Resolution 473-1993 GRANTS MANAGEMENT RESOLUTION NO. 473 - 1993 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS FY94 ANTI-DRUG ABUSE GRANT AGREEMENT FOR THE LIFE CENTER FOUNDATION ALCOHOL/DRUG RECOVERY PROJECT WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 222-1993, the Monroe County Board of Commissioners authorized the submission of a grant application to the Department of Community Affairs to request funding for five agencies that provide anti-drug abuse programs in Monroe County; and WHEREAS, the Department of Community Affairs has transmitted the Monroe County Life Center Foundation Program Grarit Agreement for execution by Monroe County; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: 1. The Mayor of the Board of County Commissioners is hereby authorized to execute the FY94 Anti-Drug Abuse Program Life Center Foundation Grant Agreement which will provide $22,545.00 in State funding to that agency with $7,515.00 in matching funding; and that 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the Commission and execution by the Presiding Officer and Clerk. ..,. L3 ~ ~.:' PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commi~i~ner~of ,- Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said~a~d ~ld~ on the 10th day of November, A.D. 1993. '" ,::,!,,' ~ .,.., Mayor London Mayor ProTem Cheal Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Freeman Commissioner Reich --........ --' ~ c- ~~$ ms~~r ~YP~ >- ypp. yes ~ \J ,,, ~ \t"l ("-:; ~.-., ":j (Seal) Attest: BOARD OF MO IJ.~ C. JQ.~ By: Clerk , ,~~ r~~ . --/0- 2 -93' , . .> . ~ state of Florida Department of Community Affairs Division of Housing and Community Development Bureau of Community Assistance The Rhyne Building 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Lawton Chiles Governor Linda Loomis Shelley Secretary SUBGRANT AWARD CERTIFICATE Subgrantee: Monroe County Board o~ Commissioners Date of Award: OCT 0 4 1993 From: ~0/01/93 To: 09/30/94 Grant Period: Project Title: Li~e Center Alcohol/Drug Recovery Center Grant Number: 94-CJ-1Z-11-54-01-122 Federal Funds: $22,545.00 BGMTF Funds: State Agency Match: Local Agency Match: $7,515.00 Total Project Cost: $30,060.00 Program Area: 020 Award is hereby made in the amount and for the period shown above of a grant under Title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, P.L. 90-351, as amended, and the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, P.L. 100.690, to the above mentioned subgrantee and subject to any attached standard or special conditions. This award is subject to all applicable rules, regulations, and conditions as contained in the Financial and Administrative Guide for Grants, Guideline Manual 7100.1D, Office of Justice Programs, Common Rule for State and Local Governments and A-87, or OMB Circulars A-110 and A-21, in their entirety. It is also subject to such further rules, regulations and policies as may be reasonably prescribed b~ the State or Federal Government consistent with the purposes and authorizatlon of P.L. 90-351, as amended, and P.L. 100.690. r . 'SUBGRANT AWARD CERTIFICATE (CONTINUED): This grant shall become effective on the beginning date of the grant period, provided that within 30 days from the date of award, a properly executed certificate of Acceptance of Subgrant Award is returned to the department. . ~~~ ~-. UJ..&AJ~.J Auth rized Official Clayton H. Wilder Community Program Administrator Bur.au o~ Co..unity Assistance lo-..J-1:J Date [X]This award is subject to special and/or standard conditions (attached). BPSM Revised 7-1-79 \ , u.....u. \,,0(;;;. "'-'L ~'.LV.... ~"""Cl rtment of Community Affairs Division U.L Housing and Community Development: Bureau of Communit~ Assistance " The Rhyne BU1lding 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399 SPECIAL CONDITIONS Grantee (Name of SPA): Bureau of Community Assistance Grant Number: 94-CJ-1Z-11-54-01-122 Grant Title: Life Center Alcohol/Drug Recovery Center In addition to the general conditions applicable to fiscal administration, the grant is subject to the following Special Condition (s): SPECIAL CONDITION(S): 1. Prior to drawdown of federal funds for Contractual services, the subgrantee must receive approval of the