Resolution 245-19781 ' RESOLUTION NO. 245 -1978 RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, to make budgeted transfers previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1977-78, and to create new items under said Budget, now, there- fore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the budgeted transfers previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1977-78, in the amounts hereinafter set forth be transferred to and from the following accounts: GENERAL REVENUE FUND Transfer from Item #5342.02.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $7.00 to Item #5342.02.2050, Office Supplies. Transfer from Item #2780.00.3330, Advertising, the sum of $13.93 to Item #2780.00.3380, Main- tenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #5220.00.3280, Travel Allowance, the sum of $200.00 to Item #5220.00.2050, Office Supplies. Transfer from Item #5347.07.2050, Office Supplies, the sum of $750.00 to Item #5347.07.3350, Communi- cations. Transfer from Item #2101.00.3390, Transportation, the sum of $198.36 to Item #2101.00.3410, Con- tractual Services. Transfer from Item #2332.00.3310, Rentals, the sum of $26.41 to Item #2332.00.3320, Subscriptions. Transfer from Item #2332.00.3310, Rentals, the sum of $22.97 to Item #2332.00.3400, Utilities. Transfer from Item #2991.00.3280, Travel Allow- ance, the sum of $7.63 to Item #2991.00.3350, Com- munications. Transfer from Item #3991.00.2010, Gasoline, the sum of $70.84 to Item #3991.00.3280, Travel Allowance. Transfer from Item #2551.00.3410, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $3,954.00 to Item #5105.00.3300, Insurance and Bonds. APPROVED ON— Transfer from Item #5106.00.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $907.49 to Item #5106.00.1020, Salaries. Transfer from Item #5106.00.2010, Gasoline, the sum of $6.97 to Item #5106.00.3350, Communications. Transfer from Item #5348.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $173.41 to Item #5348.00.3350, Communica- tions. Transfer from Item #5348.03.1020, Salaries, the sum of $1,029.55 to Item #5348.03.1030, Salaries Non -Payroll. Transfer from Item #2321.00.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $900.00 to Item #2320.00.3290, Dues and Memberships. Transfer from Item #2780.00.3310, Rentals, the sum of $400.00 to Item #2780.00.3410, Contractual Services. Transfer from Item #3441.00.2020, Educational Pro- gram, the sum of $150.00 to Item #3441.00.3380, Maintenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #5106.00.3300, Insurance and Bonds, the sum of $287.95 to Item #5106.00.3370, Maintenance of Buildings. Transfer from Item #5106.00.2040, Miscellaenous Supplies, the sum of $100.00 to Item #5106.00.3260, Food and Dietary. Transfer from Item #2780.00.3350, Communications, the sum of $100.00 to Item #2780.00.3380, Main- tenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #5106.00.3411 (AR), Contrac- tual Services, the sum of $1,205.36 to Item #5106.00.2012 (AR), Salaries. Transfer from Item #5106.00.3411 (AR), Contrac- tual Services, the sum of $1,709.96 to Item #5106.00.3261, Food and Dietary. Transfer from Item #5106.00.3410, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $238.91 to Item #5106.00.3400, Utilities. Transfer from Item #2101.00.2050, Office Supplies, the sum of $175.06 to Item #2101.00.3410, Con- tractual Services. Transfer from Item #2332.00.3350, Communications, the sum of $46.30 to Item #2332.00.332.0, Sub- scriptions. Transfer from Item #2670.00.2030, Materials, the sum of $47.78 to Item #2670.00.3400, Utilities. Transfer from Item #2671.00.2040, Miscellaneous Supplies, the sum of $153.23 to Item #2671.00.2010, Gasoline. 2 Transfer from Item #2991.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $59.43 to Item #2991.00.3350, Communica- tions. Transfer from Item #3991.00.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $110.58 to Item #3991.00.4021, Capital Outlay Equipment Under $100. Transfer from Item #2101.00.2050, Office Supplies, the sum of $317.40 to Item #3997.00.3350, Com- munications. Transfer from Item #5106.00.2070, Tools and Small Implements, the sum of $31.63 to Item #5106.00.3350, Communications. Transfer from Item #5348.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $136.81 to Item #5348.00.3350, Communi- cations. Transfer from Item #7202.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $51.78 to Item #7202.00.2010, Gasoline. Transfer from Item #5348.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $50.00 to Item #5348.00.2010, Gasoline. Transfer from Item #5342.02.