Resolution 218-1978 RESOLUTION NO.2l8 - 1978 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE INTER- LOCAL AGREEMENT WITH CITY OF KEY COLONY BEACH. WHEREAS, the legal department having certified its appro- priateness, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: 1. That the Chairman of the Board be and he is hereby authorized in behalf of the Board to execute in duplicate the Inter- local Agreement with the City of Key Colony Beach, Florida bearing the date, 21st day of August, 1978. 2. That the Clerk be and he is hereby requested to forward a duplicate original of the executed Interlocal Agreement to the Honorable William P. Hussey, Mayor of the City of Key Colony Beach. RESOLVED in regular meeting at KeYrWest, Monroe County, Florida, this 5th day of September, A.D. 1978. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY:tfZ.,~ ~O[.... ~ yor/Chairman Attest: ---j I HEREBY cmnn t~at tbis d!}e~!me!lt has be~n rt?viGW0<I far lega! w1f1,:;:m:~f 2i':d CD!?ti:l'nt :;:1;'~ tli~t t:10 :i:3me ma'ot;; W~'~,l my approval. rtL~~( h.,<J~ ' RICHA:tD G. PAY,i;E Asst. Couuty AU:on1eJ 'APPI~O\'S) sooK ______- __:S- ~-5}1~. ~ _....0;4 .._. ~_4,,~..,....,.-.-.JIir~1 Q.4 ~~'" . , --~ INTE~,LQ(>\l, AGREEMENT Tn I S I ;"TEHL0C:AL AG:U~r, LCNT r::ack and entcred irto dl is 21s t day of ALlciust, 1978 by and b2t',liccn the BOARD OF COUNTY Cm,!I'lISSIONERS of ;'IONlZO:S CO!Ji'lTY, FLOP-TiM, Di rectors of the i"iOi~ROE COUNTY HLNIClPAL ,SH:V IC:!~ DISTRICT, thcreinafter rcferred. to as ';THE COUNTY" and TE:G cn'Y OF KEY crJLONY BEACn, FLORTDl\, 8. mill1icipal corporation or~anizcrl a 11 c1 c xis t i!1 () iJ n d crt 11 cIa W S 0 f t 11 cSt ate 0 f F lor i c1 a, lw r c in aft c r referred to as flTJ.U~ CITYW:. WITNESSETH: WH.[;HEAS, TBE CITY uses th~ serVIces of THE COUNTY :tal' the disposal of solid waste generated within the corporate limits of lHE CITY: and WHEREAS, it IS the inteJ:t of TEE CITY that its citizens 5;,a1l pay equally for the serVlces rendered by THE COUNTY with all other citizens of Monroe County, Plorida; and /TJ'IEREAS, TEE CITY acknowled~e5 that as of the fiscal yeaT beginning October 1, 1977 and er:ding September 30, 1978 the Inter- :toca1 Agreement for that period of time did not provide that TEn CITY residents pay equally with otller citizens of Monroe County [or the use of THE COUNTY solid waste facilities, which will leaV2 a~ outstanding obligation as of the closc of thc fisc:::ll year ending S2ptcr:Jbcr 1978 in the total SFr.l of ~;33,~)9S.00 due THE COUNTY from .; TIll; CITY. NO!V TIiUREFOln~: 1. For the fiscal year commencJng 0ctohcr 1, J978 TI:E CITY agrees to pay to nm COUNTY the total sum of $65,247.75, payab18 qL'.2Yterly in equal increments of ~a6,311.93, with the fiTst such payment being due October 1, 1978 8.rld subsequt:nt p2ymC1lts being due the first day of .January, 1\]11'i1 and July, 1979. LAW OFFICES APPLETON & SCHUEPPERT, P.A. 6161 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON. FL.ORIDA 33050 (30!5) 743~31 00 2. It IS the intent of the above payn1cnts to accompl i.sh the fol10\ving: 1\. $9,216.00 of the ahove payment represents a cl;;lrgc of ~l.OO per residerltial unit per mOf;.th for the fiscal year October 1, 1978 to September 30, 1979, hased on a current ~;urvcy which indicates that TI:E CITY presently has '738 residential units in single or multiple fan:ily buildings; B. $47,758.00 for the use of THE COUNTY solid ~vaste facilities by TEE CITY from October 1, 1978 to September :50, 1979; (., '-' . $8,273.75 to reduce the previous obligation of 'Pm c: I TY to TIm COUNTY incurred in the fi s cal year Oct ober 1> 197'7 to September 30, 1978, leaving a balance due TIIE COUNTY from TIlE CITY of $24,821.25, which TI!E CITY will retire in the succeeding three years or less. IN WITNESS WHER~OF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their officials thereunto duly authorized to execute same the day and year set forth above. BOARD OF COUNTY COM:,lI SS lONERS OF MOI..mOE COCiJTY, FLORIDA Attest; _-:> / ',' )~e .-/ / '.. ,/ // /' / /-/ A' .... . . ..;- - .~~~~~. .., --- C erk !y;/ the Board ,. By :C~ - ~_ ~r ~ \-.- ~or/C~~n (Corporate Seal) CITY OF KEY COLONY BEACH, FLORIDA Attest: ~?,. ;// ,fl ~/ . /~ By:__ap~d/~~~~~ Mayor ~ "-. .._ "'---.) CJ~~ ~_ ~~~''J."",",.-{~:......_.____ City Clerk \ APPLETON & SCHUEPPERT. P.A. LAW OFFICES (COYDOrate Seal) f':'. -,.'.c',' + 'u._ 6161 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY (305) '743~31 00 ~ .' - .,..:j_. i ~ t - -". ~ ; - . . _' ..... .,-, ." <'\:-~i '~-,-I;: .:~.~...: ~:.~~~-';- ~~ ~+}._~:~,;;J ,'r"',.~ ,.~ ~k" ( JiJ.f1Cl-"Jy4 "-'"_..~~",, '"-~.. /\L. ~ -"._ "._ ._ ", ..'..~": .... .- :..- ... MARATHON. FLORIDA 33050 ...':~;'. ~~::"+'~~-:.j .~~~C---:~~-tl