Resolution 208-1978 RESOLUTION NO. 208 - 1978 RESOLUTION REQUESTING SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS TO CONDUCT A SPECIAL REFERENDUM ELECTION ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1978. WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA is desirous of holding a special referendum election on ~y, October 5, 1978, in a portion of Monroe County pursuant to the provisions of Monroe County Ordinance No.5 - 1977, as amended, for elector approval within District 2 for the impos it ion of taxes for the purchase of fire fighting and ambulance equipment for use within District 2, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CCMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that the Honorable William Freeman, Supervisor of Elections be and he is hereby requested to conduct a special referendum elect ion on 'liursday , October 5, 1978 during the Spec ial Elect ion to be held at that time in the following unincorporated areas of Monroe County, Florida, to-wit: DISTRICT 2 (Election Precincts 18 and 19) That the qualified electors of said Precinct 18 and 19 vote on the following proposal: THE BOARD OF COUNTY CCl1MISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA SHOULD LEVY AD VALOREM TAXES IN FISCAL YEARS 1978-1979; 1979-1980 and 1980-1981 IN DISTRICT 2 NOT TO EXCEED $80,000. EACH YEAR (OR APPROXIMATELY 55 c;: PER EACH $1,000. OF ASSESSED VALUATION OF REAL PROPERTY) TO PURCHASE ONE FIRE TRUCK, ONE QUICK ATTACK TRUCK AND RELATED OR ASSOCIATED FIRE FIGHTING RESCUE AND/ OR AMBULANCE EQUIPMENT. FOR AGAINST o \=:J BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk shall forthwith furnish a certified copy of said Resolution to the Supervisor of Elections. RESOLVED in regular meeting held this 15th day of August, A.D. 1978 at Marathon, Monroe County, Florida. BOARD OF COUNTY CCMMISS lONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY:~~~ir .J<j ~ Atf;,e.s.t-;, ,. . BOOK ~.\5.~'Sl ~ PAGE H -......~ C......7.'-v ~!l-,,,. ;'_:.. -,,,,...,,,.,.~,,.~ ~:"" I . r;')"'r~n" "'-<'.' ~ ,... ~ E.'-":~j&. 1.~t':j lo>;~.il';~["'~~. ~ b,. ~~.-_a !li~~~~j "~",,~,i.::l 1 ~.~... .. P'.- 0 be01l reviewed fer leg2i Sliymmmcy ~~ml cc-nteot and that the s~me meets With my approvaL Ric.-k~ G. p~ RICHARD G. P!YNE AS!i>t. COl.lf,ty Att(}(I\.E', L-.. Da3