Resolution 190-1978 RESOLUTION NO.190 -1978 RESOLUTION CONFIPJ1ING RESOLUTION NO. 5-1965 AND \'JAIVING \-JRITTEN ACCEPTANCE WHEREAS, Resolution No. 5-1965 was previously passed by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, and WHEREAS, there is some question as to whether Section 6 was complied ~vith, and WHEREAS, Section 6 required written acceptance to be provided, and WHEREAS, it is questioned as to whether said written acceptance was made, and WHEREAS, in fact the easements granted by a resolution have been used by the grantee of said resolution, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO}lliISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. Resolution No. 5-1965 is hereby ratified and approved except that Section 6's requirement is hereby waived. 2. Further, all terms and conditions of said Resolution No. 5-1965 shall remain in full force and effect as specifically set forth in Resolution No. 5-1965. 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. 4. All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. DATED July 25, 1978. BOARD OF COUNTY COW1ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ .,' /:. <~/ ". By . ~-u~ .~~ :../ /May and Chairman Attest: CLERK (Seal) BOOK I HEREBY CERTIFY that this docu- went has been reviewed for legal SUffiC~... c. y.a~d ~~~~ same . meets '~~.U~}.. ' ])"~~ ,. ~ ~/~ /? ~(:;'1~ / / Attorney s ~ce APPROVED ON. 1-.~ .1 <;] (C PAGi.~. ,~~. I, J~ v VLJ~ ~-,//., 1.-,- . I" F.ESOLUTION NO. 5-1965 A RESOLUT:00i Or Ti-IE BOAL;) 0::: COt;;.JTY COM.L'lFSS!O~ERS OF MONIlOS COUNTY, FLOL=LD,\, GRANTI!\iG TO FLORIDA 1< EY S ELEC TFIC ceo :'j;-:rL\.T:VZ .\.SSOC:ATIO:\. 11':C. A :-:ON- PROFIT CORl"ORATiO'\,:'iS t;ecc?SSORS A~D ASS1G~5, If-It::: RIGHT, PH.IVILEGE ..'\1\'11 ALTHORITY FOR THE: FGLL PERIOD OL~ ~~ITR~'" (~()) v r;" ^"'S .. ') ~O"ST" LTC"T' M ~ ."TAI'~ A",ro c 1 r,j. 1 J ,1 .L." l U".., II l.~ 1."" A.'- )I l, 1 Li kJ. ' ~ i'f l.... OPERATE 1;\J, UPON, ALO'\G, OVF.R, GNDER AND ACROSS THE PRESENT f:::XISTING AI\D FUTURE PUBLIC ROADS, HIGHWAYS, STREETS, AVENuES, ALLEYS. BRIDGES, EASEMENTS AND OTHER PCBLIC PLACES IN CER TA1!\i AREAS LOCATED IN MOi'rROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND ITS SUCCESSORS, EXCEPT St.:CH AS ARE LOCATED WITHIN THE TERRITORIAL LIMITS, ..\.5 NOW COr\STITUTED, OF INCOR- POR.\.TED CITIES OR TOWNS, AI\D STATE HIGHWAYS AND OTHER HIGHWAYS OR ROADS, OVER WHICH THE BOARD OF CCUNTY COMMlSSI0~ERS HAS NO J l:RISDiCTION, ELECTRlC LIGHT AND POWER TRANSMISSiON A:'-ID DISTRIBU1'IOj\; LINES, TOGETHER WITH ALL :\ECESSARY OR DESIR./\BLE APPURTEN.. ANCES, FOR THE: PURPOS;:= OF SUPPLYIr\G ~'~LECTrtlClTY TO SAID COtJNTY, A!';D ITS SUCCESSORS. THE JJ:\:HABITANTS OF SAID AREi\S THEREOF, AND TO PERSOl\S AND CORPORA- TIONS BEYOND THE LHvUTS THEREOF. FOR LIGHT, HEAT. POWER AND OTHER PURPOSES, AND IMPOSING PROVISIONS AND CONDITIO~\jS RELATING THERETO. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. That there is hereby granted to the Florida Keys Electric c.oope: catl\'e Association, Tne., a non-profit co:-pnratiur., ,ts sue,caROl'S and d.ssip..lls, (hPL'ein called the "Grdn\.ee") the right. privilegt:' "nd authodty for the full peri0d of thirty (.)0) y.~ars from th(' date of the i!CCt:ptance hereoi. to construct, mi1.tntain a.nd op{-'Joatf" in, upon. dlul.g, over, und<::'r and across the rrf'sent existing i1.nll futllrepuhli\' roads, highways. streets, aVE"nUf"8, alleys, bridges, easements an,i other publ1c places in those (ert3in arei1.S locrt.tpd l.n Monr()'~ County, Florilld, a.od it:. bU, ce:.Sl.rs. ,lnd described a.s follows: All of Township "8 Soutn, Rrtnge5 40 d.nd 41 Ea.st, lying South ,\nd Edst of tbf- South Bounda,ry of Dade COUf1ty. Florida; All of Town~hip 59 South, Ranges 39 ;i.nd 40 Ea.st lying South i1.nc1 F.;i.st of the South Boundary of Dade County, Florida; All of Tov/Oship 59 \' ..1 ...'1 >u....l1. Rang\" 41 East; AU of Townshi.p 60 Soutr., R.ll(~E' 39 East, lying S0uth dnd ~a~t of the Sluth nour,d._1.ry of DC1.de County, Florida; AU of Town::ihl? bU South, R.wgp 40 Eilst; All of Town5hip 61 South, Ri1.nges YJ ~li.d 40 Ea.st; L"W Ot f'ICr:it Ft~L.r'H l. CIIN....INI.;HAMlfl . '~^n^'T.