Resolution 039-1980 RESOLUTION if_. 39-1980 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MONROE County, Florida, has received an application from Jacques Cloutier, to construct: 60' long concrete bulkhead in line with an existing riprap wall immediately to the north and waterward of MEW and place about 10 cubic yards of riprap along 40' of the toe of the proposed wall. About 70 cubic yards of limerock backfill will be placed waterward of MHW. Materials and equipment can be transported to the site over existing uplands and riprap will be placed by backhoe. Purpose of the project is to prevent further erosion, recover property and provide dockage for a small boat. The middle 20' of the wall will not have riprap at the tow to allow for dockage of a small boat. The project site is located on the east side of Little Torch Key within a residential community known as Jolly Roger Estates. This is a development with inland dead-end finger canals and a peripheral channel along the open-water shoreline. To the north of the area is U.S. #1 and additional residential shoreline development are essentially all artificially created by the excavation of the canal systems. To the west and south of Jolly Roger Estates are natural mangrove wetlands and shoreline fringes. Development presently in this subdivision is about 30%. Pine Channel is tidal between the back country of Florida Bay to the north and eventually the Florida Straits to the south. Depths are from about -3 to -10' MLW and are productive seagrass or hard bottom-algae-sponge communities. A number of residents along this shoreline and peripheral channel have received permits and recovered eroded shoreline in a manner similar to this proposed project. Uplands at this site are old fill from th~ excavation of the peripheral channel and are vegetated almost exclusively by Australian pines (Casuarina). The shoreline has experienced severe erosion due to its orientation and exposure and presently the eroded embankment is about 25' landward of the peripheral channel cut. Vegetation along the shoreline is limited to a few scattered buttonwoods (Conocarpus erectus), bay cedar (Suriana) and sea lavender (Tou.rnefortia).MHW is located about 15' landward of the channel edge and the intertidal zone is well-sorted rock rubble, essentially unvegetated and about 8' wide. Below MLW to the channel edge are patches of turtle grass (Thalassiatestudinum) in the finer rubble and valious lithophytic algae, including Batophora, Laurencia and filamentous algae of the orqer Ceramiales, on the larger rock rubble. Similar subtidal vegetation is present waterward of the existing riprap to the north indicating that the placement of this seawall will not adversely impact the benthic vegetation waterward of the wall. The proposed wall and riprap will be about 5 to 10' landward of the Channel edge. The placement of this wall and riprap in line with the existing riprap to the north and set back from the peripheral channel edge should have no adverse impact on local biological resources, protect existing subtidal vegetation along the eroded slope and allow the applicant to recover eroded property. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MONROE County, Florida, that said Board hereby given its approval for the construction of the above mentioned project. 35'-( RESOLVED this 12th day of February, 1980, at a Regularly scheduled Meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA lZ~A-" Mayor a\ld C airman ATTEST Y/7 - ." ~:,./,.., ....... . .,.....--. .""...//r #' _.......,.. _...~_.~~ / . . -, - - ,jt!II', ',,/ . -. .. " ( ~~/a~~ I> Cle'rK' . BY ----- 355