Resolution 052-1980rr• RESOLUTION NO.52 - 1980 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING COUNTY STAFF TO FILE PETITION FOR A HEARING PURSUANT TO THE PRO- VISIONS OF FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 120.57, RELATIVE TO BOOT KEY HARBOR PROJECT. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, has previously requested a permit from the Department of Environmental Regulation for the Boot Key Harbor Project, and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has received a notice of intent to deny said requested application, and WHEREAS, the County of Monroe is fully and wholeheartedly in support of said project and has continually supported said project, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF OCUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the Monroe County staff and Legal Department is hereby directed to take such action as is necessary to file any and all pleadings and petitions pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 120.57 requesting that the premit application be granted and not denied and is hereby authorized to engage such professional experts as is necesssary in support of said hearing and to attend said hearing to testify in behalf of the County. 2. That the County staff and Legal Department is authorized to travel to Tallahassee as is necessary in support of said petition. DATED February 12, 1980. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE G TY, RIDA By hairman Attest: ) 17 AA fD AND #.+ GAL � Cis Clerk (Seal) 39z TWIN TOWERS OFFICE BUILDING 2600 BLAIR STONE ROAD TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301 BOBGRAHAM GOVERNOR JACOB D. VARN SECRETARY STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION CERTIFIED -RETURN RECEIPT Monroe County Board of C&unty Commissioners Key Nest, Florida 33040 Dear Commissioners: January 30, 1980 Re: File No. 44-20174, Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Enclosed is the intent to deny for your project. In the event that an administrative hearing is not requested, the staff will present the application to the Secretary of the Department with a recommendation for denial. Please contact me at 904/488-0130 if there are any questions concerning your file. Sincerely, Marvin Collins Federal Coordinator Bureau of Permitting MC/hh Enclosure cc: U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville Mike Nowicki, DER, Punta Gorda Al Clark, DER, Tallahassee U. S. Fish £, Wildlife Service, Vero Beach Florida Audubon Society, Maitland Lloyd Saunders, Jacksonville 0 original typed on 100'//,', recycled palu•r -.4 3 �3 BL' PORE Tm: STATE Ol: I' LOR [ DA DEPART-MENT OI' ENV f ROWIENTAL REGULATION In the matter of: ) F.i.le No. 44-20174, Monroe County Board of Application For Permit ) County Commissioners T`Ionroe County Board o F County Commissioners Key West, Florida 33040 INTENT TO DENY On flay 7, 1979 an application was received from the Monroe County .Board of County- Commissioners for a channel improvement project at Boot Key Harbor. The appli- cant proposed to enlarge an existing acces.s channel into and through Boot Key Harbor -from a point in Moser Channel to the west. New excavated dimensions would be 7,500 ft. long x 100.ft. wide x -12 ft. MLIV (with.a 2 ft. allowable overdepth). This. channel would terminate in a turning basin.within the harbor 200 ft. x 200 ft. x-12.ft. MLIV. Sides of the channel and basin would have a 1:3 vertical: horizontal slope. Approximately 170,000 cubic yards of spoil material would be excavated and deposited below MI-IIV into three deep, tidal borrow pits about 9 to 11 miles to the west of the project site. Excavation would be performed with a G cubic yard ' L clamshclI dredge from a floating barge. Spoil would be deposited) on 400 cubic yard barges and moved to an offshore transfer facility, to be constructed, where the material would be transferred from the barge to a pipeline and pumped into the disposal sites. "['his transfer facility would be constructed about one mile from. the borrow areas but was not incorporated into the subject application. The borrow pits would be backfi.11ed to about -8 ft. NILIV. . r About 1/2 acre ol. man0rovcs would be tcmporai ly removed from the proposed chaiulel slope and placed elsewhere until completion o'l'thc project at -which time they would be rcturncd to the original location and replanted. The Department has jurisdiction under Chapters 253 and 403,.Florida Statutos, and Public Law 92-500 for the,. 1 permittinu of a potential pollution source within waters of the State. The proposed project is located within portions of the Straits of Florida, Florida Bay,.and Root Key Harbor'which constitute waters of the State in which the Department has dredge and fil'1 permitting jurisdiction pursuant to paragraphs 17-4.28(3) and 17-4.29(1'), Florida Administrative Code. The applicant was notified by letter on June 6, 1979 that a dredge and frill permit was required for..the proposed work. Field -appraisals of the project site were conducted by Department staff on August 8 and August 13, 1979. The area proposed to be dredged supports highly diverse and productive biological communities including extensive grassbeds. Bottom sediments..in the area are predominantly fine silt. Dense grassbeds were also found adjacent to the channel. The area supports a large number and -Variety of fishes of commercial and recreational importance. { The proposed disposal sites are all approximately 30 ft. deep. Adjacent areas are relatively shallow and support highly productive seagrass communities. A large variety of fishes frequent.the immediate disposal sites. As proposed, the project would directly eliminate approximately 22 acres of: productive benthic habitat including approximately 1.8 acres of grassbeds. These scagrasses provide protective cover for juvenile fishes. 