or makes or uses any fJlse writing or docunlent knC'v/ing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent :;tatemenr or entry. shall be fined not more than S 10.000 or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. The applicati(;O must u'! signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activit.,.; however, the J~plica. tion may ~e signed ~y a duly authorized agent ,f accompanIed by a ~t<,t{,ment by that person designating the Jgent al1d agreeing to furnish ur:;on request, supplemental information in sup~.)Ort of the application. FEE: Attach Checks/Money Urders Oil front Payable to Depilrtmf:.nt of Envi~onmentill R.:gulation 5200 Stannard form projects S20 Short forms and Chap~er 403 projects only ~'t , 4~ ~ ': :.t*:f~ r 1,- ",",<I a:.; l v " of _Y.-l_ '.1 / .~ .' ~<~""3;" r~' ,~ -. ." . PURPOSE: DATUM ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: CD o IN AT COUNTY OF APPLiCATION BY SHEET --i\- /1 {' Y': STATE OF DATE 2.50 6. The proposed reef construction will serve basically two purposes: a) provide supplemental habitat to improve local recreational fishing quality and at the same time reduce angling pressure on natural reef areas. The proposed site is easily located and accessible to the majority of small boaters launching on or around the Marathon, Florida area; b) provide suitable transfer site for tires and tire modules associated with a previous artificial reef project (Corps permit U75s-0204) off of Marathon. The transfer of these problem tires to the proposed reef site will remove any remaining threat to viable coral reef formations and marine grass beds in the 1I01dll permit area; this will also provide the initial materials for the proposed reef in the IInewll permit site. Future additional reef construction in the proposed permit area will include the use of bridge rubble material as it comes available from the ongoing bridge replacement work along the Overseas Highway. See Attachment A. 25\ 9. The location of the proposed permit site is in water 98-100 feet deep on a bearing of 45 degrees magnetic (and approximately 1000 yards from Marker "20." Loran-C coordinates are 14033.7 and 43303.8. The Coast Guard, based on these Loran-C coordinates, has figured the coordinates to be: 80 degrees, 57 minutes, 47 seconds longitude, and 24 degrees, 39 minutes, 34 seconds latitude. The proposed site is entirely within federal waters approximately 4.5 nautical miles due south of Grassy Key, Florida. See Attachment B. 2..5 2... II S'r PI'1'EIlcB,'nC" J.-....'I')n ""'LEG~ 1 . :. : \..:) L h. J l _ . ~ (f\ ~,\.1 L'~ 1 t: CLEARWATER CAMPt:s. 246;") DRfW STEiTT. CEARWATFR, FLOf<jiJ.\ 33515 II 11-15-79 Col. Adams, District Engineer P.O. Box 4970 U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville, Florida 32201 Dear Sir; On Nov. 12, 1979 I made an underwater survey of :he Rotary Club artificial reef of Marathon Florida, just south 0: Coffi~ Fatch Reef. As I am sure you are aware, this reef has been suite a ~roblem in the past. Needless to say, a tire reef s~ould never have been attempted in this shallow depths in unDrote2~ed waters. I was asked by the Monroe County Com~ission to survey :he site and make recommendations as to how to correct the Drob1e~. For some years now I have headed an Artificial Reef ~esource ~eam wi:~ the Florida Sea Grant funding, and I have been building and s:udying artificial reefs since starting my graduate work in 1963. I was directed to the site by Kr. Kruer, a biolc~ist with the Marathon office of the Florida Department of E~viron~~ntal ?eg- ulation and Mr. Tom Murray, the Area Marine hdvisory ?rocra~ Agent. Fo~tunatly the water was exce~ticnally clearso we we~e ajle to get a very clear picture of the problem. As you are probably aware, many of the ~ires ha~e troken awav frem t:he permi tarea and are scattered as individual ::,~res c~ 1S- olated units for several miles. We made no attempt :~ Loca:e these individual groups, but surveyed the ~ain body of tires s:ill on the original drop site. This area contained probably frc~ 100 to 200 tires. Most of these tires are held down with nylon :ine phssed throu~h the center and secured to concrete ~illed tr~c~ ~ires on each end. An inspection of these tires shc~ed almos: nc fo~:in~ organism growth on the outside, indicatinG ~hat thess :i~es 2re in constant motion back and forth across the sand botto~. ether units are s~nk one half to three quar~er~ i~to the sand. ~~eJ~es jeer~.~' imbecied in the sand do sho'..: c::msiderable fCiling gr::~'::;-:, e'.'en cO~:'2.J grc~;th.(mail'11y Millipora SF) ~he e~tille arsa also t23 t~r'ldls3 o~ tires that have completely embeded i.n the carbon2~e ~~~j so ~2~~ :1~3t onl~ a small tip or strip of rope is left 2t'J~e the 2~~~. ~.