Resolution 310-1978 _.- RESOLUTION NO. 310 -1978 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A LEASE/RENTAL AGREE- MENT BY AND BETI1EEN THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~1IS- SIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND INTERNA- TIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Mayor and Chairman be authorized to execute a Lease/Rental Agreement by and between the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, and International Business Machines Corporation, a copy of same being attached hereto, for the leasing of a Mag Card II system for use in the County Attorney's Office. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 19th day of December, 1978. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUN~J, F~O IDA , By Attest:./ '(4---,. -~ "/ Z/7 [~~&:~a~___:~ (Seal) I HEREBY CERTIFY that this' document has bee reviewed for legal suffi- ciency ;d tii2t the same meets with my apP,;;s,aL .' I -"" ,/ ~,;? ~?~~/~ :~' . ." /' _.' ..../'_ h/ -~ ,,' By .~ /?/~/' ,c' U .J~ Attorney's Office ~~ r,.PPROVZO o~t Il, \ PAGE. _ .-. ,. _t BOOK _ i. ~ ~ .,. ... ":. 3124 L fR t I A --- - ease en a ~greemenj ---- ----- - --- ----- - - - --- ----- - -.- Per Unit I DESCRIPTION ~~~_L Charges LOBOO Up- l1em (AI Type/Model Complete The Description In Machine Type, Model !\nd or per No. Oty. or Feature Code Sequence (prO?Serial Number And Meter Ront Base (B) Monthly (C) Service L1mll I Feature (UR) Term Le".../Rental Zone Charge ~ Reading, If Installed). (M08) Charge (Initial) .... I'./ / ,--7"" - , /I'.f/lt.; / /f //tJ ' // I .--(-"4- '-1 . ../~;- I .;J -t- '1' I I I I I , I I I I I I I_ I r , I , , I i I I i l I , - t-- i , I i , i Combined Monthly Lease/Rental Charge (Excluding Applicable Taxes, Destination Charge. t Y.' ! And Monthly Use Charge) Multiply (A) By The Sum Of (8) + (C) Then Add All Lines. ,~( I :J I Per Unit Monthly Use Charge (MUC) Machines + Purchase Option Termination Destination litem Charge Charge No. (AIxMl) (D) Monthly Use Charge Maximum Purchase Monthly Purchase Maximum Maximum I Usage Volume Rate For Volume In Monthly Price Option Option Accrual Purchase % Mos From IBM Included In (B) E.ce". Of (D) Charge Amount Percent Period Accrual (BaselExt) Location (Rate/Range) ($) (%) (Mos) % t I //. ~.;" '.):" '>/) '/\ c.":> . . , , I I I I , I I , , I , I ~ i , , , I I I , , I I I , I I r I I I. I I , I , , , . Monthly Use CharCe Based Upon Usage Volume Determinod From Meter Reading. . Maximum Monthly harge Based Upon Monthly Usage Volume At A Level Beyond Which I There Will Be No Additional Monthly Use Charges (Excluding Service Zone Charges). Trade-In Equipment QIy. Description (Include any physical deductions due to machine condition). IBM may reduce the trade-in Serial Number Trade-In Net allowance if equipment IS not in substantially the same condition as when inspected. Allowance