Resolution 336-2004 OMB Schedule Item Number 10 Resolution No. 336 - 2004 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NUMBER 323-2003 WHEREAS, Resolution Number 323-2003, heretofore enacted for the purpose of receipt of unanticipated funds, contains an erroneous information, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Commission to rectify by amendment such errors, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, tbat the following item(s) in Resolution No 323-2003: Fund #125 - Government Fund Type Grants Cost Center 50507 - Bicycle Pedestrian Coordinator Project GW0401- Bicycle Pedestrian Coordinator Revenue: 125-50507-3344900T -GW0401 State Grants- Trans-Other 575,000.00 Total Revenue 575.000.00 Appropriations: 125-5490-50507-530490-GW0401-530490 Miscellaneous Total Appropriations 575,000.00 r...;> ";, :I: c::> c c::> ---------- 0 .s::- ,.-- 575.000.00 z en '''''1 .... M CJ c: -0 r,. ., N c" \D 0 c ::'0 c: ;L' P. ::0 -1C;' :J: "'1 -<-i" . ' , ~ ." ,- CD c~. .. ) r- fT\ , ':J ,... c.n ...-- \D IS HEREBY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: Fund #125 - Government Fund Type Grants Cost Center 50507 - Bicycle Pedestrian Coordinator Project GW0301. Bicycle Pedestrian Coordinator Revenue: I 25-50507-3344900T -GW0301 State Grants- Trans-Other 575,000.00 Total Revenue 575.000.00 Appropriations: 125-5490-50507-530490-GW0301-530490 Miscellaneous 575,000.00 Total Appropriations 575.000.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD, that the Clerk of said Board, upon receipt of the above, is hereby authorized and directed to make the necessary changes of said items, as set forth above, PASS~~~~pPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Bo~~II;,~a":$!~, day of September AD 2004. : ': " ") "",X\: Mayor Nelson absent />/ ,)'~\/:'~'.MaYor Pro Tern Rice m- ! t \ \ ," i;"""'\commissioner McCoy m :P ,.' \ \,'} !tommissioner Neugent m 'l""', . ,. ....,', ." ~~~L:::=rspehar IS! "~"~'>:~~.~,..:,,::.- "::'~:~..\~.:.' "-" By QJ...O c.. ~>&~ Deputy Clerk TOF 09/2412004 Page 11 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY FLOJUDA \ :< \,~?:' f\i \ , - "1;6~r '~'JRNE\