~()i'4 JrLOPII)'" All of Township 62 Sou~h, Rc..nges 38 <i.nd 39 EcttH; All of Towns'hip 63 South, Ranl2'es 37 i.lnd 38 East; and All of Towr!ship 64 South, Ranges 3b and 37 East; except such city or town stre<.'cs as are iocated within the tt>rritorial limits, as now constituted, of incorporated cities or towns, and State Highways and other highways Or roads, OYer which the Board of County Commissioners ha~ no jurisdiction, electric light and power trdnsmission and distribution lines, together with all necessary or desirable dppurtenances (including' underground conduits, poles, tower s and wires, and, for Grantee I s Own use, telephone and telegraph lines) for the purpose of supplyin~ electricity in said acreas to said County and its successors, the inhabitants thereof, and pf'rsons and corporations beyond the limits thereof, for light, heat, power and other purposes. Section 2. That poles and towers shall be so located as not to interfere with traffic Over such public roads, highways, streets, avenues, allevs, bridges, eas€'ments and public places, and the location thereof or relocation as may be desired by the Grantee herein or required by th€' County, shall be made under the supervision of said Boarcl of County Commissioners or such Engineer or Superintendent as may be designated by it for tluch purpose, but not so as unreasona. bly to interfere with the proper operation of Grantee' B lines and serVlce. Spction 3. Thdt said Monr0t'> County or its County Commissioners shall in no way be liable or I"psponsiblc' for i.lny accident or damage that may Occur in the construction, operation or Illaintenci.nce by the Grantee of its lines and appurtenances her€'unoer. and the a':-ceptance (>1 this Franchise shall be deemed an Agreement on the part of sa.id Grantee, to indemnify said County and County Commissioners and hold it and them harmless against any and all liability, 10B5, cost, damagf' or expense, which may ac-rrue to sd.id County and County Commissioners by r('ason of the> nf'glect, default or misconduct of the Grantee in the construction, operation or maintenance of its lines and appurtenances he reunder. Sectiul1 4. Tha t all Ii nes cons tructcd uncle r thi s grant sha.ll be constructed and maintained in accordance with f'stablishcd practice with -2- LA.W O,,.IC':r.. AALf-'ti F CI1NNI"~I.tl"M ,.., M""A.TtION "LOflln" respect to electrical construction ar.d maintcr.ance. Section 5. That t!1e Grantee is hereby given the right and a.uthority to make as signmcntr> C'f this :,,'ight, privilege ar.d authority and tht, dghts hereunder t all a.ssignees to be bound to the same extent as the original Grantee. Section 6. That the Grantee shall file its written acceptance of this grant with the said Board within thirty (30) days after it shall have been duly pas sed and adopted. Section 7. This Resolution shall take effect as 300n as it shall have been passed and adopted and accepted as required herein. Section 8. That all REsolutions and parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith be, and the same are, hereby repealed. /) -cJ~~7 ,;if PASSED AND ADOPTED at Key West, Florida, this .:2& day of , 1965. ~/ ~~-:'" (7 / y..-,~:-:~:~y;:~ ~~2::'"tt:..(' c~~d/jd .." Chairman '/ / ';!/!' ~~~/ /1 -:;'..(.1. ~ ~ ~ --\ C'T C:';I; ,J Af ,. \.1 ~2 "/L.,;c If'1 ?3..,A:;'~4-~4~ '::'~'-:'.,;-,A~/ ( ././' "4 . / -, . . // I (jl I 1'...,.,- '/.,d..., :,,'; " ~'. :/I,<//,/..",)/., ",' i;,1 ,',,) t'/,' /, ,.;' "/' ,.'\.. .!:;;;.=- -... ..11 I Jr.' &~~~:\,'iMn"'- . - r' Members of Board of County Commissioner s. A TT,yT: '/2 ' ~t1.1~~ , Clerk /< ~,l~' ./." ' ," ,j.-. ,:... ~ '" I.AW l'''' u,.. 't.~\,."'H r (' lJ"",""INf~t'" fl,.I 'fII. '011'''''' ou.)...., P"l ",..OA STi-.TE. OF F'LllHiD/\. ~:1. C 0 U ;'-i'; Y 0 F :-'10 i\; HOE, I HEHE.DY C~'.H IIFY that the fl)r~g().;~~ IS .11 L.lt' IOpy of.:.t H esolution adopted by the Roa rd 01 Count y (~onlrrl is siane rs of !\lon ro e County. f'landa. at a rr,eetlog of said Board duly lleld un the _.:~~h. _ day of_-!~~uaE~_ i\. D. 1 <Ii) 5 WITNE.SS 11"Y ba;1d i.1nd oEicial scat 01, t.L'.~~E___day of__~~~___ A. D. 1 r)t) 5 o ~c~di~% ~~ \..~ierK of tlH' Clrcllit Court in a',J lor Monrne County. Flori<la, d.11d ex offIcio Clerk of the Board uf C()lli1'~' C()n)n~istiioner~ of lv10nroe County, Fiorid:\, (St"d.l)