I , I ----- Total Allowanco--' , -------- Escrow Payment (Bears no Interest and Will apply to final amounts due IElM as described herein). r Three Months Monthly Lease/Rental Charges (Including Applicable Taxes And Service Zone Charges) .1 (-- , j UNDERSTAND THAT IF I HAVE SELECTED A LEASE CONTRACT PERIOD OR EXTENSION FOR A MACHINE, I AM OBLIGATED TO LEASE THe MACHINE FOR THE i LEASE CONTR.6,CT PERIOD OR EXTENSION. IF SUCH PERIOD OR E)<TENSION IS TERMINATED BEFORE ITS EXPIRATlor~ DATE, I AGHEE TO PAY THE TERMINATI~' N I CHARGES SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT. I FOR MACHINES OTHER THAN COPIERS I UNDERSTAND THAT, IF I HAVE SELECTED A RENTAL CONTRACT PERIOD. I AM OBLIGATED TO RENT THE MACHINE F R : A SIX MONTH MINIMUM RENTAL PERIOD. Customer's Initials neE TEAMS AND CONDITIONS ATTACHED AFlE A PJUH or- nus AGREEMENT '------ THE CUSTOl4ER ACKN.oWLEDGES THAT liE 1-1.\5 RCAD THIS AGREEMENT. UNDERST:\NDS IT, MiD AGP.EES TO ilE BOUND BY ITS nRlAS AND C.oNDITI.oNS. FURnIER. TIlE CUST.o~ER AGREES THAT IT IS THE COMPLE1'E AND EXCLUSIVE STATEMCNT OF THE AGREEMENT llETWEEN THr: PARTIES. WHICH SUPER- SEDES t.LL PROPOS"'LS .01'1 PRIOR AGREEMENTS, ORAL DR WRITTEN, AND ALL .oTHER CpIAMUNIC:~J.ONS ElET~~~N-THE PARTll'S ":::LATI~G T.o THE Sl,)8JECT MATTER .oF THIS AGREEMENT. . .:....~/// A.I,//",/7~.1:o'-,/~ _ '27~., .r.;/, . -.""I-' Ijl,/~/". ' Ie. I,'.'" {.+ 1////,,_ t 4- . . . . Cu3Iomers ~"':c' /"" /ll ( i~ ( I.. /:n //1/;5 -:-, ~. " "L/L --j International BUSiness Machines Corporation Address ;.- _:.-- .'.. // ," ~ _ .' ~ ~_.. ..., . _d_ ~.." /U,{//1/f?/Z-.L.7' ~> ~"/'/ CilyandSta ..:"": _ ./" .'r .- (" /' / /<,":/' ZIPCOd.f? ~..:" ~"l .l/ ~'l ,/ / t: 1 ~ --'-.:...L I L / ' _ .. M!Hk For lAllenllO~ . - - :/ .- /? L. ' ,._--- -...-,. ........_.. ,J'- "'"/ / Please ~ or Print all information except signature Branr:h Ottics Address rr Off No f ~ . I' LEASE/RENTAL AGREEMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS Page 2 of 2 PURCHASE OPTION 1 he Customer fTl,'y elect to purrh3<~ a morhine installed undor a Lease Contract Period or Extensioi: ~'Y execlJtin~~ an .)rlr!ic'lbif~ IBM rurchasc .1gu}('rnen! p~O'Jirlr~d that all payments due for t.he mach!ni are curreo! Upoo request from the Cust"mer. IBM will Quote a net purchase option pnce for such machine includrng its model upgrades aoel features as of a speCifiC month that IS not more than threl months from the date 01 the request. 1 he net purchase nption price. as calculated lor each machine, model upgrade and feature. will beth,. 10wer of (1) the Purchd<::;8 Price ~tated in thn Agreernent, ~s mndl11E'd In accordance WIth this Seetin;], less any apprcable purchac,c option. neclit~ nf)t to e-,ccpd an af'101H1t dr.t('rmjn~d by multiplymg stle!. modified Purchase Price by the MaXimum Purchose Accrual Percent, or (2\ IBM s purchase price ther, f',enerally ill effect, less any applicable PUrch.dse option credit:.; net to excpcd a~ amoun~ determined b; multiplYing such purch~se price by the MaX'fTllJm Purchase Accrual Percent. fhe MaXimum Purcha'., ^,ccrual Percent will be sp"cified on the fllst page of the Agreement. 