2 - 3 %S and invortebrates and subst.l"Cite fOr an abulldalice Of at.tFlc}led organISill S. The grassbeds also help to Stabilize bottom sediments and provide F- ltra.tLon for the water column. Removal of 1/ 2 acre or mangroves w i.l 1. e.l im i.na to a source of primary productivity as wO11. as habitat for )uvelllle • r fishes and attached orgalllsllls. It is doubtful whether transplantation o:f the mature mangroves would be successful. .The use or a clanlshell dredge for excavation maybe expected.to produce high levels of turbidity which probably cannot be effectively controlled by silt screens in the project area. Such turbidity would adversely affect neigh- boring grassbeds and associated communities by covering benthic and attached organisms, reducing light penetration, interfering with respiratory mechanisms, and lowering levels of dissolved oxygen. v Existing. communities in the disposal areas would be destroyed by spoil deposition. Adjacent grassbed communities would be adversely affected by,turbidity as noted above. The applicant has not provided affirmative reasonable assurance, pursuant to Subsection 17-4.23(3), Florida. Administrative Code, that immediate. and long-term impacts of the project will •not result in violation of State Water Quality Standards. The specific standards that will be affected include the following: Turbidity - shall not exceed fifty (50) Jackson Units'above natural background as related to a standard candle turbid.imeter. Transparency - the depth of the compensation point for photosynthetic activity shall not be reduced by more than 100 compared to the natural background value: f 3 Biological into„1i.ty - the Shannon -Weaver diversity index of bellthl.c macrolnvertebrates shal'1 not be reduced to less than 75 of established background loveis as mca.surcd using organlslils retained by a U.S. Standard No. 30 scivc_ and, in predominantly t Fresh waters, collected and composited from a minimum of.thrce 11cster-Dandy type artificial substrate ~ samplers of 0.10 to 0.15 m2 area.cach incubated for a period of four weeks, and in predominantly marine waters, collected and composi.ted from a minimum of three natural substrate samples, taken with Ponar type samplers with minimum sampling area of 2.25 Square centimeters. Biological surveys and ecological studies performed by this Department pursuant to Subsection 253.12.3(2), Florida Statutes, have shown that the propmused dredging will interfere with the conservation 'of fish, marine and wildlife or other natural resources, to such an extent as to be contrary to the public interest, and will result in the destruction of oyster beds, clam beds, or marine productivity, including, but not limited to, destruction. of natural marine habitats, grass Flats suitable as nursery or feeding grounds for marine life, and established marine soils suitable .for producing plant growth of a type useful f as nursery of feeding grounds for marine life or natural shoreline processes to such an extent as to be contrary to the public interests. This intent to deny sha17 be placed before the Secretary :for final action,.. unless an appropriate petition for a hearing pursuant to the provisions of Section 120.57, Florida Statutes, is fi;l.ed within fourteen (1.4) d•ays From receipt of this letter. The petition must comply with the 4 E:7-� requircrrents of Soctioli 2S-5.15,.FIori.da Administrative Code; (coley attached) , anti be Fi.1.cd with the . Secretary o F the Department o F 1;1W LT'o11111b11ta.1. Rcgula.t i.on at 2-600 -Blair Stone Road, Ta.l.lahassec, Florida 3230.1.. Pe'ti.ti.ons which arc not Filed in accordance. with the above. provisions will not be accepted by the iepartment. At such formal- hearing all parti`cs shall hay.e an opportunity to respond -,- to present evidence and argument on .all .issues involved, to conduct cross .exami.mition and .submit rebuttal evidence, to submit proposed findings of facts and order, to file exceptions to any order or hearing. officer's recommended order, and to be represented by counsel. Executed this ; Q day of January, 198.0 in Tallahas.see., Florida.. STATE OF FLORIDA� DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION: P Suza ne P. IValker, Chief Bure of Pernii.tting Twin Towers Of-fice'Building 2600 Blair Stone'Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Copies furnished to.: f L U.S. Army Corps o. Engineers, Jacksonville Hike Nowicki, DER, Punta Gorda Al Clark; DER, Tallahassee U.S. Fish & IVildlife.Service, Vero Beach Florida Audubon Society, Maitland Lloyd Saunders, Jacksonville 67 RULES OF THE ADMINISTRATION COMMISSION MODEL RULES OF PROCEDURE CHAPTER 28-5 DECISIONS DETERMINING SUBSTANTIAL INTERESTS 28-5.15 Requests for Formal and Informal Proceedings (1) Requests for proceedings shall be made by petition to the agency 1involved. Each petition shall be printed, typewritten or otherwise `duplicated in legible form on white paper of standard legal size. Unless printed, the impression shall be on one side of the paper only and lines shall be double spaced and indented. (2) All petitions filed under these rules should contain: (a) The name and address of each agency affected.and each agency's file or identification number, if known; (b) The name and address of the petitioner or petitioners; (c) All disputed issues of material fact. If there are none, the petition must so indicate, (d) A concise statement of the ultimate fags alleged, and the rules, regulations and constitutional provisions which entitle the petitioner to relief; (e) A statement summarizing any informal action taken to resolve the issues, and the results of that action; (f) A demand for the relief to which the petitioner deems himself entitled; and (g) Such other information which the petitioner contends is material. 4 -a 3� % � 1j1 11T Sf1). oon „ Boii GRAHAM GOVERNOR STATE OF FLORIDA (Offire of 11�e 05oberittir THE CAPITOL TALLAHASSEE 32301 r January 29, 1980 HonorabPe Ralph W. White Clerk --f_ the Circuit Court 500 Whitehead Street Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Mr. White: Ib Governor Graham has asked that I respond to your letter and Resolution No. 12-1980, concerning the Boot Key Harbor Project. In checking with the Department of Environmental Regulation, we have been advised that the staff will recommend the pending application be denied. This recommendation is based primarily on the direct destruction of approximately 18 acres of grassbeds and adverse effects on adjacent areas due to turbidity generated by the dredging process. Your interest in this matter is appreciated and if we may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Jere Moore, Jr. Special Assistant for Cabinet Affairs JM/pr L Y f 1 �i An Affirmative Action; Equal Opportunity Employer l Oo