Resolution 035-1980 RESOLUTION NO. 35 -1980 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE MEMORANDUM OF lmDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE UNITED WAY AND MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF OUTSTATIONING A COUNTY EMPLOYEE FUNDED FROM CETA TITLE VI BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida is authorized to execute the Memorandum of Understanding between the United Way and Monroe County, Florida, for the purpose of outstationing a County employee funded from CETA TITLE VI. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this day of January, 1980. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS :: MON2~J;;:DA (SEAL) Attest: {~f,Aff erk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY By Attorney's Office ~\D 33 t..f .,' #.F {'5' -( 9 $>0 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This letter will serve as a Memorandum of Understanding between THE UNITED WAY, Key West, Florida, and MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, for the purpose of outstationing one (1) County employee. We will provide THE UNITED WAY with one (1) County employee funded from CETA Title VI to work under your direction. We hereby agree to the following: 1. THE UNITED WAY will retain the right to hire eligible individuals referred by CETA Intake Centers; 2. The employees will work forty (40) hours per week or the period specified as full-time by the recipient; 3. Employees are considered temporary with the following provisions: a) They will be paid for those holidays observed by other County employees providing they are in pay status before and after said holidays; b) They will not receive Merit Increases; c) The maximum length of time this employee will be funded is outlined in the CETA regulations. 4, THE UNITED WAY will provide direct supervision for all employees assigned to their jurisdiction. In addition, THE UNITED WAY will furnish to the office of CETA Administration, job descri?tions, work site locations, and names of the immediate supervisors of the CETA participants assigned thereto. 5. THE UNITED WAY will consult with the County's office of CETA Administration prior to suspension, termina- tion, or any other adverse action taken against any CETA employee, with the sole exception of an emergency situation. 6. Any retroactive wages accrued by an employee due to termination, suspension or any other adverse action not sanctioned by the County's office of CETA Administration will be the responsibility of THE UNITED WAY. 7. The County's office of CETA Administration, through its Personnel section will retain all personnel records. 8. The County will retain the right to reassign any or all of these individuals temporarily under proper notice if their services are required elsewhere. ,'" - ~35 9. This agreement will be effective until September 30, 1980. DATED this 29 day of January, 1980. THE UNITED WAY By rr- ),~ ATTEST: " / ,/ N.ury Public, Stlte of Florida at large My ConnnisMn Expires May 13, 1983 len"'" Iy Am...." FiN & Ca...ll)' c.m,.ny MONROE By Chai County Monroe (SEAL) ATT~~~b- APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY By #4//..41 /' ,"", 'It- 33 (.