1 he eligible purchase option credits are the sum of: a) the eli"ible Monthly Leose ChiJrf~" p,lid under this ~grppmp"t mul!iplied by the Pur~ha'jeOptior. Percent sw'clfied on the 'first pJge of th.,~ Apep-tn~nt or fr.:-r sclectr'd n1~chlncs as determm?d b~ IBM, the sum of the then current Monthly Option Amount for each eligible month the machine ic insta!led under this AgI eement: dnc1 bl the a~lpiicablc month I,.. purch..1SP option crPflih, if ;lny, ;E:crued under other IBM agrrernents. For purpos.~s of this CnIClJIJt~()n, the' p(Jriod wllich is pli~~it'lf;o f()r rurchdse option credits is th.: period during which th.~ rnaChlf10 h-1S been r.o~tlnuolJsly w'~t,1!1r;d bllt may not exc.ccd tt"1e Maxim.un' Acuuol Period specilled. Flir;lble credits will be applied in the order in which they are f"',1 im:,urred VJhen a mi")chil1f? Cf'ases to 1-:')(> ir;sl:llled uqdpr this A.Stc('m~nt, ;Ill pUt"t:-hJse option credits accrued hereundpr with rrt;?rrj to th.:1t fTl03chinr~ sh,:~1I p~'pirf~ Purchase option cret1its :3u:rue individually for ea:h fIldchiql'. rl10dp.1 upgrade and feature and on11 C~Jnng the ('lcul)::1 Ji.~ll(yJ 01 thp. l11;-jChH"~' Furcll,-J"-,0 0kt:(.'fl '~r~'dits ar~ not transferable to otiJC! . :ustorrers Of I";('(',.,'I-""'rl r~'"1":hi;p.:;, 1.:1 W'; 1 .l';lr:hi"n. Its IlliJli,.::; anj fl'dtureS. f '''r J 'llJ,'hilll~ Il(\t 'I(~. ;il~,L"k"J. ;~ f~l!! !'\r',,'~'I,'Ir:f'l,t. fc UV~ rn,:v~hiI1'.~ hi~~'; bpnn sig!lf:d by thl? Cllstn[l'('r and IBM. IfM ~~'3'{ nelt ,1'':1"( l'~e ~hn ;;uf"rh ,),':~ Priu! rlnr dp1.re,:lse Ih'! Purcha<.ic Optlnll PerClT i;,1ilYlrTlUIlJ I'll! ll'::!:-if .t\( U IJit! r (':, 1:'111, or r;1,lY;' 'i: 11',1 rlr:n 'n: r'(fiC '.'!Wdl:,;> 'v,I-lltCIl nof icr shall h,we bu;t i ,"11 to I.he (:ti'lil'lller __It !t'r:' t tlncf' 11l(:f1t~;s L'?k'iC 'liP d,}!;~ (,' '.;1'11.11111301 ;-I")r a rrnchine vihich is j:'lc;t;ll\rtl. lAM tillY inup,:JSf' the FW'c)li-!9" Prier imr;H~rli;1t01v uron wnll...... rlq~lr:f\ C,l!{~:'~r:; h Ilr'l'':' Lip,;'''- r1"';L'r:'1";II~'d in 1h" 'vlrJW :'I.l~n 'I ~s fer Tn!,)l r\'~onlh!y Ch2n.~(':; ;:1 'r,~(' Itu?cllll H:~ --:,,~'ct!,~f'\ pr,t;!I("1 ;'IIIU~\'1<;e,;n ! r;,V0 r0'1~r;v,' Pt;rind ~I~()n(hly CtVlrgl?'::'" ,lie Fu'cll1',( (~L t:c'rl I~ ',c;:'\i, WiJx:;~H1m ?urch,;:)(; ,r,,'jT 1 J\ r-:;F_ ':nt Jile ~~:"!limurn ,'\C(flla' F'-~ri()d f:: ; :d~hirlf.' .','II! 1'",1. L ! L;\ ::! (',<....1" I uv"i'l; ;:) L'.',.h8 Cc'~t: ,3d ~",:.. ;0':1 m [t..tr:n:';;:Jn :-t' ~.1 (1;1 t:'! (' ";!