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $110.52 to Item #5342.02.1030, Salaries Non -Payroll. Transfer from Item #5347.00.3410, Nutrition Pro- gram, the sum of $233.79 to Item #5347.00.3410, Contractual Services (CPA Audit). Transfer from Item #5347.01.3280, Auto Allowance and Travel, the sum of $725.00 to Item #5347.01.2050, Office Supplies. Transfer from Item #5347.01.3280, Auto Allowance and Travel, the sum of $25.00 to Item #5347.01.3380, Maintenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #5347.01.3280, Auto Allowance and Travel, the sum of $54.00 to Item #5347.01.2040, Miscellaneous Supplies. Transfer from Item #5347.01.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $31.00 to Item #5347.01.3380, Maintenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #5347.01.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $527.00 to Item #5347.01.2040, Miscellaneous Supplies. Transfer from Item #5347.01.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $40.00 to Item #5347.01.4021, Capital Outlay Equipment Under $100. Transfer from Item #3441.00.2010, Gasoline, the sum of $80.00 to Item #3441.00.2120, Demonstra- tion Materials. N Transfer from Item #5105.01.2090, Medical and Surgical Supplies, the sum of $21.71 to Item #5105.01.3380, Maintenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #5105.01.2010, Gasoline, the sum of $90.00 to Item #5105.01.3380, Main- tenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #3441.00.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $100.00 to Item #5105.04.2090, Medical and Surgical Supplies. Transfer from Item #3441.00.2020, Educational Program, the sum of $155.00 to Item #5105.06.2090, Medical and Surgical Supplies. Transfer from Item #5105.05.2010, Gasoline, the sum of $80.00 to Item #5105.05.2090, Medical and Surgical Supplies. Transfer from Item #3441.00.3280, Auto Allow- ance and Travel, the sum of $200.00 to Item #5105.05.2090, Medical and Surgical Supplies. Transfer from Item #3441.00.3320, Subscriptions, the sum of $100.00 to Item #5105.05.2090, Medical and Surgical Supplies. Transfer from Item #3441.00.2120, Demonstration Materials, the sum of $100.00 to Item #5105.04.3380, Maintenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #3101.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $19,077.65 to Item #3101.00.3020, Expenses Other Than Salaries. Transfer from Item #3101.00.1050, Matching Costs, the sum of $3,657.68 to Item #3101.00.3020, Expenses Other Than Salaries. Transfer from,Item #3991.00.3370, Maintenance of Buildings, the sum of $500.0o to Item #3991.00.3380, Maintenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #3441.00.2010, Gas, Oil and Lube, the sum of $80.00 to Item #3441.00.2120, Demonstration Materials. Transfer from Item #5347.04.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $53.86 to Item #5347.04.4021, Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #5347.01.2040, Miscellaneous Supplies, the sum of $296.00 to Item #5347.01.3240, Clothing. Transfer from Item #6302.00.2120, Demonstration Materials, the sum of $11.00 to Item #6302.00.3240, Clothing. Transfer from Item #5105.01.2010, Gas, Oil and Lube, the sum of $50.00 to Item #5105.01.3380, Maintenance of Equipment. 4 Transfer from Item #5223.00.3260, Food and Dietary, the sum of $2,341.50 to Item #5223.00.4010, Buildings and Other Structures. Transfer from Item #5106.00.4020, Capital Outlay, the sum of $50.00 to Item #5106.00.3380, Main- tenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #3441.00.2120, Demonstration Materials, the sum of $100.00 to Item #5105.04.3380, Maintenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #5223.00.3260, Food and Dietary, the sum of $66.93 to Item #5223.00.3380, Main- tenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #5223.00.3260, Food and Dietary, the sum of $1,075.00 to Item #5223.00.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #5223.00.3260, Food and Dietary, the sum of $21.95 to Item #5223.00.4021, Capital Outlay Equipment Under $100. Transfer from Item #3991.00.2040, Miscellaneous. Supplies, the sum of $50.00 to Item #3991.00.3380, Maintenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #5342.02.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $223.92 to Item #5342.02.3370, Maintenance of Buildings. Transfer from Item #2101.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $190.46 to Item #2010.00.1050, Matching Costs. Transfer from Item #2101.00.3280, Auto Allowance and Travel, the sum of $1,800.00 to Item #2101.00.3350, Communications:. Transfer from Item #2101.00.2010, Gasoline, the sum of $192.76 to Item #2101.00.3410, Contractual Services. Transfer from Item #2102,00.2070, Tools and Small Implements, the sum of $1,033,00 to Item #2102.00.1020, Salaries. Transfer from Item #2102.00,1030, Salaries Non - Payroll, the sum of $426.68 to Item #2102.00.1020, Salaries. Transfer from Item #2102.00.1050, Matching Costs, the sum of $529.94 to Item #2102.00.1020, Salaries. Transfer from Item #2102.00.3320, Subscriptions, the sum of $.32 to Item #2102.00.3310, Rentals. Transfer from Item #2103.00.3280, Auto Allowance and Travel, the sum of $90.27 to Item #2103.00.2050, Office Supplies. Transfer from Item #2103.00.3320, Subscriptions, the sum of $43.60 to Item #2103.00,3340, Commis- sions and Fees. 5 Transfer from Item #2320.