Resolution 045-1980 RESOLUTION NO. 45 - 1980 WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Florida has continually enacted legislation which vests responsibility upon the Counties for all construction and maintenance of roadways within their respective boundaries; and WHEREAS, the principal funding of Counties for such new construction of roads and maintenance of existing roads comes to the counties through the fifth and sixth gas tax administered and distributed by the State; and WHEREAS, the Legislature, while increasing the Counties' responsibilities for such roadways, has failed to increase the Counties' share of the fifth and sixth gas tax ln like manner; and WHEREAS, such action has resulted in the citizens of the Counties being deprived of projected construction of new roads and in many instances has required substandard maintenance of existing roads due to the lack of sufficient funding; and WHEREAS, the most recent example of such unfunded transfer of responsibility has been the legislative enactment requiring Counties to maintain all service roads and access roads to Interstate Highways lying within their boundaries; and WHEREAS, it is felt that the resulting hardships upon the Counties occasioned by unfunded transfers of responsibility must be dramatically brought to the attention of our State law makers with the demand of the citizens for remedial financial assistance. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: 1. Monroe County, Florida, through its Board of County Commissioners and on behalf of it's citizens, does hereby call upon the legislature of the State of Florida to enact legislation increasing the share of the fifth and sixth gas tax to be dis- tributed to the Counties in order that they may meet the financial burdens created by the transfers to the Counties for responsibility for roadways. Page 1 of 2 Pages 3~ 2. A copy of this Resolution be transmitted to each of the other Counties of the State of Florida with the request for their assistance and their adoption of a similar Resolution. 3. A copy of this Resolution be transmitted to the Legislative Delegation representing Monroe County, Florida, to the State Association of County Commissioners and to the Department of Transportation of the State of Florida. DATED February 12, 1980. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ./:'7 ~ ' t /. .,?-. f ~_/ ,,' '" ,4.\' .i {_ "'~ ..;:.. .....:!'" ...,r ./" /// _"-,- B ~~.:..'~".' .t'-'-<~ry' ,.. /L:' /1:::_c.'~""t: ,. y. ---t---'-. ___-'"',____._JC~~ X:ha i rman ------ (Seal) Attest: 2:-.- -----:::> . (~4~,L~ .' Clerk AHROWD AS tDFORM NftJ4I&U MJN1Cncy. "',(~0 Page 2 of 2 Pages .3(.,("