boilerplate contract between the Life Center Foundation, Incorporated and Monroe County from the Department of community Affairs. GENERAL COMMENT(S): 1. Sole source approval has been granted by the Office of Justice Programs, Washington, D.C., for the contract between Monroe County and the Life Center Foundation, Incorporated. . . state of Florida Department of Community Affairs Division of Housing and Community Development Bureau of Community Assistance The Rhyne Building 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399 . CERTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF SUBGRANT AWARD The subgrantee, through its authorized representative, acknowledges receipt and acceptance of subgrant award number ~4-CJ-1Z-11-54-01-122 in the amount of $22,545, for a project entitled: Life Center Alcohol/Drug Recovery Center for the period of 10/01/93 through 09/30/94, in accordance with the statement of work contained in the subgrant application, and subject to the Department of Community Affairs' conditions of aqreement and special conditions governing this subgrant. (Signature of Authorized Official) (Date of Acceptance) (Typed Name and Title of Official) DCA-CJ Form 1 (June, 1985) Attest: Danny L. Kolhage By By Deputy Clerk t .:.n,l....y3 D,'] --!tJ--'Z Date JVN 1 4 1993 ! State or Florid.' Department orCommunlty Alrairs lJureau Of Public Safety Management hcation for Federal Anti-Dru Abuse Act Funds !lCA Contract Number: 94-CJ-1Z-11-54-01-122 UNIQUE ID NO. 92-060 PA 20 cfdresses :inuation of p,.~jous Subgrant? (Check One) Ve.s X No . ious Subgrant. State Project m Number (lfVes In I. Above). ;rant Recipient. Monroe County Board of Commissioners ~f Elected Official: Jack Lon?on e: Chairman The Alamo Office Building Sununerland Key, FL ress: Code: 33042 a Code And Telephone Number j Code And Fax Phone Number (305) 745-1554 (305 )292/4401 'Financial O,fficer. (Financial Officer: Danny Kolhage Clerk, Monroe County 'ess: 500 Whitehead St ;ode: Key West, FL 33040 Code And Telephone Number Code And Fal Phone Number '-- (305 )294 1 4641 b05 )296 1 1864 nenting Agency. (Governm~gfncy Responsible ror Project) Eucutivf Officer: Thomas W. Brown County Administrator :ss: 5100 College Rd., S.l. )de: '. - Key West, FL 33040 :ode and Telephone-Number ;ode and Fal Phone Number. b05 ~92 14741 005 ) 292/4401 e ..,.... ," lng Agency) sland, FL. 1 5 D R U G i r of. Local ~olicy Advisory I ~d T~spo"s;biliti~I.} ~o: I I ~r): . . , ,. '\ " 13. · Award. Budget Category Federal Match Total .- ' . Salaries and Benefits Contractual Services 22,545 7,515 30,060 Expenses Operating Capital Outlay -. Data Processing Indirect Costs . Totals 22,545 7,515 30,060 14. Will the Project Accrue Project Generated Income! (See Section H 14. for a definition of" Program Income'') (Check One) Yes X No '. .. .,\ .. " . D~ ' Program Data . Problem Identification. In a maximum of two (2) typed par~graphs, briefly d:scribe ~ ~pecific problem to be addressed with subgrant funds. If you are see~ng fu~ds to continue eXIstmg project activities, describe any gaps between current and desired proJect results. . Proposed Solution. In a maximum of two (2) typed pages, briefly describe how project activities will address the targeted problem. Describe who will do what, when, where and how. Start below and use continuation a e.s lIS nece.ss Problem Identification There is a critical need in Monroe County for providing a structured living facility for those seeking recovery from alcohol or drug addiction who have entered the criminal justice system. SUch a facility will serve as an alternative to incarceration for those persons who would be better served in a supportive short-term living environment rather that in a full-time detention situation, such as jail. It is believed that drug and alcohOl-related offenders will regain their self-esteem and become productive contributors to the community, as well as reduce the likelihood of returning to substance abuse-related criminal activity, and thereby reducing their impact on incarceration systems, if a supportive environment is available in which to enter into recovery from substance. Problem Solution The Life Center Foundation is a non-profit corporation dedicated to the recovery