Resolution 040-1980 RESOLUTION NO. 40 -1980 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMl1ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE THE ATTACHED RELEASE AND DIRECT THAT THE PAYMENT OF $250.00 BE PAID DIRECTLY TO DONALD R. HERBERT. WHEREAS, Donald R. Herbert is a County employee working in the Department of Roads and Bridges, and WHEREAS, the said Donald R. Herbert was involved in a motor vehicle accident involving a Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company Official Car No. 11-61360-170 on or about December 29, 1978, in the course of performing his duties, and WHEREAS, the said Donald R. Herbert sustained discomfort, but did not go to the hospital nor make a claim against the County, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is desirous of compensating Donald R. Herbert for the discomfort he suffered in said accident, and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Com- missioners to execute the attached Release in order to settle this matter between the County of Monroe and the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company, now, there- fore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMl1ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the Chairman of the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute a Release by and between the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, and Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company, a copy of same being attached hereto. 2. That the payment of the sum of $250.00 provided for in said Release be made directly to Donald R. Herbert Page 1 of 2 Pages ~~ for the discomfort he sustained due to the motor vehicle accident he was involved in on or about December 29, 1978. DATED February 12, 1980. By ." _e' _.,........-...~ .-........_........~ (Seal) Attest: , } " /" '.r/.(~-=/-?;- ...~)~:0' c(r:~~2.. ~ ._,/. APMOVEDM 10 FORM AND ~ 8tJIIIIIt:IDIIC BY .4~~ .-.~ p'age 2 of 2 Pages 3J'l l/ , RELEASE fOl'loI 3065 (~UGU~i. 1963) FDH AND IN (J)'ISIDEIV\TIC1'l 0 f the sum 0 f T-...:o I:Lm.:lr~:1 Fifty <"\r..d-----------nn/] (>1 Dollars . ($ ')::-;0.00 ) to me in hand paid by the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, I do hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, anrt assigns, release and forever discharge said Company, its allied and associated companies, their agents, servants and employees, from any and all present and future clain,s, demands, actions, c..uses of action, su"its, damap;es, loss and expenses, of whatsoever kind or nature, for or on. account of anything that has heretofore occurred, and particularly for or on account of -Ii.- motor vchiclo ~ccidcrt involving So~t~ern Bell Conpany officinl v0~iclp ~1'-61360-170. r~O:lroo ce~ntJ; C9~l~lis;li?I?~r and d~o.nald r.obert Herhert. w lC 0 urre on or a ou e 29 y lJecCf'lt'ur near sa ~3 :~ilo j:~r}'_3r ~ 100, in the State of Floriua for which the undersigned claims the Southern Bell elephone and Telegraph Company IS legally liable; which liabilit;, injuries and damages are disputed~and denied. It is further ~derstood and agreed that the payment of the above named sum is not to be considered as an admis- sion 011 t.he part of said Company 01 any l~dbili\.) ..haC5uc,ei. ':'clcpb.or.e fiUJ rrel":'Jl::<i.~..Ih County, Ploridd Coarct of , 19 7& t at or And I now state that the only consideration for my signing this release is the payment of the sum s~ated above; that nc other promise or agreement of any kind or nature has been ~a to or wi me. by said Company or its agents to cause me to sign this release, and that I fully understand the me dIn and i en of this instrument. WITNESS my hand and seal this 12th day of Feb. / 119 80 . {// ;.:P;;.7:'f_:~~:4(~::-,-:. ------- (L. S. ) to:r~r@I\fB~ b9?\:W~~\dflorir1:].1 noard 6 COt1rnissioncrs , /': .: I /partJ.e s .) '_\. __ ATTEST'. /~. :/ -' / /-: / /,<_/:/>;/ ;~ ---. , .J.- --if..: t- CL::. V 1:.- - t_ '---e-x' . ficio Clerk Board of County Witnesses COmmlSS10nerS Th b Donald P..~ HerhAr+:~ e a ove release was reaa andlex1ITaInea in our presence on the date above stated. I' .. lr~~ . I , I t .\ ..~ i f , 3SB