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $910.41 to Item #2320.01.1020, Salaries. Transfer. from Item #2321.00.2050, Office Supplies, the sum of $103.46 to Item #2321.00.3380, Maintenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #2441.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $544.92 to Item #2441.00.2050, Office Supplies. Transfer from Item #2440.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $8.98 to Item #2440.00.3280, Auto Allow- ance and Travel. Transfer from Item #2557.00.4020, Captial Outlay Equipment, the sum of $84.99 to Item #2557,00.1020, Salaries. Transfer from Item #2557.00.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $184.62 to Item #2557.00.1050, Matching Costs. Transfer from Item #2670.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $6,421.59 to Item #2670.00.3400, Utilities. Transfer from Item #2671.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $89.32 to Item #2671.00.2010, Gasoline. Transfer from Item #2671.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $4,914.22 to Item #2671.00.3400, Utilities. Transfer from Item #2780.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $394.06 to Item #2780.00.1050, Matching Costs. Transfer from Item #7900.00.3411, Contractual Ser- vices (Translator), the sum of $310.00 to Item #3210.11.4010, Capital Outlay Buildings (Stock Island Volunter Fire Department). Transfer from Item #3440.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $40.00 to Item #3440.00.3320, Subscrip- tions. Transfer from Item #3991.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $68.71 to Item #3991.00.1050, Matching Costs. Transfer from Item #3991.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $115.00 to Item #3991.00.3290, Dues and Memberships. Transfer from Item #5103.00.3410, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $2.00 to Item #5103.00.3411, Middle Keys Guidance Clinic. Transfer from Item #5106.01.1020, Salaries, the sum of $91.00 to Item #5106.02.1020, Salaries. Transfer from Item #5106.00.3280, Auto Allowance and Travel, the sum of $249.40 to Item #5106.00.1050, Matching Costs. R1 Transfer from Item #5106.00.1060, Group Insurance, the sum of $23.60 to Item #5106.00.3350, Communi- cations. Transfer from Item #5106.00.4021, Capital Outlay Under $100, the sum of $357.86 to Item #5106.00.3400, Utilities. Transfer from Item #5223.00.3260, Food and Dietary, the sum of $797.37 to Item #5223.00.1020, Salaries. Transfer from Item #5223.00.3260, Food and Dietary, the sum of $168.07 to Item #5223.00.1050, Matching Costs. Transfer from Item #5342.04.0000, Senior Citizens Upper Keys, the sum of $159.00 to Item #5342.01.1030, Salaries Non -Payroll. Transfer from Item #5347.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $59.62 to Item #5347.00.3350, Communica- tions. Transfer from Item #5342.04.0000, Senior Citizens Upper Keys, the sum of $23.35 to Item #5342.01.3350, Communications. Transfer from Item #5348.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of #3.38 to Item #5348.00.3350, Communications. Transfer from Item #5348.00.2050, Office Supplies, the sum of $20.85 to Item #5348.00.3390, Transpor- tation. Transfer from Item #5348.03.1020, Salaries, the sum of $1,145.45 to Item #5348.03.1030, Salaries Non -Payroll. Transfer from Item #5348.05.1030, Salaries Non - Payroll, the sum of $312.46 to Item #5348.05.1031, Salaries Non -Payroll (Staff). Transfer from Item #2101.00.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $427.44 to Item #2101.00.3410, Contractual Services. Transfer from Item #2103.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $885.19 to Item #2103.00.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #2320.00.1010, Salaries, the sum of $23.15 to Item #2320.00.2010, Gasoline. Transfer from Item #2320.01.1060, Group Insurance, the sum of $171.96 to Item #2320.01.3390, Trans- portation. Transfer from Item #2322.00.3310, Rentals, the sum of $68.85 to Item #2322.00.3320, Subscriptions. Transfer from Item #2332.00.3310, Rentals, the sum of $323.91 to Item #2332.00.3320, Subscrip- tions. Transfer from Item #2441.00.3280, Auto Allowance and Travel, the sum of $75.00 to Item #2441.00.3310, Rentals. 7 Transfer from Item #2670.00.3380, Maintenance of Equipment, the sum of $672.03 to Item #2670.00.3370, Maintenance of Buildings. Transfer from Item #2670.00.1050, Matching Costs, the sum of $225.31 to Item #2670.00.3400, Utilities. Transfer from Item #2671.00.1050, Matching Costs, the sum of $239.19 to Item #2671.00.2010, Gasoline. Transfer from Item #2991.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $65.66 to Item #2991.00.3280, Auto Allow- ance and Travel. Transfer from Item #2991.