~' '1 ,r, ' r '~j (',"1 I hi' II r ~,t r':~', ~o (if t Ilis ,.., (',r(/;mc.nt wi!l no~ bn. d('Cr(~;l~ I?!rl rill r i.. LeCtsr! ,(j 1-'f?11c:1 or unl{';~, tj1f' ',.'iw~th\' IY,l~'~ CharfO IS decreased, 3nd then by :~I ! ,ll,rp fl,QI 'iJnt of cieCl ';'i):;,e 01 ttll' ~/(,r II 11' L ",1(,n Clnq;(' 1 h'C)5P rJcu-edses will be e:fGcti\lc (ll ." S(H"!'C d'Jt~~, ~ ( I ~ ) lJ 1 I ;, In,yl~inp iwt;ll!!'~ uwJcr a R,~11t21 Contract PEriod by exe(:ut:,1F ~t ~t 1'1",: ,:, ~;:!;,i,(;~lJll~ plHch~,se pr:ce for such ITlJC~Ii"'(~' !: '(' (l jf ~',:;": ,!' (' , :..;' It' t 1iPMUlT .! II j.," ,.~ :r.ll "; ",I:' II' (; r.., .~, Ii,';: 11" ;'( ;'r:;)I)'J :1,,1)(: :-:;. I') '~:'~, ..,,~ 'n:J.J~.: _'I', tr! a (J'::r: :"C ...ith :8r",.~ .)pr,li;:2hh~ ~b!prn>::I-,t r~'~CI~, ,~'.1','!(' Prior to 5'-1i~j"l::ri1". 1m.: 'LIIRAIICNS fHID r..! :'\I::'<ENi5 V.,,' .;I,);.P:; !;UI11 ~~~Y'''.': .{.,~h},:~k'~", ..1 or r'crL d t, r _'_lJ:.L.J. I p,t'~!rCl1llc::liun to an IC~.~ IToJchinc t!1:- ! '.'"p',y''' 11'llty 1(lt r"':-Jki;1~~lPY Sll(h dlter~t;on or dti;Jchltlcnt. i1 ;1~"1 tl ~',,'Y (', Jrl;l~:, fcl~ltu: tu l>e alt~r~ltlf.ln or allJchrlH!1~ 111" (J~l~~.\!(1~r furth~lr ;pree'.; to rerncv' 1'1 alkl)"':1 ~;r ,j' I Jeil'; / t )"" 'c"!" n' c",' ~'I. T tn ;': " I ir~r i~I:} I. In,'lit.-:,! ......:.1 ;0.n(jltiu~ pI ilJr to i: I turn to Irr,1, 01 L:P'Hl n:Jli(c flom ICNllh2t t:!f; ,jll(r,~tian (,r alL.;c.lI~T1:~r:t Clfates a sdfety hdz,Jrd.-;' I ",dl:'r~) rnJ;11tr.'rldl~cc c~ Ill:! Pl~::hill(' impa'.tic.:.d. ! i/"NTENr.NCE ~Eli'llG[ idM will provide Jl1,J\fl[en,:n"e service to I<'.-~!,:'~,\ each '\ld~hrJB III Ot re~,tore It to goud working t'rrlE'r a'll; \illl make all l'v'cessary a.:;;~lstrnE':,ts, rt'VJ1rs a'ld i>.lrts n'plC'f"'1ll('11tS. rm this pur~l)::.e, IBM sh:l: J':lve full ard ;,ce ,:J'rJ''':"" to niP IT fITI' Cll',k:1F:'i "gtrc; to pr,(),/IdC' a suitable in<aIJdtj"I, (rWlrOflmcnt d'~ pn.'scr ibcd by l[3rJ. T:le ;~n,~':CI ai::r) ,!t;recs t'J nuh: avaj1clble, for mJchincs Wlltl T lonthly Use Cl1.Htr:, a k:~y upent:1r for tr~i'1inG rHJrpn~,ps iJnd to notify IBM of any change in kc '"'1"3rator Jsr;ignnlfnt ,~(' CustorT'~r .1f;1'f;'CS to rJ)" ,:! 181\1'.:-, Jp~~ll'~lble linl(' and tlFltc ::11 12fc-s then in effEct all charges f()! r lainten.JrlCL' ar*10 r:thrr s~rvir:e ?divitie<; rpncJu~'d i!t the O,lstolner's request after IBM's normal t :J<.iif1cSS I,CUI:; ;:nd (n Slturs;:IY5, Sunc'l1ys ,::,nd hclid,J'IC; hI:" CU'.;torner .aGn;e~. (I) p3)' a t ID~,'''~) ;lp~:~ic<~ble tirilf! Jnd Ind~rri81 ratt;> then in effect all charges k: : 1,1Iflten<1nCC and ethe: s('rvi:<:; af.:tivili('s. or t'.' pay for k'ss of or darn2g0 to a machine, caused by (1' L';e of the machine for olh,:,r t1~Jn the purposf~<; for whish desiGned, or (2) alterations and attachments 'I hr Cllstoml~r ,'11:,11 Zl;::rrf' J to l1.":lY 11~ I RM'<: ilppliCi:1ble tiiri1? dnd Illrlter':31 rates then in eflect all charges loor repoir of d2mJre. rep!