Resolution 016-1980 RESOLUTION NO. 19-1980 RESOLUTION SETTING THE COMPENSATION TO BE PAID BY MONROE COUNTY TO THE FRANCHISEES FOR SOLID WASTE COLLECTION IN THE UNINCOR- PORATED AREA OF THE COUNTY FOR CALENDAR YEAR 1980 AND AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE FOR THE BOARD ADDENDUM AGREEMENTS WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has here- tofore established by Ordinance garbage collection rates for residential and commercial collection service for January 1, 1980 through December 31, 1980, and WHEREAS, the garbage collection rates in the unincor- porated areas of the County was increased from $5.00 per month to $5.50 per month for each residential property, and WHEREAS, the garbage collection rates for commercial service were increased approximately nineteen (19%) percent throughout the unincorporated area of Monroe County, and WHEREAS, Island Disposal Company, Inc., Marathon Garbage Service, Inc., Baltuff Disposal Service, Inc., and Bland Disposal Company, Inc., have requested an increase in the compensation paid by Monroe County to said franchisees for residential and commercial collection; and WHEREAS, John E. Carter, d/b/a Keys Sanitary Service and Florida Disposal Company, has not asked the County for any increase in compensation for the calendar year 1980, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, that the compensation paid by Monroe County for the calendar year 1980 to Island Disposal Company, Inc., Marathon Garbage Service, Inc., Baltuff Disposal Service, Inc., and Bland Disposal Service, Inc., for residential collection be increased from $4.00 per residential property per month to $5.00 per residential property per month; and further that the compensation to John E. Carter, d/b/a Keys Sanitary Service and Florida Disposal Company shall, for the calendar year 1980, remain at $4.00 per each residential property. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that each franchisee in the unincorporated area of Monroe County shall pay Monroe County 27 } six (6%) percent of such franchisees total collections from commercial service during calendar year 1980, according to the methods and procedures for payment as set forth in Monroe County Ordinance No. 10-1977. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Monroe County Commission be authorized by separate Resolution to execute on behalf of the Board, Addendum Agreements to comply with this Resolution. RESOLVED, in the Regular Meeting at Marathon, Florida, this 15th day of January, A.D., 1980. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA /-, /") .."/ // .(,/_ (.// ,..I. , \..- ~::;>" / '" ,', /1 BY (/'(.~~~~~~e_.. -:-- ATTEST: --7 /' ,..~I"" "'j \ / /") //~/ , ~. 1\'---' /' I APPROVED AS TO FOR}1 AND LEGAL SUGGICIENCY -] d r.-, / , . il;,'~' ,/, / By : /' / ' ~t~orneyls Office ~1[2-