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $38.18 to Item #2991.00.3350, Communi- cations. Transfer from Item #3440.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $350.38 to Item #3440.00.3280, Auto Allow- ance and Travel. Transfer from Item #3441.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of #3.90 to Item #3441.00.2120, Demonstra- tion Materials. Transfer from Item #3441.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $17.52 to Item #3441.00.3330, Advertising. Transfer from Item #3991.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $50.79 to Item #3991.00.2070, Tools and Small Implements. Transfer from Item #3991.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $105.49 to Item #3991.00.3280, Auto Allow- ance and Travel. Transfer from Item #3991.00.2010, Gasoline, the sum of $745.17 to Item #3991.00.3370,.Maintenance of Buildings. Transfer from Item #3991.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $237.75 to Item #3991.00.3370, Maintenance of Buildings. Transfer from Item #3993.00.2050, Office Supplies, the sum of $277.19 to Item #3993.00.3310, Rentals. Transfer from Item #3993.00.3280, Auto Allowance and Travel, the sum of $18.78 to Item #3993.00.3310, Rentals. Transfer from Item #5103.00.3410, Contractual Ser- vices (FRS), the sum of $2.00 to Item #5103.00.3410, Contractual Services (Reg.). Transfer from Item #5103.00.3410, Contractual Ser- vices (FRS), the sum of $2.00 to Item #5103.00.3411, Middle Keys Guidance Clinic (FRS). Transfer from Item #5105.01.2010, Gasoline, the sum of $51.19 to Item #5105.01.3380, Maintenance of Equipment. r� Transfer from Item #5105.07.1030, Salaries Non - Payroll, the sum of $53.80 to Item #5105.07.3380, Maintenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #5106.00.4021, Capital Outlay Equipment Under $100, the sum of $222.55 to Item #5106.00.3260, Food and Dietary. Transfer from Item #5106.00.4021, Capital Outlay Equipment Under $100, the sum of $55.71 to Item #5106.00.3350, Communications. Transfer from Item #5106.00.2010, Gasoline, the sum of $119.36 to Item #5106.00.3400, Utilities. Transfer from Item #5220.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $54.46 to Item #5220.00.3280, Auto Allow- ance and Travel. Transfer from Item #5221.00.3094, Outpatient Ser- vices (FRS), the sum of $359.62 to Item #5221.00.3092, Drugs (FRS). Transfer from Item #5221.00.3081, Food and Dietary, the sum of $133.15 to Item #5221.00.3270, Personal Care Items. Transfer from Item #5223.00.1060, Group Insurance, the sum of $2.69 to Item #5223.00.3310, Rentals. Transfer from Item #5342.02.1070, Workmens Compen- sation, the sum of $.08 to Item #5342.02.2050, Office Supplies. Transfer from Item #5347,00.3410, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $24.40 to Item #5347.00.3330, Advertising. Transfer from Item #5347.00.3410, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $114.40 to Item #5347.00.3350, Communications. Transfer from Item #5223.00.3260, Food and Dietary, the sum of $3,147.20 to Item #5223.00.4010, Capital Outlay Buildings. Transfer from Item #5348.17.3380, Maintenance of Equipment, the sum of $148.34 to Item #5348.1.7.2010, Gasoline. Transfer from Item #6302.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $36.16 to Item #6302.00.3290, Dues and Memberships. Transfer from Item #7201.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $10.21 to Item #7201.00.3350, Communica- tions. Transfer from Item #7202.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $53.08 to Item #7202.00.2010, Gasoline. Transfer from Item #7900. Services, the sum of $250 Contractual Services. 9 00.3411, Contractual .00 to Item #7900.00.3410,, Transfer from Item #5223.00.3260, Food and Dietary, the sum of $314.50 to Item #5223.00.4010, Capital Outlay Buildings. Transfer from Item #3441.00.3280, Auto Allowance and Travel, the sum of $30.00 to Item #3441.00.3380, Maintenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #5347.07.3280, Auto Allowance and Travel, the sum of $115.00 to Item #5347.07.3281, Auto Allowance and Travel. Transfer from Item #5103.00.3090, Baker Act Hospital Services, the sum of $1,010.95 to Item #5103.00.3415, Contractual Services. Transfer from Item #5105.05.3380, Maintenance of Equipment, the sum of $127.00 to Item #5105.06.3380, Maintenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #2441.00.1030, Salaries Non - Payroll, the sum of $777.79 to Item #2441.00.2050, Office Supplies. Transfer from Item #7900.00.3411, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $116.25 to Item #3210.11,4010, Stock Island Volunter Fire Department. Transfer from Item #7900.00.3411, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $90.00 to Item #3210.11.4010, Stock Island Volunteer Fire Department. Transfer from Item #7900.00.3411, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $1,376.00 to Item #3210.11.4010, Stock Island Volunteer Fire Department. Transfer from Item #5221.00.3083, Utilities, the sum of $1,000.00 to Item #5221.00.3095, Ambulance. Transfer from Item #6102.00.4021, Capital Outlay Equipment Under $100, the sum of $134.50 to Item #6102.00.