<lcement of parts (due to other than normal wear) or repetitive service cali, (aused by the use of suopllcs ~ERVICE ZONE CHARGES \'/hen the di~,failce hClm the ITlJchme's loc<1tiOll tl) IGM's nearest Or2'lch Office or Point of ~erv;ce IS i reater than 15 miles, the Cusfomer agrees to pay IBM's then current Service Zone Charges or trave' (harges. Travel charges will consist of actual tra'Jel expense plus travel and WJiting time at Imks ~ r~vadlne hOllr!y rate. Tr~v(:! charges v-III! ,~r;p"," if th~J machine IOCJtic!1 is not normally accessible by rrivate aLitcfTlobi:e or scheduled pubi:c tr dnslJott<; bOil or if the Customer Engineer is unable to get t':' .nrl from the ITliJchine loc;Jllon with JdC'Qu?tc tillle in, between for nlt'lchine repair within one d2y (18M's no'mal bU51ness hours) r:ISK OF lOSS O:-l D.~r~AGE During the pel led J mar~hine, model Ch..Hlg~ (.'r feJturc b in transit Of in the PO$S85Sion of ~h(' Cuc:,tOJl1Ar. l;~~~' <3n..--1 it5 in,,;,wGs. if ~lny, n:l;2ve the Cu:;to;ll;~r d rt~p0nsibjljty for all ri5~s of luss 01 CI (' ~1l1<.'~:(" tn tk' rri,whnc. ['"1\,\.-'<:.,1 Chd",~C cr f-.;l'ure CyrE!'! fe, lr:,:,s or d~lllJglJ (1) (JIJscd by nUC!':.!Jl . ",!.:tlon, !lL:r \e::1 l~tJ!;1ti'::fl c" ';ldi(1~1. 'li.....! C(;:dl;nina~i'_,n h11 whidl th~~ r.Ustomer is lecally liab!e, am1 I?) a<; SEt forth Ii" th(~ Secti':H1 ent:tlC'd 'r\<1ail".f?nanr"~ Ser'w;r:e." IFJM shall be under nf) obligation to p'-'pl.1CP macr,rnes if, in IBf\.fc; judgment, tre risl{ of 1urther 10<:;" or r:tamage is excessive, :iIVOICiflG ~J(Jnthly L2<1~,I~ c: I.lt ~::~S a/llj M,)pl hI; r~t::nt,]1 Ch.J'l~( s '.';dll'c~ ill\'(ji:cd in c::'dv;mce as of thrJ fir~ t Df f'och :onfh. rJlr.n:h!',' U~1e r;~,lIT.':S ~il! be il1\'o,(cd Hi ttf~ ~lOlltl ic,l1)wir~b U;,~ nH'nth in whir...h they 21 C' \0" '" '~i~~r, rn()c'~~ fJ1,~" "I" j.., i" t-'i'r.J ; t. ,d 'If.1 (,d:.'!,'I.H n'''~l)f1 f IBM warr~nts that each machine. model upgrade or fealure addition will be in good working order 0 the date that it is inslall"d and that it will cOl1lor", to IBM', official puhlr:,n"d specilicat,oo Thereafter, IBM will make z;1l adjustments. rcp::Jirs and parts replacenlf~~lts necF'_,(lrf to maintain tt: machine, suhjectto tile provisions stated in the Sections entitled .. Ma:ntena nce ~>, v:ce" and "Risk ( Lo~s or Damage." IBM does not warrant that the operation of the machine will he uninrerrllpled THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WAlmANT!ES. EXPRESS 0 IMPLIED. INCLUDING. BUT NOT LIMITED TO. THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MLRCHANTABflll AND FITNESS fOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. lIMITATlOii5 ON COIN OPERATED MACHINES ihe CustornN .-lrn:('s that lf3M is rr;!IE'ved 01 rl'spr)r1sibility for los'~ of C;15h contained I;), dispensed b or asscici?!t€d ',v;th ,Wi machin'~ uflder this Agreement after Its delivery to the Customer. It is ai, a[reed that lB~1l will h:1'/8 no rt;sponsit)ility tc prlwide mainten~ncc servio~ on any such rnarh which rentaios cash It wllll1e the Cue.tomer's responsibility to remove and control cash so that Ib CJn fulltlllts warraf"'fy ;~ld sC'rvIU~ oLii~~ablrls fhE" exr.