Resolution 017-1980 RESOLUTION NO. 17-l980 RESOLUTION ENDORSING CONCEPT OF TWO COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND THREE CITY COMMISSIONERS FROM THE CITY OF KEY WEST, FLORIDA, TO ACT AS REDEVELOP}ffiNT AUTHORITY. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, wishes to fully cooperate with the City of Key West, Florida, in regards to the redevelopment of government surplus/Truman Annex properties, and WHEREAS, the County is advised that such a concept is to be considered by the City of Key West, Florida, and WHEREAS, the County has previously requested that a Joint Liaison Committee be established to assist in the redevelopment of said properties, and WHEREAS, the County does still wish to fully cooperate and coordinate jointly with the City in the redevelopment of said properties, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: I. That the Board does hereby endorse the concept of a Redevelopment Authority consisting of two (2) County Commissioners and three (3) City Commissioners from the City of Key West, Florida, for the purpose of establishing a redevelopment plan for the government surplus/Truman Annex properties and requiring that the final plan for re- development be approved by both governmental bodies before submission to the General Services Administration. DATED January 15, 1980. -~--, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONRO.EnT~ORIDA B . /!><i;'~'1<..t /' b~ ~ y Ch~~ rm~"'~&r:-,,~ (Seal) --:-- .I ,'-- Attest: ~~<' -- " (,~/ ~/i- tL.--{:.. ------ " . Cler APPROVED AS roFoRM . BY AND~~. ArtOfflsy'S Office 2,.1)3