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment Under $100. Transfer from Item #5347.01.1020, Salaries, the sum of $183.11 to Item #5347,01.1050, Matching Costs. Transfer from Item #5347.01.3240, Clothing, the sum of $265.38 to Item #5347.01.2040, Miscellaenous Supplies. Transfer from Item #5347.01.3240, Clothing, the sum of $7.30 to Item #5347.01.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #6101.01.3410, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $498.43 to Item #6101,02.3410, Contractual Services. Transfer from Item #6302.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $99.14 to Item #6302.00.2050, Office Sup- plies. 10 Transfer from Item #6302.00.2120, Demonstration Materials, the sum of $169.80 to Item #6302.00.3320, Subscriptions. Transfer from Item #7202.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $132.22 to Item #7202.00.2010, Gasoline. Transfer from Item #7202.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $38.97 to Item #7202.00.3380, Maintenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #7202.01.3380, Maintenance of Equipment, the sum of $55.28 to Item #7202.0.1.2010, Gasoline. Transfer from Item #5221.00.3092, Dues, the sum of $359.62 to Item #5221.00.3094, Outpatient Ser- vices FRS. Transfer from Item #5221.00.3093, Medical Supplies, the sum of $707.20 to Item #5221.00.3094, Out- patient Services FRS. Transfer from Item #5221.00.3081, Food and Dietary, the sum of $50.16 to Item #5221.00.30.93, Medical Supplies. Transfer from Item #5221.00.3081, Food and Dietary, the sum of $359.62 to Item #5221.00,3092, Dues. Transfer from Item #5223.00.3390, Transportation, the sum of $350.00 to Item #5223.00.3094, Outpatient Services. Transfer from Item #5223.00.3400, Utilities, the sum of $350.00 to Item #5223.00.3390, Transportation. Transfer from Item #5347.00.3260, Food and Dietary, the sum of $1,172.00 to Item #5221.00.3170, County Nursing Home FRS. Transfer from Item #5347.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $772.00 to Item #5221.00.3170, County Nursing Home FRS. Transfer from Item #5221.00.3081, Food and Dietary, the sum of $772.00 to Item #5347.00.1020, Salaries. Transfer from Item #5221.00.3081, Food and Dietary, the sum of $1,172.00 to Item #5347.00.3260, Food and Dietary Transfer from Item #5221.00,3095, Ambulance, the sum of $1,000.00 to Item #5221.00.3170, County Nursing Home FRS. Transfer from Item #5348.05.1030, Salaries, the sum of $120.00 to Item #5348.05.1031, Salaries Non - Payroll (Staff). Transfer from Item #5348.06.1030, Salaries, the sum of $10.01 to Item #5348.06.1080, Unemployment Compensation. 11 Transfer from Item #5348.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $269.01 to Item #5348.10.1080, Unemployment Compensation. Transfer from Item #5348.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $25.65 to Item #5348.11.1080, Unemployment Compensation. Transfer from Item #5348.17.3380, Maintenance of Equipment, the sum of $392.17 to Item #5348.17.2010, Gasoline, Oil and Lube. Transfer from Item #5105.03.341, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $531.08 to Item #5105.03.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #5347.07.3281, Travel (Out -of - Town), the sum of $115.00 to Item #5347.07.3280, Auto Allowance and Travel (Local). Transfer from Item #7202.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $.15 to Item #7202.02.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #5221.00.3092, Drugs, the sum of $14.94 to Item #5221.00.3093, Medical Supplies. Transfer from Item #5221.00.3091, Physicians Ser- vices, the sum of $6,334.65 to Item #5221.00.3160, Medicaid Nursing Home. Transfer from Item #7201.02.4013, Contingency, the sum of $7201.01.4013, Architectural Engineering Basic. 12 SUPPLEMENT TO GENERAL REVENUE FUND Transfer from Item #6212.01.1030, Salaries Non - Payroll, the sum of $2.50 to Item #6212.01.3280, Auto Allowance. Transfer from Item #6212.01.1050, Matching Costs, the sum of $162.21 to Item #6212.01.3320, Sub- scriptions. Transfer from Item #6212.01.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $1,252.07 to Item #6212.01.3320, Subscriptions. Transfer from Item #6212.01.1030, Salaries Non - Payroll, the sum of $2,186.93 to Item #6212.01.3320, Subscriptions. Transfer from Item #6212.01.102.0, Salaries, the sum of $668.65 to Item #6212.01.3320, Subscriptions. Transfer from Item #6212.01.1050, Matching Costs, the sum of $126.35 to Item #6262.01.3320, Sub- scriptions. Transfer from Item #6212.01.1050, Matching Costs, the sum of $126.75 to Item #6212.01.2050, Office Supplies. Transfer from Item #6212.00.1050, Matching Costs, the sum of $46.57 to Item #6212.02.3320, Subscrip- tions. Transfer from Item #6212.02.2050, Office Supplies, the sum of $65.56 to Item #6212.02.3320, Sub- scriptions. Transfer from Item #621.2.02.3310, Rentals, the sum of $120.00 to Item #6212.02.3320, Subscriptions. Transfer from Item #6212.02.