Resolution 297-1978 RESOLurION 297-1978 WHEREAS, the BQ\RD OF CDUNI'Y mmSSIONERS of M)NROE COONIY, Florida, has received an application from Satt.m1 Realty /Termey to construct: 265 lineal feet of rip-rap along the shoreline at a maxinun of 15 feet below MHW. Filter fabric will be placed behind the rip-rap and clean sand and spoil, from excavation, used to grade property to rip-rap. A total of 100 cubic yards of fill will be placed; 80 cubic yards watel:Ward and 20 cubic yards landward of MHW. Also proposed is creating a breach in the jetty located inmediate1y north of the seawall site. '!he breach would be 16 feet wide, then concrete lxmding rip-rapped, with filter screen backing, to give a finished width of 10 feet. Excavation length is a total of 45 feet, 15 feet of Which is above MHW cutting through the jetty. Depth of the cut "tVOuld be -3 feet MHW. Thirty (30) cubic yards of material is to be dredged from below MHW and fifteen (15) cubic yards of material is to be dredged from below MHW and fifteen (15) cubic yards from above MHW. The general area is along a natural sand benn shoreline in Vaca Key Bight. Offshore waters are shallow with substrate that changes am:mg sand, grass and rock. '!he shoreline is natural sand or artificial and rip-rapped or seawal1ed. A natural sand benn exists in sone areas but IIDst1y it has been destroyed by deve1oprrent. '!he uplands are about 90% developed with single-family dwellings on one side of the nain -road and condomi.niuns on the other. '!he project site is a natural sand beach running north and south. Due to land alteration, the north end of the shoreline turns east and continues as a rip-rap and fill jetty. At the north end of the rip-rap seawall site, the natural sand benn has been scraped off and a sand beach, sloping from the residence to the waterline, fOmEd. \\eeds, floating debris and tar have fonned a dense accurru1ation along the applicant' s shore~ine and the shoreline to the south. Pm especially dense ,1) build-up of floating debris occqrred in the pocket fonned by the altered beach and the jetty. '!he circulation cut (swa1e) proposed "tVOuld be through a jetty connecting a canal to open waters. '!he jetty is conprised of marl fill with rock rip-rap. '!here is no vegetation along, or inrnediate1y waterward of, the proposed rip-rap seawall site. '!he jetty has a sparse caver of pioneer plant species. Due to the absence of biota in the seawall site, there will be no adverse biological inpact. '!he proposed seawall will have no af;fect on water quality. '!he circulation cut (seale) will enhance water quality in the canal system by . increasing the water exchange rate. The orientation will take advantage of wind currents and the opening itself will allow tidal relief. HCMever, the location of the opening in the debris pocket will allow the acctml1ated material to IIDve from the pocket, through the opening and into the canal system. Once in the canal, the debris will becorre entrapped and settle out on the bottom to decorrpose there. This can result in degradation of water below Class III standards. .. WHEREAS, this project has been reviewed and it has been found that it will not cause any substantial damage and will enhance the water quality in the canal, therefore BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the BOARD OF CXJUNl'Y OMITSSIONERS of MJNroE COUNIY, Florida, that said BOARD hereby gives its approval for the above described constnlCtion. RESOLVED this 21 s t regularly scheduled IIEeting. day of November 19 78 , at a BOARD OF OJUNlY COM1ISSIONERS MONROE COONI'Y, Florida {a/~~_ MAYOR and \~nnan ~ 'By APPROVED ON November ~1. 1978 BOOK s PAGE 132 / .