of those addicted to drugs or alcohol. The Life Center's facility will provide a safe, substance-free, quilt-free family environment for those seeking recovery from substance abuse. The Life Center will receive referrals from Monroe County Pretrial Services (jail) and from jUdicial commitments. Upon referral by the Court or Pretrial Services, 'an intake evaluation is performed upon entry into the facility. Client. who exhibit a need for mental health counseling or have physical problems are referred to the appropriate agency; others who do not have severe mental or physical problems will be required to commit to a gO-tO-180-da~ stay at the facility, during which time they will become socialized into the family atmosphere, and exit the facility as fully functional individuals. During their stay, clients are provided a clean bed and living space, as well as on,meal a day. During their stay, clients will be required to participate in the "12 Steps of AA"program, and will be assigned to daily contact a "sponsor," who will also be on-call anytime day or night to assist in the recovery process. Clients will attend daily group meetings with others in recovery, as well as become an active participant in the "Family" by helping with chores, etc. In addition, clients will be transported to and from medical appointments of probationary hearings, as needed. Occasionally, clients will.be given the opportunity to attend various cultural or entertainment'events, so that a more full socialization is realized. ~--"""--"'P".._-"----. - ....~..- -... ......-~,~ .....-- .......... ....;.._ __'0':.',," 10 ~.,.,,;... __.. .... ._.. . " " FOR #94-CJ-lR-11-54-01-122 Foundation Project MONROE COUNTY - Life Center \. Problem Solution (Revised) (Continued from the previous page in the Application) Clients are required to spend a minimum of 21.5 hours each week undergoing counseling, in prescribed meetings, and in structured personal rehabilitation learning. The LIFE CENTER HANDBOOK describes the program and its requirements, and serves as a contract between the Life Center and each client. A copy of the Handbook is attached to this Revised Problem Solution. All clients are provided with a copy of the Life Center Handbook, which sets out the guidelines under which the Life Center operates. All clients are required to agree to the terms and conditions set forth in the Handbook, and to initial each section to indicate their agreement. The Client's counselor also initials each page of the agreement. The counselor keeps a detailed set of records on the progress of each client, and records and monitors his progress through the Program. The counselor evaluates each client, and reports his progress to the Director weekly. The counselor ascertains the client's degree of success and progress through the Program's 12 weeks course of treatment. with respect to this Program, the Life Center Handbook prescribes the activities which support Program Objectives 20.3, 20.5 and 20.7. Objective 20.3: Provide Rehabilitative Services The Handbook, page One, addresses job rehabilitation services assistance provided by the Life Center: . "Residents must seek and maintain 'healthy employment'. Life Center will strive to make 'clean' employment available through its various ventures and projects." (The term, "clean" refers to a drug- and alcohol-free environment). The entire Handbook addresses the development of living skills. Objective 20.5: Provide Short Term Supportive and Group Counseling The Handbook, page Two (Why Are We Here?) lists the required meetings and counseling sessions. Objective 20.7: Provide Daily Structured Activities The Handbook (Page One), Cardinal Rules Two and Three specify that daily attendance and participation in structured activities are required of clients. The Handbook, page Two (Why Are We Here?) elaborates on the daily structured activities required of the clients. "'. ....l"- ___L., ....., tv tlU.. f'~w...,....~ti'-' ,",'iI ....~... ~""""<lI.""i) ,., . '. . '. "'7""'''4 I. . ""Inedpfo whleh I, a ba.. agaln.t' ai' I nfermat len, " .' wh h:h II proof ..gill net. sll arilumentB and \!I.!:U.;h..Q.D!lQ.L!J II to k&~~. tnan L~!tiAn1.n!L!..snQU.ose - d~!....l!tlDS.W~..,pt PI"; Qt....1Q. ~nv~tlgatlon.N Alcoholi~8 Anonymous pase 570 :,.4 r .... . . -':.