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $114.35 to Item #6212.02.3320, Subscriptions. Transfer from Item #6212.00.1050, Matching Costs, the sum of $8.45 to Item #6212.00.2120, Demon- stration Materials. Transfer from Item #6212.00.1050, Matching Costs, the Sum of $19.30 to Item #6212.00.3320, Subscrip- tions. Transfer from Item #6212.00.1050, Matching Costs, the sum of $38.50 to Item #6212.00.3370, Main- tenance of Buildings. Transfer from Item #6212.00.1050, Matching Costs, the sum of $51.50 to Item #6212.00.3410, Con- tractual Services. Transfer from Item #6212.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $4,438.82 to Item #6212.00.3320, Sub- scriptions. 13 Transfer from Item #6212.00.1050, Matching Cost, the sum of $897.36 to Item #6212.00.3320, Sub- scriptions. Transfer from Item #6212.00.1030, Salaries Non - Payroll, the sum of $615.08 to Item #6212.00.3370, Maintenance of Buildings. Transfer from Item #6212.00.1050, Matching Costs, the sum of $452.80 to Item #6212.00.3370, Main- tenance of Builidngs. Transfer from Item #6212.00.4020, Capital Outlay, the sum of $1.003.11 to Item #6212.00.3370, Maintenance of Buildings. Transfer from Item #6212.00.3410, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $574.80 to Item #6212.00.3370, Maintenance of Buildings. Transfer from Item #6212.00.3400, Utilities, the sum of $716.10 to Item #6212.00.3370, Maintenance of Buildings. Transfer from Item #6212.00.3350, Communications, the sum of $149.14 to Item #6212.00.3370, Main- tenance of Buildings. Transfer from Item #6212.00.3330, Advertising, the sum of $47.46 to Item #6212.00.3370, Maintenance of Buildings. Transfer from Item #6212.00.3310, Rentals, the sum of $243.37 to Item #6212.00.3370, Maintenance of Buildings. Transfer from Item #6212.00.3300, Insurance and Bonds, the sum of $156.83 to Item #6212.00.3370, Maintenance of Buildings. Transfer from Item #6212.00.3290, Dues and Mem- berships, the sum of $29.25 to Item #6212.00.3370, Maintenance of Buildings. Transfer from Item #6212.00.3240, Clothing, the SUM O.E. $137.00 to Item #6212.00.3370, Maintenance of Buildings. Transfer from Item #6212.00.2120, Demonstration Materials, the sum of $72.88 to Item #6212.00.3370, Maintenance of Buildings. Transfer from Item #6212.00.2040, Miscellaneous Supplies, the sum of $167.47 to Item #, Maintenance of Buildings. Transfer from Item #6212.00.2010, Gasoline, the sum of $96.94 to Item #6212.00.3370, Maintenance of Buildings. Transfer from Item #6212.00.2070, Tools and Small Implements, the sum of $2.75 to Item #6212.00.2050, Office Supplies. 14 Transfer from Item #6212.00.1050, Matching Costs, the sum of $352.93 to Item #6212.00.3320, Subscriptions. Transfer from Item #6212.00.1060, Group Insurance, the sum of $637.33 to Item #6212.00.3320, Sub- scriptions. Transfer from Item #6212.00.2050, Office Supplies, the sum of $98.34 to Item #6212.00.3320, Subscrip- tions. Transfer from Item #6212.00.2070, Tools and Small Implements, the sum of $69.62 to Item #6212.00.3320, Subscriptions. Transfer from Item #6212.00.3280, Auto Allowance and Travel, the sum of $91.01 to Item #6212.00.3320, Subscriptions. Transfer from Item #6212.00.3300, Insurance and Bonds, the sum of $22.37 to Item #6212.00.3320, Subscriptions. Transfer from Item #6212.01.1050, Matching Costs, the sum of $2.35 to Item #6212.01.3320, Subscrip- tions. Transfer from Item #6212.01.4021, Capital Outlay Under $100, the sum of $49.49 to Item #6212.01.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment. Transfer from Item #6212.02. Equipment, the sum of $49.46 Capital Outlay Under $100. 4020, Capital Outlay to Item #6212.02.4021, Transfer from Item #6212.02.3310, Rentals, the sum of $.50 to Item #6212.02.3320, Subscriptions. Transfer from ships, the sum Maintenance of Transfer from Equipment, the Maintenance of Item #6212.00.3290, Dues and Member - of $10.00 to Item #6212.00.3370, Buildings. Item #6212.00.3380, Maintenance of sum of $35.33 to Item #6212.00.3370, Buildings. Transfer from Item #6212.00.3390, Transportation, the sum of $95.65 to Item #6212.00.3370, Maintenance of Buildings. Transfer from Item #6212.01.1050, Matching Costs, the sum of $.03 to Item #6212.01.4021, Capital Outlay Under $100. Transfer from Item #6212.00.3300, Insurance and Bonds, the sum of $86.80 to Item #6212.00.3370, Maintenance of Buildings. Transfer from Item #6212.01.1050, Matching Costs, the sum of $156.49 to Item #6212.00.3370, Main- tenance of Buildings. 