Resolution 183-1978 RESOLUTION NO.183 - 1978 RESOLUTION DENYING APPEAL OF BARBARA A. PECKHAM. WHEREAS, on November 4, 1977, the Zoning Board of Adjustment voted to deny the request of BARBARA A. PECKHAM for a dimensional variance to allow the placement of a carport within 1 foot 2" of a front property line on Lot 15 of Coral Colony Subdivision, and WHEREAS, an appeal was made to the Board of County Commissioners and due consideration given to said appeal on June 13, 1978 and the Board voting to deny said appeal, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA as follows: 1. That the appeal of BARBARA A. PECKHAM from the decision of the Monroe County Zoning Board of Adjustment of November 4, 1977 be and the same is hereby denied. 2. That the decision of the Board of Adjustment be and the same is hereby affirmed. RESOLVED in regular meeting at Key West, Florida this 11th day of July A.D. 1978. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA / BYV&'~~~F_'>y ~ Mayor/Chairman Attest: ) D ( fQi/ ///ic, ...'1 ---- c:;.......... , rk APPROVED ON_'J::LL:l~_-. BOOK ~ .~ PAGE_;;l. ~g ..--.' . I HERESY cmnn Ul:lt !~:'j dJ\i:::::':,!t I':~s been reviewed for lc-;;al snl':~:::<:r~;;' cO!lbnt all~ tllCit Ul0 smno meo!:; \;'{:::, :-,. IPProval. ~"t~ Rla.IA~D "f/ PA'!'::; Asst. C~~~!ii1 I~t\~;,,~.~ W1:l. l~ _L