Resolution 046-1980 RESOLUTION NO. 46 - 1980 RESOLUTION AFFIRMING ZONING BOARD ON APPEAL OF PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE KEY LARGO AREA AGAINST THE MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECT OF JOHN R. EDWARDS, SR. WHEREAS, on February 22, 1979, March 28, 1979 and October 26, 1979, the Monroe County Zoning Board approved the Major Develop- ment Project of John R. Edwards, Sr., Trustee for the construction and rezoning of a motel on Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, and WHEREAS, the property owners in the Key Largo area having duly appealed said decision to the Board of County Commissioners, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners who, sitting as the Board of Appeals, having heard discussion and presentation by both sides at which time the public was allowed to participate, and after review of the transcripts of the Zoning Board hearings held on February 22, 1979, March 28, 1979 and October 26, 1979, voted on February 12, 1980 to affirm the decision of the Zoning Board at these hearings, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that the decision of the Monroe County Zoning Board be and the same is hereby affirmed. RESOLVED in regular meeting at Plantation Key, Monroe County, Florida this 12th day of February, A.D. 1980. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ::M:ROEZ;~:DA ~$ ~ . "'-.,. I HERESY crt:rrn t~at this doc~~m~r.t h,-,s bean reili!;wed fer Iezzi s:Jffid~llCV z'.'!d :::~"r~}:l~:'mY Asst. Coocty iltbwn0Y 313