<?r~ion tf1 the 3bnvp wi!! hp. whc-n ,11ailure 0crurs 'Nhich r~sults in the Customer being unablf removr all c.l~,h fl'ol11 the ro,n op',-;t"atrd nlC'c!lar.i~;m prior to service hy 18M. In such eVf'nt. ~l CL:storner will ()re of his PPf':>('llI'€'1 to he' ;1:'~:0rlt <:Hlrl to a~:;u::\': lhe rr=-pnrsilvlity fer remo" of the (.'~E,h or1ce (,'m be freely remrYJed fronl the coin opentcd rllpchanism. Pl\TF.NT INn[~rilTY IBM \'.'111 ddpnc; thr> Custo!1ler ~~3j~i~,I- ~ C!,:Jim tbilt m,~chine<:; SUppli(,:-! t1err>undPr, or the orer,ltior. :;UCll rl1(l:::hlr'!,~') pur :~un't 1.0 tl'p (Wrtnt Uq(1\t~: ed Opel Jtine Ins!1 u,:,:,ti,)t1s ,--,rO"Jidpd hy IBM for S' machines, in'lIllges a U,S, patent. IBM will pay resultrng cOots. dan"ages and attorney's fees frn:; awardrd, pro'lined that: a) the Customer promptly notiliE's mr",1 in 'Nnting of Hl'] clailn; ~H!d b) IBM has sole cr:ntro\ of th~ rlefl'ns~ and ;111 relilled settlement n(i,()fI(~~i(ms. II "L'{ h! 1 ~'e"i)!nf~~ Ot in lP.M's opinion C'!11 ::,,~ ;',l, tn:" (~w,tn"'~rw;\1 rEI hr rlf! CwtDn1pr to continue U~dr'l: ~ ~:,~q-i!lf'in.;:irl/':, If neIther 01 Iud, . Ihe Cust " .; ,:j~:., 1,',",1 (,jT'Jb1c on '., Nllld. '.'Jere f).I)', _,'~ prior tll ~~'r"':;"<; 0,..,.-IU:,I'."'.' lTtlll;Ji '3h.::lI' h' c", fr'iTr'I',t:, 'll;'l("I,';n"'lIlrc nf n~~~l;;r'l"., 'nr:-d<:>! Ur~H'::l-:!CS or- f~~t: i., (1) tiT :1:';:I',1nl'-T',~ r rt'j1,-lir 0: lL, ~~'I If:,:J, t IUI\1"~ 'Jr.,I. 11:~4 ,~I';U-~,~" t,!I'P i', I \jl,.~: ': -;1 or 1f'.Jtur. ("I"'f'd. '.1": (-.u,i,omn-s:l".: 1[1 li,~s .<!_'i:t:Orl. irr ;:r'y otllfr Cl,: 1c, ('I III dl1Y c-Ir:':1 h Y 1 ('!dtC':) to' Pi.~li-lel.: t:lf!CiJ'~t{jI,;' 1..)11 b('ej'~lt:L d fw f(,; .' I' ':r of $2S,Wr !J':~t PU~("'1 I I,' }ll', , cf ('(110:1. ~;u':h C!ld': tho';e III (~l;r;ct L't ::,~l(;c:(ic r~lilci~;:'Js whcl) lhe <':'GS' lit ;lc.ti':\ll .'1,".!' 11le f(.:'"ec_ !llIiitatlQIl oll!.-:b!:,ty' w:i! roJt e;lf:IY to th~ D:~'.'n1''':j"!t 01 r:O'-il and d.l11l1",':' ,jwai(h, t( crIed tn III ~)e,.tlon f'ntltJcrl ralr'lt IncJf'lllI1Ity, .;)1' t,) ,,!JlmS f.,Jr persoilal injury c.lUsrd :j'~~lely by If' ilcF;'q'C ~1{ (' 1!1bie for any (~1PVJ~0S CJllscd ty the Cw;forner's fal!ure to perform l~U:c,t'Jll,.::'r's CH for ,'G; I"",t r:r'Jli:,s cr ctl~cr cor':.cqucn{i(;d dJf112f:;"~' 'yen if 18f,1l L'ecrl ~:~vl~-,(d ~',)::slb:iity of :31J~h clJm.lcns. or fer any clJim ;~~~""'inst the Cust()ln~r by all)' ':.'(' : ~3~ty. r,~[:,t J~, p;'~~vir'~d in tile 5'''~fi0n ~nfltlcd 'Ti1tCrlt Indemnify." nlC Cu"tCIl1C1 !T,(lY rlio:,conti flUI: J liuchine lor lh\'/i th ',,'j lhout TcrminaCcn ChJrges for failure of IO:,~ c..:,n:r.,iv \,\'1(:1 ~!~'l,-f th~ :"'3rnl~ ;j;vJ conuitions of thj5/\grecme;~t i~~'p:icJ~)le to SL.:ch rJ1rlchine GtHI:R.