Resolution 304-1978 RESOLUTION NO. 304-1978 RESOLUTION REQUESTING REPEAL OF SPECIAL ACT 65-l93l CREATING THE DESIGNATION OF MAYOR WHEREAS, by Special Act of the Legislature Chapter 65- 1931 provides: "The member of the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, elected as Chairman of said Board shall be known as the Mayor of Monroe County, Florida, and the member of said Board appointed as Vice- Chairman of said Board shall be known as the Mayor Pro Tem of said County, when acting in the absence of the Chairman of said Board." and WHEREAS, Monroe County is an unchartered government as as many other counties within the State of Florida, and ~mEREAS, the designation of Mayor is only a paper title and such designation does create confusion at times and does not provide any substantial benefit to the governing of Monroe County, and vlliEREAS, pursuant to Florida Statute 125 under which the County of Monroe operates, which statute was created subsequent to the creation of the title of Mayor, and further, Chapter 125 provides for the specific legislative and governing authorities of County government, and \~EREAS, such statute does not require the designation of Mayor and such designation does not serve any useful purpose, now, therefore, BE IT P~SOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that said Board does hereby request the Monroe County legislative delegation to take any and all action necessary to repeal Chapter 65-1931 in the 1979 legislative ses- sion and to accomplish said repeal at the earliest possible date Page 1 of 2 Pages , ~~~$~.~:L'L-._~ APPROVED ON_~~~- . ;_ 1/1 ~ _ S r-'.....;o~~ '- .------ - tII SOOK _ in order to provide for the orderly government of Monroe County in accordance with Florida Statutes Chapter 125. DATED December 5, 1978. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COU Y, FL IDA By Attes,t,:/-~ ---7 ( q;$Crf?h~ '-'- er / (Seal) I HEREBY CT';' has been rs\:: i. ciency an~jt' , !. my app~>?va:, ", .' i"'0 .' ;//'0'" .~.#.? '" ,,,/. ~ By g:.?- ~_". - ,P:"~_? d_. ~ A ' ""f' t(Q{;,(:j'S 01 Ice I.;. ; r'-;", document i j ffi- _ "I";.; ts with ~age 2 of 2 Pages