Resolution 021-1980 RESOLUTION NO.21 -1980 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE AN AMENDED LEASE BY AND BE- TWEEN THE COUNTY OF MONROE, STATE OF FLORIDA, AND AIR FLORIDA SUNSHINE SUBSIDIARY d/b/a AIR SUNSHINE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute an Amended Lease by and between the County of Monroe, State of Florida, and Air Florida Sunshine Subsidiary d/b/a Air Sunshine, a copy of same being attached hereto. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 15th day of January, A.D. 1980. Attest: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONR~IOU~~,FLORIDA By ~~~( ( Seal) , (/ / /" . .%:it; /" eo \..'k4z .."F ~ '..,' ,,' erk %-',. /' '. '''y_ ,.' c- o , ../ ' , ,..- '" .!.' " > u./'(<'r:~~' / / _. APMOVED A8 TO FORM AA1I,~ ~~N~Y. Br T~~ APPROVED ON 1/ \ S ~o n BOJK \) PAGE D~O 3oc.f .\ \ I --t j t f-\ Al"'lENDED LEASE HHEREAS, the COUNTY OF MONROE, STATE OF FLORIDA, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, has leased certain premises, facilities, rights, licenses, services '. and privileges in connection with and on the Key West International Airport located in Key West, Monroe County, Florida, with AIR" FLORIDA SUNSHINE SUBSIDIARY d/b/a AIR .. SUNSHINE, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, which said lease is dated the 1st day of April, 1979, for a term of five (5) years, and WHEREAS, said COUNTY OF MONROE, STATE OF FLORIDA, has indicated its willingness to lease a certain portion of the above leased premises, facilities, rights, licenses, ser~ vices. and privileges in connection with and on the Key West International Airport to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, NOAA, NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE, if said AIR FLORIDA SUNSHINE SUBSIDIARY d/b/a AIR SUNSHINE is agreeable thereto, now, therefore, WITNESSETH, that AIR FLORIDA SUNSHINE SUBSIDIARY d/b/a AIR SUNSHINE, a coproration organized and existing under the laws of, the State of Florida, party of the first part, and the COUNTY OF MONROE, STATE OF FLORIDA, a political sub- division of the State of Florida, party of the second part, that by these presents the party of the first part releases unto the party of the second part certain protions of the premises, facilities, rights, licenses, services and privi- leges leased to it by the party of the second part, said part being hereby released is the following described premises situate, lying and being in the County of Monroe, State of Florida, to-wit: t~l ' Page 1 of 3 Pages >.n!"_""~ .,,=,~Il1.<r7''"'''~'''>''''''~~~~'~J~lA.:JO;;'~~~;~~~~~;;~~~,L~:~~~'~ ~!Wt~'t\~ 305 "'-~,Li_~.tl-':i:;;~-~~-;'~;~~~~;;;',,:.'"', ,":';,;:7:;::;;;;;; ,':-'";~>a~,. . --, -"."-'\":~ .' . i. \ . \1 . 804.75 Square feet for suite of three (3) offices ~},.--.:"., 1 r-:''-'.yr --)~ rr_~~~;:;i_rL'}l ~'-_!i.ldi116 ~lt Key \,\Jest International Airport at $5.16 per square foot per annum navable at the rate of $346.04 monthly. 1. Party of the first part hereby agrees and has no objection to the party of the second part leasing to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, NOAA, NATIONAL TtJEATHER SERVICE the premises hereing described. 2. Party of the second part hereby agrees that the premises described in the lease previously described herein less said premises being released shall continue to be leased by the party of the second part to the party of the first part until the expiration of said lease under the terms and conditions therein, a copy of which said lease is attached hereto and made a part hereof. 3. The parties hereto agree that this Amended Lease shall become effective as of February 1, Q980. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has caused these presents to be signed in its name by its Pres- dent and its seal to be affixed by its Secretary, and the party of the second part has caused these presents to be signed in its name by its Chairman and its seal to be affixed by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit of Florida, in and for Monroe County, Florida, and ex officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this fSttl day of ~r)I\H)f1f2~ 1980. (Corporate Seal) AIR FLORIDA SUNSHINE SUBSIDIARY d/b/a A. IR SUN~SHINE ) ~r~/'~-' By . l" UU- President Attest: .~- .---- ~~~ Page 2 of 3 Pages 1'..~;'1~;"!1;.............._-""V"'-~~'1.P,~-:<::' ~"""I'_""!';:~'W~~~~2t",~?,,;,~:::::~:::.:....,....__.-....:..,>_ .- ":'~""~"_"~'_u~__ ...- ~"-'~-"--"'-""-1-.-- -"'~.,....-.'-"7:"""""""'.~" ~ ...... ;t_:~._~..__~.._~.",~,..______.",~_.,,,,"",,,.i-,_ 3blo COUNTY OF MONROE, STATE OF FLORIDA ., .~ /' / / . /'/ .-:1., lJ/ (' {/GA,'" / \.('~--- Chair~n of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida ( Seal) Attest: ;/ ~:. - '" / ..: -' //~>.. .r/// , ;'Y?'Y' / './.--- '- f_"""h . ,--"," ./ Clerk " '. -") 1/ :.-/ <<:::::-7~-- .. /-. .---. ...--/ "'"~ JlPPPlOY'ED ;~S 10 F'ORM AfriJ!.EAA SU1-F/CftiNCV. .' , '/7 ~/ "'::!'- ..'/' . %:~-'. ~4~.. .4~." Alt~'IO)"lf();fM:1) . ,!,Jy yage 3 of 3 Pages .-,.,~';:.,~\:'::,:.,.,':':~;:,~'.:,~-,~. " -' '~"..!"'''''''':'''";'_~''''''__'_'''_'''''''~''''''':"''''__; _......,' " ' .. ....__,.....,., ',' >".~.,. 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