Resolution 213-1978 RESOLUTION NO. 213 -1978 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, has received an application from Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Strange to construct 60 linear feet of reinforced bulkhead with 6' long returns at each end and rip-rap placed at waterward toe, to restore and maintain shoreline. Crushed coral fill from an upland source will be placed shoreward of bulkhead. Fill will be brought to site over existing roads and owner's land and dumped shoreward of bulkhead. Rip-rap from an upland source will be placed at toe of bulkhead by mobile crane. (File No. 44- 10045-SE) The project is located in Jolly Roger Estates on Little Torch Key. Jolly Roger Estates is a residential subdivision that has numerous canals and uplands developed by placing spoil from canal dredging. Substrate throughout the area is crushed rock over caprock. Vegetation is primarily pioneer grasses and forbs with an overs tory of Austrai1ian pine (Casurina equisetifo1ia). Offshore waters are generally shallow with a man-made navigation channel along the shoreline. Uplands of the project site are rock rubble fill vegetated by sea lavender (Limonium caro1inionum), sea oxeye daisy (Borrichia sp.) and scrub buttonwood (Conocarpus erecta). A home is existing on the site. There was an intertidal zone of eroded rock rubble material devoid of vegetation but colonized by many gastropods (Bati11aria spp.) and a few nerites, and WHEREAS, the application has been reviewed and it has been found that the seawall and rip-rap is well within the barron inter- tidal zone and that there will be no significant biological or water quality impact, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that this report be read into the record as designated by Section 253.124, Florida Statutes. Page 1 of 2 Pages ~'~d..'C\ ~ APPROVED 0, -- % N --~ ~ PAGE_C ~ BOOK BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that said Board hereby gives i.ts approval for the construction of the above pro- ject. RESOLVED this 22nd day of August, 1978, at a regularly scheduled meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Q7~~~ B ~.r'. < ./f ~yor an a1rman- Attest :'N~ /~ .'? ~ lS;~- ( - .:a~~. t? 4 " '. / --- / Clerk (Seal) I HEREBY CERTIFY that this document ha" been . . ., . .:> revIewed for !e:;::: 'J Clency and that the s;:mi~ r;~c Vi,; my approval. ".~ -') -' By /~?c:>:>~.<:;:/': r ' __ iY~._,'i Attorney's Office ~age 2 of 2 Pages