15 CARD SOUND BRIDGE FUND Transfer from Item #7991.00.3300,..Insurance and Bonds, the sum of $142..5.5 to Item #7991.00.1020, Salaries. Transfer from Item #7991:00.3410, Contractual Ser- vices,­the sum of $73.88 to Item-#7991.00.3400, Utilities. Transfer'from Item,#7991.00.105'0, Matching Costs the, sum of $214. 08 to Item #7991. 00. 1030., . . Salaries Non -Payroll. .Transfer from Item #7991.00.3300, Insurance and Bonds, the sum of $2,086.32.to Item #7991.00.1020, Salaries. Transfer from Item #7991.00.1050, Matching.Costs, ,the Sum of $284:64 to Item #7991.00..3400, Utilities: CARD SOUND BRIDGE INTEREST & SINKING FUND Transfer from Item #8210.00.3410, Contractual Ser= vices, the sum of $1,625.36 to Item #7991.00.3370, Maintenance of Buildings. Transfer from Item #8210.00.3410 Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $9.3,218.75 to Item #8210.00.5010, Principal Payment Bonded Indebtedness. Transfer from Item.#8210.00.3410,. Contractual Ser vices, the sum -of $24,700.00 to.Item'#, Principal Payment. Bonded Indebtedness. Transfer from -Item #8210.00.3410,,Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $39,634.03 to Item #, Maintenance of Buildings 16 FINE AND FORFEITURE FUND Transfer from Item #6211.00.3200, Research and Studies, the sum of $310.68 to Item #6211.00.3280, Auto Allowance. Transfer from Item #3101.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $161,372.74 to Item #3101,00.1050, Matching Costs. Transfer from Item #3101.00.1020, Salaries, the sum of $7,730.00 to Item #3,101.00.1021, Salaries Incentive. Transfer from Item #3101.00.1051, Matching Costs, the sum of $28,438.33 to Item #3101.00.1050, Matching Costs. Transfer from Item #3101.00.4020, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $57,972.96 to Item #3101.00.1050, Matching Costs. Transfer from Item #3101.00.3030, Investiga- tions, the sum of $6,550.00 to Item #3101.00.1050, Matching Costs. Transfer from Item #9990.00.7090, Reserve for Con- tingencies, the sum of $14,000.00 to Item #3101.00.1052, Matching Costs. Transfer from Item #3101.00.3300, Insurance and Bonds, the sum of $24.90 to Item #3101.00.1060, Group Insurance. 17 MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAX DISTRICT FUND Transfer from Item #7992.03.1060, Group Insurance, the sum of $14.63 to Item #7992.03.3400, Utilities. Transfer from Item #7992.02.3240, Clothing, the sum of $11.18 to Item #7992.02.3260, Food and Dietary. Transfer from Item #7992.03.1020, Salaries, the sum of $2,341.77 to Item #7992.06.3380, Maintenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #7992.04.3380, Maintenance of Equipment, the sum of $500.00 to Item #7992.04.2010, Gasoline. Transfer from Item #7992.01.1020, Salaries, the sum of $71.92 to Item #7992.01.2010, Gasoline. Transfer from Item #7992.04.3370, Maintenance of Buildings, the sum of $19.58 to Item #7992.04.3350, Communications. Transfer from Item #7992.06.3370, Maintenance of Buildings, the sum of $500.00 to Item #7992.06.3400, Utilities. Transfer from Item #7992.04.1020, Salaries, the sum of $79.01 to Item #7992.04.2010, Gasoline. Transfer from Item #7992.01.1020, Salaries, the sum of $351.55 to Item #7992.01.1050, Matching Costs. Transfer from Item #7992.01.1020, Salaries, the sum of $145.39 to Item #7992.01.2010, Gasoline. Transfer from Item #7992.01.1020, Salaries, the sum of $106.44 to Item #7992.01.2050, Office Supplies. Transfer from Item #7992.01.1020, Salaries, the sum of $2.70 to Item #7992.01.3260, Food and Dietary. Transfer from Item #7992.01.1020, Salaries, the sum of $216.00 to Item #7992.01.3340, Commis- sions and Fees. Transfer from Item #7992.01.3410, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $1,248.00 to Item #7992.01.3415, Contractual Services (Marathon Garage). Transfer from Item #7992.02.1050, Matching Costs, the sum of $72.42 to Item #7992.02.1020, Salaries. Transfer from Item #7992.02.1050, Matching Costs, the sum of $8.21 to Item #7992.02.3400, Utilities. Transfer from Item #9990.00. the sum of $5,077.00 to Item tractual Services. 18 7010, Contingencies, #7992.04.3410, Con- Transfer from Item #7992.06.1020, Salaries, the sum of $401.55 to Item #7992.06.2010, Gasoline. Transfer from Item #7992.06.1050, Matching Costs, the sum of $20.11 to Item #7992.06.2010, Gasoline. Transfer from Item #7992.07.4010, Capital Outlay Buildings, the sum of $12,721.87 to Item #7992.07.3410, Contractual Services. Transfer from Item #7992.06.2030, Materials, the sum of $40.00 to Item #7992.02.2030, Materials. Transfer from Item #7992.01.3410, Contractual Services, the sum of $10,099.19 to Item #7992.01.3411, Contractual Services. Transfer from Item #7992.01.3410, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $10,099.19 to Item #7992.01.3411, Contractual Services. Transfer from Item #7992.01.1020, Salaries, the sum of $36.55 to Item #7992.01.201.0, Gasoline. Transfer from Item #7992.01.1020, Salaries, the sum of $20.69 to Item #7992.01.2050, Office Supplies. Transfer from Item #7992.01.3410, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $2,299.13 to Item #7992.01.3310, Rentals. Transfer from Item #7992.01.3410, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $16.00 to Item #7992.01.3340, Commissions and Fees. Transfer from Item #7992.01.3410, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $472.00 to Item #7992.01.3412, Contractual Services. Transfer from Item #7992.01.3410, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $3,448.00 to Item #7992.01.3413, Contractual Services. Transfer from Item #7992.01.3410, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $1,256.00 to Item #7992.01.3414, Contractual Services. Transfer from Item #7992.01.3410, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $13,376.00 to Item #7992.01.3415, Contractual Services. Transfer from Item #7992.01.3410, Contractual Ser- vices, the sum of $9,228.00 to Item #7992.01.3417, Contractual Services. Transfer from Item #7992.03.1060, Group Insurance, the sum of $14.00 to Item #7992.03.3400, Utilities. Transfer from Item #7992.04.1020, Salaries, the sum of $439.98 to Item #7992.04.2010, Gasoline. Transfer from Item #7992.04.1020, Salaries, the sum of $.58 to Item #7992.04.3260, Food and Dietary. Transfer from Item #7992.06.1050, Matching Costs, the sum of $34.16 to Item #7992.06.2010, Gasoline. 19 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND .Transfer from Item #4102 ,•00 : 2080 , .Medicine and Drugs,, the sum of $16.74 to Item'.#4102.00:3260, .Food and Dietary. Transfer from Item-#3210.06.3350-, Communications,. the sum of $29.55 to Item #3210.04.3320, Main- tenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #3210.06.3400. Utilities,' the sum'of- $152.60 to Item #3210.04.3.380 Main tenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #3210.08:2040 Miscellaneous Supplies, the sum.of $250.00 to.Item #3210.04.3380, Maintenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #4102.01.3410, Contractual Ser- yices,• the sum of $1,400.70 to-Item.#4102.00:.3413; Contractual Services.. Transfer from Item #3210 04.3.380;. Maintenance of Equipment, the sum of .$25. 46 to - Item. #3210.04. 3400;. • Utilities. Transfer from Item #3210.07.2010 Gasoline, the .sum of $23.81 to.Item #3210.07.3400, Utilities. Transfer.from Item #4102.00.1030; Salaries Non-. -Payroll, the sum of $388.30 to.Item #410:2.00.2010, Gasoline. 'Transfer. from Item #4102:00.1030, Salaries Non - Payroll, 'the .sum of $248:80 to Item ��41.02."00..2050; " Office Supplies. Transfer from Item.#4"102.00.1030, Salaries Non-' Payroll, the sum of.$6.26 to .Item #4102...00.3260, Food and Dietary; Transfer -from Item #4102.01..3410., Contractual Services; the sum.of $19,486.93 to. Item ' #4102.01".3415, Northside Drive.' Transfer from Item #3210'.0.1:3380",'-Maintenance of Equipment, the sum of $39.70 to Item #3210.01.3400, Utilities Transfer from Item #.3210.0.4.3380, Maintenance, of- Equipment, the sum of $,11.:18. to- Item #3210.04.3400,'Utilities.. Transfer from Item #3210:00.3410, Contractual `Services, the "sum of $.22.-69 to Item #3210.06."3400., Utilities. Transfer .from Item #4102.00,4020, Capital Outlay Equipment, the"sum'of $6,610.25 to Item #4102.00.1020, Salaries. Transfer from Item #4102.100.-4020, Capital Outlay ',Equipment, the sum of $269.-70 to .Item #4102.00..105.0; ..Matching Costs. W Transfer from Item #4102.00,4020, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $290.60 to Item #4102.00.2050, Office Supplies. Transfer from Item #3210.04.3380, Maintenance of Equipment, the sum of $30.63 to Item #3210.04.3330, Advertising. Transfer from Item #3210.04.3350, Communications, the sum of $100.00 to Item #3210.04.3380, Maintenance of Equipment. Transfer from Item #3210.02.3380, Maintenance of Equipment, the sum of $2.00 to Item #3210.02.3350, Communications. Transfer from Item #3210.03.3380, Maintenance of Equipment, the sum of $3.00 to Item #3210.03.3350, Communications. Transfer from Item #3210,00.3370, Maintenance of Buildings, the sum of $91.28 to Item #3210.04.3400, Utilities. 1965 BUILDING CERTIFICATES FUND Transfer from Item #9990.00.7010, Contingency, the sum of $1,125.00 to Item #8110.00.5020, Interest Payment Bonded Indebtedness. 21 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID. -BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be, and he-is.hereby authorized to take the necessary action to effect the transfer of funds hereinabove set forth. DATED October 3, 1978.., ,-BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA B rlayor­dnd "Chairman (Seal) Attest: s t Clerk 22 I HEREBY CERTIFY that this diccurnent has been reviewed for legal suffi- C.,enc-y and that the same meet L s with approv,.N. Attorney's Office