~~- tte 12r~e nu~ber of tires oricin~lly dropred co~;~red tc ~~e fe~': le~~ at present I am certai~1 that a great !~:_l~be~ s~ tl-1t~ cr~_~~_~2J ~~cpppj has in fact become ccmplet~~~ embeded in the sand. ~he bundJ.es tllat are :~:ill ur G~1 to) c:' :~le sa~~ ~:~~ d2~:~2tely ur13~,2~1(~, and. .-it is or.l~l .:1. r.-..stter ''J:' ~~lr~c c.::~'::":;r)e -:11E' :-_-:~':'':~-i rc~''2 is ab~2.jsed apay~t and these b~(:'.'~~_::;3 hri~=- ~-;l;-.lf"'~, '::.~.-_~~ d~; :>-~~~~~:.::~::'~~~:-~.s.C.~ to 2:1J2cent coral arld ~:;r).3.~,3 cor:-.:-rlurli ~=-es. ...., .-;. ~ t~ l11l c.:. _ :::. 3 -~.:-: e r. :3 ~~ ~) L~ J. j ;... f'.. E <~,~) ..:.. L ,.\ C '-=: E S S == ':.. '~l :~ '_ (i r r') (] n Y L . ~: ~. '( ~ ~ ~~: ;- . ~..... --, ~.~ ~~ 2S~ -_..~~, "'.~, -.2- should be lifted ur on board a work barge IlnG transported either to a land fill site or a deep \'mter reef site. I h;:cve :r,ade a site survey of a location only miles away in 90 to 110 feet of water. This site is devoid of any coral or grass and is deep enough to pre- vent further movement of the tire units due to wave action. From my survey I would estimate that this job could be accomp- lished in several working days using a work barge and several divers. I would not recommend attempting to remove the tire units that are embeded over 1/2 their diameter into the sand. These units are stable and are not likely to ever become a problem. The same applies to the single truck tires filled vlith'concrete for anchors, they are never going to shift or become a problem. There are also a few is- olated tire units scattered around Coffin Patch Reef. These are only a few poorly balasted units and would take too long to locate for a commercial removal operation to be econo~ically feasable. These few units are more an asthetic problem than an ecologica~ one. These can easily be removed individually by local diving clubs and recreational fisherman once the new deep water site is percitted as a final rest- ing place for them. The actual site we surveyed was at Loran "C" cordinates 14037.2 and 43399.9. The fact that enen these few bundles of tires had over 50 Ibs. of Blacl( & Red Grouper during our survey indicates the effectiveness 'of artificial reefs as fish habitat even in an area adjacent to nat- ural coral reefs. Enough data now exist to clearly show that artifi- cial reefs can support larger fish populations than natural reefs. Sincerely, ,j.., . It ". ...;.., _~.',~ I ,~~'-~:-.I~,.r"'~ I.., -_.J f /'2-:<-<::'.f-L...:':../.:' Heyward T':athev:s Oceanographer HrvI/npl cc: Mr. Kruer - D.E.R. Mr. Tom Murry - Fla Sea Grant Mr. Lonnie Ryder - D.N.R., Chairman, fllonroe County Commission 25'-+ ATTACHMENT B BIOLOGICAL REPORT - ARTIFICIAL REEF SITE OFF MARATHON KEY* Loran "c" Coordinates 140337 434048 Longitude Latitude 800 57' 47" 240 39' 34" This site is in water 98 to 110 feet deep on a bearing .of 450 magnetic from marker "20." This site was selected to be located off shore from the previous reef building site around Coffin Patch Reef. This location will facilitate removal of the "wandering tire units" from the previous "ill-advised" reef building project and placing them on this suitable site. This site is well away from coral reefs or grass beds or other existing productive marine communities. The bottom substrate is a firm sand, carbonate rubble that will be excellent to support heavy reef materials of the type expected from bridge rubble. The only apparent existing benthic life is the starfish Oreaster reticulatus. In conclusion, this site is an excellent artifical reef site, and when constructed properly will provide excellent fish and invertebrate habitat in an otherwise barren bottom. *Prepared by Dr. Heyward Mathews, Florida Sea Grant Artifical Reef Resource Team 2-55 ADDITION C The applicant has obtained the consultation and assistance of the Florida Sea Grant artificial reef resource team to insure the proper handling of the proposed activities. This support has already been pro- vided in the site selection and application procedures and will continue through the successful completion of the proposed work. County and Sea Grant personnel are working closely with concerned state and federal agencies to insure that the applicants understand permit requirements and that the regulatory agencies are aware of the applicant's efforts on an ongoing basis. Funding for the proposed project has been applied for through the Florida Department of Natural Resources Artificial Fishing Reef Program. Also, consultation with local commercial fishing interests has indicated the acceptance and support for the proposed permit area. The Monroe County Boating Improvement Committee has supported this reef transfer concept and is actively working toward that end through the local Sea Grant Marine Advisory Agent. ~S~