~l 1 his A[;rcp.rnent is not J~sif;i1,Jb)I~: w~t1e (:of thl;~ mJcnitlcs mJY be sl!b\0t, <'l:;sic,ned or trd."lsferred Ly Customer without the rJ~ior written c'Jnscnt cf IHM. A.n~' attempt to s~blct, a~Slen or tran~fer ar;~ ttle fights, cllJti~-:,s or ObI fJtions of thiS ,.grennrnt i~j void. MJchincs lI'I(J('~ lh:s 1\\:' ':'C';I'~':l~ rl e L: he !nr"t"rJ rilly in V',r lIr, ~f'(1 St~'I~S, P1H~rt0 Ri,'O, ~lJam d C:Jnal Zcnc. 1 he Customer 2j~rO'~'3 t,'"l kecp mr.., infr',rrrc:i of the IO(".ltir)') of each rnachine. ~ machine rPnlain:; 18M's rrcperty a;ld m(l'l t:,'~ t'lJ:no\"ed l'y IbM at ~1Y !tITle after discontInuance 01 : machln~, IBM shall rave full 2.r,d free Jc:::e:-,s to (',1[.11 OlJch1f1e far tll:S pU1 pose. le\1 rr.,~!. uron three I:HYlH's' prior '.,,~if-f'?r' rH)t:cC' b the CusfC'rn~r rli"continue:3 nJil('nine or f(,l~ or (t,W'l)j-T;ldl";J n~odelllndr;r:1 Rrntal Cl:nfr2r:t Prr:cd ;:1t ::.ry llm0 cor onder (1 L€,.lse CrmtrClct Ft. or ExtenSion on Its EXr""tlon Date. 10M may dIScontinue a machine forthWith fur failure of . Customer to comply With any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement a~plicable to Sl machine. The Agreement will te tel minated following the discontinuonce of all machines .nd fulfillment D; obligations hereunder. , Subject to the !ern-Is of the followin~~ paragrtlPh. IBM "lilY. uron hvcl'.Ic months' p,icr i'llritten n:)ti mr'(jify the tNI'i15 awl c(~l1diti(lns 0f Ihis Al?,reC~T1erlt, except that IBM may, upcn thrct; months' I written notice, mod:f.' the terms and conditions of the Section entitled "Clnrfcs," "Terl11ir:l. Charges." "PurchJse Option,"' "Lease Contractl'enod Extension" a'ld "Mac1l1ne MlJdd,catlon, Any such moditicalion v'ill Jpply on the effective dlt~ srecilid in the notice to 011 Rental Cent Pei'iods, to curlent Lplse Contract Periods or [;.;tPllSi0i1S up"'n their Expirtltiol1 [),Jt(l~. provided 'I oc.cur en (lr ;_~1t('r the eHuJi'.".! o;lk. ,'1l1d to neVJ Lla::'2 C0ntr.1d Per;c<1s 0r f:'::tensiofls " commence on or after HH~ diltc of th~ not,ce. Othel wis.:" the Ar,rcCfllCl1l. tr3f1 Ndy hJ modlflsd written af,~IP8;i=Gnt duly si?,:n.J by p~~rson5 authorized to sIgn a':;'~'I~Il)eflt::. C1 b(';l.'li cl the Cust{) <Fld cf I[HA (an ()L;thc'tzf'd 1[~')'l :Y1dnJr~r) and varii:mcc from tt'c terms a."'1rJ (.,ondrtions of ~ ^greemcnt in (lilY Customer 'JrdC! O~ othlr v,rittc~ n~)tlflcaticrl 1-viil br ul no elfect No Jcti0n. rq~,J:t'd!cf''S of forr" .:'I<:.ing out of thi:.; 1'\8r:"PlT'!?nt 'nay be brourht by f;ith~r p.:!rty rnorf" tt two years after the CJtlS'.~ ,:)f i1ctinn h,":!5 ,'risen or, ir'] the C.1se of non--payment, morE than tvlO '; fr0m the d.lle of tll!' 1~I'Jt ~'T,Tl'.::lt If tile Cu<'>torw;r drLl'J!t .--:<: 1~) ;'!tlj ()~,I;PJI;r"n f-') tPturn m;yJ,irt!" :\t' hils to r',""Y ."1IIY ;Pll(j!!,t h('1f "I,,,j,, If-" ;"j , fr, ,diH"t ,., 1/' f"'11 h,t 'I" ,. 1"''Ifir'" ,-.r