Resolution 024-1980RESOLUTION NO.24 - 1980 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE TRAFFIC SIGNAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORATION AND MONROE COUNTY. WHEREAS, Monroe County, deems it in the public interest to provide for the operation of certain traffic signals on the State Highway System within Mornoe County, and to enter into the attached agreement with the State of Florida, Department of Transporation, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That Monroe County concurs in the provision of that certain agreement attached hereto, pertaining to the design, installation, operation and maintenance of a traffic signal installation described in Exhibit "A" to that agreement. 2. That Monroe County authorizes the said agreement to be executed by a legally designated officer of this Public body. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 1Sth day of January, 1980. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE (;OVNTY, FLORIDA B Y C irman (Seal) Attest: > A00004O W APPROVED ON BOOK PAGE_ O) 3! Z TRAFFIC a SECTION JOB SR OPERATIONS COUNTY MUNICIPALITY NO.. NO. — ii_:)_ PiO. — NAItE 90060 5 Monroe ISLAND CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, MID -BLOCK SCHOOL PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL (MILEPOST 9.693) TRAFFIC SIGNAL.AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this tenth day of December 19 79 , by and between the State of Florida Department of Transportation, an Agency of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the "Department" and the Monroe County - FLORIDA, hereinafter called the "Public Body". 141TNESSETH: WHEREAS, the construction and maintenance of a traffic signal, or -signals, is necessary for safe and efficient highway transportation at the location or locations as described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto; and WHEREAS, the Public Body, by resolution attached hereto and made a part hereof, has determined that it is in the public interest for the Public Body to maintain and operate signal installations along the State Highway System: NOW, THEREFORE, THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants contained herein to be undertaken by the respective parties hereto, the parties and each of them, mutually agree and covenant as follows: 1. That the traffic signal or signals as described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof, will be so designed that the functional design of the installation and its components will be mutually acceptable to the parties hereto. 2. When installation of the traffic signal(s) is to be performed by either the Public Body or under the supervision of the_Department, the construc- tion and/or installation shall not endanger travel along the roadways involved and all operations shall be conducted in accord with the Manual on Traffic Controls and Safe Practices (Part VI) as published' by the D.O.T. e - TRAFf= I ~ SECTION JOB SR OPERATIONS COUNTY 11Uf1ICIPALITY N0. N0. fi0. i10. NAME 90060 5 Monroe ISLAND CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, MID -BLOCK SCHOOL PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL (MILEPOST 9.693) TRAFFIC SIGNAL AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this tenth day of December 19 79 , by and between the State of Florida Department of Transportation, an Aqency of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the "Department" and the Monroe County FLORIDA, hereinafter called the "Public Body". W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, the construction and maintenance of a traffic signal, o?. signals, is necessary for safe and efficient highway transportation at the location or locations as described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto; and WHEREAS, the Public Body, by resolution attached hereto and made a part hereof, has determined that it is in the public interest for the Public Body to maintain and operate signal installations along the State Highway System: NOW, THEREFORE, THIS INDENTURE.WITNESSETH: That in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants contained herein to be undertaken by the respective parties hereto, the parties and each of them, mutually agree and covenant as follows: 1. That the traffic signal or signals as described in Exhibit "A attached hereto and made a part hereof, will be so designed that the functional design of the installation and its components will be mutually acceptable. to the parties hereto. 2. When installation of the traffic signal(s) is to be performed by either the Public Body or under the supervision of the.Departmen t,' the. construc- tion and/or installation shall not endanger travel along the roadways involved and all operations shall be conducted in accord with the Manual on Traffic Controls and Safe Practices (Part VI) as published by the D.O.T. 3. Upon completion of the installation and in the case of construction contracts, its condition.'] .-acceptance, the Pubic Body shall assume the sole responsibility for the maintenance and conCinll0us operation of said signal installations) and for al i cost:,, for electricity and electrical charges incurred in i,/1 th the operation thereof. 4. The Public Body shall maintain the signal installation in accordance with Department policies and to a level of maintenance that will provide minimum hazard to movement of traffic. In this regard the Public Body shall record maintenance activities relative to said traffic signaT installation to a "Department of Transportation Traffic Signal Maintenance Log" or an approved p equivalent log. 5. It is hereby understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the Public Body may remove any component of the installed equipment for repair, however, major permanent modifications and equipment replacements shall not be made by either party without appropriate coordination with the other party. 6. It is expressly understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the wiring of the cabinets and the timing of the signals will be.such that the V traffic will be properly handled at the time of the completion of the installa- tion of the signals. Necessary modifications in timing or minor circuitry may be made by the Public Body to accommodate the changing needs.of traffic, but the Department reserves the right to examine the equipment any time, and after due consultation with the parties hereto, specify timing and phasing that will provide a safe and expeditious traffic.flow in the State Highway System, if modification in timing and the circuitry or phasing is specified by the Department, implementation of such modifications shall be coordinated through the Public Body. 7. The Public Body shall not modify the equipment to provide additional phases or intervals without written permission from the Department and the Department shall not modify the equipment without written acknowledgement from the Public Body. 8. Each party does hereby indemnify.and hold harmless each other from all liability, claims and judgement (including attorney's fees) arising out of work undertaken by any party pursuant to this agreement, or due to the negligent acts or omissions of such party, their contractors, subcontractors, employees, agents or representatives, respectively, except as otherwise covered by bonds or insurance. 9. It 15 undkr";too! incl agreed icy ti!e parties hereto that this agreement ' shall remain in fort i'Jlir,? +.he life o; the originally installed equipment and any replacement equii;n ant instal led, Ley the mutual consent of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS iwve caused these presents to he executed, Lhe day ;,J heir t it ,% .-1)ove 11-11-i tLen . STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY: - Director of Administration BY: Executive Secretary SEAL PUBLIC BODY Mon'°roe County - Board of County Commissioners BY: Don Schlogsser Title: Chairman of the Board ATTEST., `Ra16h-,3 ' White , Clerk to the Board-_ Approved: Approved as to. -form, legality and execution. Director of Road Operations / Attorney ar es , ,�uero Date E%H i,;A11lTENANCE n.GRFU-1ENT TRAFFIC SIGNALS This Exhibit "A" forms an integral part of that certain Traffic Signals Maintenance Agreement: between the Si:ate of Florida Department of Transportation and the-1-:Monroe County dated tenth day of December , 19 7�. LOCATION OF TRAFFIC SIGflAL INSTALLATIONS: STATE JOB NO. 90060 SR NO. 5 TRAFFIC nPFRATMNP LOCATION: Island Christian School - Mid- Block School Pedestrian Signal (Milepo'st 9.693)