Resolution 033-1980 RESOLurION ffr_. 33-1980 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF mUNlY CXM1ISSIONERS of MONROE CXlJNTY, Florida, has received an application fran Richard P. Kerwick to construct: 287' of concrete seawall waterward of MHW and backfill with about 150 cubic yards of clean marl fill on an open-water shoreline. The purpose will be to reduce erosion to upland property and recover eroded shoreline for private usage. Riprap is proposed to be placed along the toe of the seawall for its entire length. Materials and equipnent can be transported to the site over existing uplands. A boat ramp measuring 10' x 16' will be constructed of concrete near the northenmost property line. The project uplands were created by the excavation of a peripheral channel and finger canals and the p1ace:nent of spoil on surrounding areas. Created was a residential subdivision presently with low deve1CJIlllE!Ilt (about 10%) located on a sha11CM, sani-enc1osed, low energy embayment. The site is located near the south end of the subdivision, the shoreline is oriented to the west and natural mangrove wetlands occur almost inmediate1y to the south. Uplands in the general area are vegetated only by pioneer species and open water shorelines are usually sanewhat eroded and essentially 1IDVegetated. The proposed seawall will connect to an existing seawall on the SE corner of the site shoreline. The project site is composed of filled uplands and about 287' of open-water shoreline that has eroded back fran the edge of a peripheral charme1. This charme1 is about 40-45' wide and probably about -8 to -10' MLW in depth. Width of the eroded shelf varies fran about 10 to 15' and the eroded area consists of marl, rock rubble and rock boulders. The orientation to the west and the reduced boat traffic locally has kept erosion of this marl fill fran being a severe problem. Intertidal and subtidal vegetation on this shelf is limited to Ba~hora on rocks and rubble with the marl being 1IDVegetated. The edges of the er ed area adjacent to the channel are irregular and appear lIDstab1e. Depths along this edge are about -1 to -1.5' MLW. Scattered small buttonwoods (cono~ erectus) are present just above MHW along the shoreline which, because of loca conditions, does not acCtJIIl.llate floating organic debris. Benthic camnmities in the adjacent embayment are shallow (-1 to -3' 'MIM) and consist of sane seagrasses and mostly hard bottan rock-algae-sponge camnmities. The project, as proposed will serve to eliminate further erosion of this marl and rubble shoreline and the riprap will provide valuable subtidal habitat. No adverse impact is anticipated. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the BOARD OF mUNlY aM1ISSIONERS of MONROE CClJNlY, Florida, that said BOARD hereby given its approval for the construction of the above mentioned proj ect. RESOLVED this 29th day of January, 1980, at a Regularly scheduled Meeting. BOARD OF COUNlY aM1ISSIONERS ~~~ <~~ ~nnan Z&,/~ -^~ 330