Resolution 032-1980 RESOIlITION 1(. 32-1980 WHEREAS, the IDARD OF COUNIY CCMMISSIONERS of MONROE muNTY, Florida, has received an application fran Richard M. Bueche to canplete: 50 1. f. of concrete bulkhead with 8' return walls at each end. The bulkhead will be on an artificial canal at a max:i.nn:Dn distance of about 8! below MHW . Approximately 33 cubic yards of backfill will be necessary, 15 cubic yards waterward of MHW and 18 cubic yards landward of MHW. The 1:ulkhead is to be constructed of concrete block and poured concrete. Fonus for the bulkhead are already in place. All 'WOrk is to be conducted fran the uplands. The proj ect site is located on the S. E. comer of a residential area on Little Torch Key with an artificial canal system, a peripheral channel and filled uplands. This subdivision affronts Pine iliannel to the east and is bOlIDded to the west and south by natural mangrove wetlands. Residential developnent in the area is approximately 25%. Offshore waters vary in depth fran -2 to about -6' MJJ.J and are productive seagrass or hard bottan ccnm..mities. The site is located on a comer lot of open-water and a canal that nms east-west. Uplands at this site are filled with little transitional vegetation and Australian Pines (Casuarina). The bulkhead shoreline contains small red (Rhizophora mangle) and black (Avicennia genninians) mangroves scattered along MHW. The open-water shoreline here is eroded, 1IDVegetated rock rubble. The peripheral charmel that parallels the shoreline is about 60' wide and probably to -10' MllJ and tenninates to the south in the site canal that is about 40' wide and probably a similar depth. The opposite shoreline across the canal is bulkheaded for severallnmdred feet to the west but the site shoreline is not in the inmediate area. Imnediately adjacent lots are presently 1IDdeveloped with pioneer mangrove shorelines. The canal shoreline contains turtle grass (Thalassia testudinLml)at a distance of about 6-8' below MHW that continues out about another 4-6' before the slope drops into the deeper portion of the canal. The placement of the wall will impact this zone only slightly, the ranainder of the slope being rock rubble and shallow, essentia]]y tmVegetated sec:l:irrents. The placerrent of this concrete seawall will have little adverse impact on local biological resources. Maintenance dredging in front of the proposed wall will disrupt existing seagrass camn.mities. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the BOARD OF CDUNTY C<M1ISSIONERS of MONROE CDUNTY, Florida, that said IDARD hereby given its approval for the construction of the above mentioned project. RESOLVED this 29th day of January, 1980, at a Regularly scheduled Meeting. BOARD OF COONlY CCMMISSIONERS MmOE ~n/ BY ~ ,~~ Mayor and Chai:nnan ~ . b---, ?ih . " Cler ..3 2.. 't