~..~,+~~---:-;-~-_._-_....... ---.. - -.... ,- ...' . -, .. -, . .. ..,-,.--, ---.... - -- '---"-"-_'~""_'~.h' ._._. ..,..;'...~'::: The...e appear.. to be. eame here that have yet to become 1I1If111ln9 to ."'~, ,.' 90 to any' .tength.IJ to abte in a bettel" way of lite. Clients at ': "":' '~I f. Center have as yet been ab I. te &xper i ence the bertter way at ." !,Ifa we er~ all entitled to. It II my hops that you are "'open>> : .,'.- ' "" '.' and her e' to ta k... sdvantes& a f the eXpel' I enc:., -1: ....neth and hope ..,:,.:,:' .', aftholll:whQ have been ,'th.re. : , "" ' , " ,,' , :.. .::" ~.., . . .... " ..,'. . .~... .' . , ,'., . . ~ . ~l;'." _" The ,oal ot L I fa Center I. that YOU' devltl OP ,hab I ts' her... that you ~, ;.,,: '. 'wlll take with YOU when you leave 'In 12 ,hart w8eks~" These' are :. .'. .' the' hsb I ts that )!9~ have ~o k.ap If yaur life I. t~' 9.rt better. : '~'.. If' YOLl are not ready ta try to be open to the c::hanges that ha~. . ./'.... .1.Sl-be ....d. In ~ou" Jifl"U 1 SiiU9!e.t that YOU tln~ anat"el" 'place : .',. . wh.~. ytlLl een de th i ngll yaut" way. ' . '. ,... . '. There are 1b6 haLlrlS In e week. Lite Center rvq'uir~~ ~h~t'.'Y'o~:' spend s m I n I mum of 7 htlur I . w.ek In, AA/NA meet I ngB, 1 cf the'6e 8uIDPortlne Life Center}. Friday nleht meeting, 2 htJurli a week eating dinna,. here, 2 hours attendln, Wednesday night hou,e m..t~ns' ? hcura I istenin9 to tap.., about 2 haurs a week att.~dlni morning ~editatlon and 1.5 hours attending a c::hurch ci yeur choice. " , .:::' ,1,+ IIY. lIIath I. a'Orract that I_ 21.5 hours that. thehc:iuae requ'1res ,..:': 'YOU to spend .uset t'j ng well'..IJ Not near I y enoueh ~ ' That leaves :., .." '146.5 hou'r. fOr war k and al eel' I n9. _te.. ' To III I..&ven one of ~"',~h... hour. I. Insultln. to tha.. h.re wha ara valunt.erln; thel.. '..' tl.e to try to help you. '. '.' The 12 Step. are a 81' I I" I tu.1 pro.ra~. On. ot, the few 'p la~.8 othe.. than AA/NA that I am awar. of that teach .1' I r i tuall y .1". 'the church... We have to do II 180 desr.. Ilf. styl. chane. If w. . ,. . t a I u t: c a "d j 1"1 our . f f 0" t a.' W. . I', a h. v e to c h. n 9 . .uplaYlrounda and pl.y..t.... Same of th.._ p1.y9~aund. .... the chu..che. af Key W.st and lame af aur n.w play..t.. will bl faund th.r e. St.y _ ft.... chul"ch and ..t to know the.. new p laym. t... Someday they might be the en. that will ..v. yau from that r.I..p.. It wau I d be my SUBseat ion 'tD tha... "who have . prab lem' belne a part at thi s hau.e J that. thty '.. .oon as POlS I b I.. make ether .r...angementa and let .omeone wh~ I~ r..dy far what w. off... have your bed. 1 want te stay at Life Center and 1 am wi Iling to take advanaee and be a p.rt of the efforts beln9 made In my behalf. .: t . ell ents}' I nIt f a I. _________'__...___ Llf. Center ...pr..antatlvel.lnltl.l. ____________ ,,-, ' , .' '\ .;. -, ',' . . :. . ... " ". . . ' " , . . .' .. .~.' .~. . . . ,.:, '" ~. . ." . . . . . ~. . , " . .',., '. , .' " . . " LIFE CENTER HANDBOO~ ': : . "If OU~ primary purp~.. at Lit. CenterJa reCQvery hcm~, #Frsedcm Hou..,u i. to ,provide e'cl..n ~nd seber I Ivln; environment t~r people eufferlns from .lcohol end drue addiction. ~. Among the many aspects of dlsea.e et addictlen, I.portent con;epts to committed. Thele are' early there which rltcov~ry frcmthe ar. ,~wo v't.lly Ll f, Center j 5 1.:.., ThL!'..I.ltd fer thL.l.od I v I dual ~b~., I., llt. .:lUlL.. per !f Q n a I r It Ii pen' 1 b I I I t y of 0 r hilt .!l..t.., ,n~' . z...... . !.b.Lu n ~ a ,.' a I I It led the rap e uti c ~~U.L .L!..E.a h a I I cr. . 0 lii.J!.d d It: t. w Q.t..!U.wL.Jtl.1. h and JlI.!PPQrt I n!!l .a;h other i n 're~erY I In order to previde environment with theee Center has four card I na I order at IMPort,~,~ and m&inteln-. a, healthy principles in mind, Life rule.' Theyet"e, in the' " TOTAL ABSTENTION - Resldltnte must abatain from the u.e af alcohol and 811 meod alterin9 druss. R..idents may net brine any.~f th... sub~t.n~.. DntD the pr.ml.... 0' 1. 2. DAILY ATTENDANCE at Alcoholl~. Anonymous, Cocaine Dr Narcotics Anonymous me.tln.s. 3. PARTICIPATIQN In marnln. m.dl~atlan, supp.r bl...in,s. COM.unl~y p~aj.ct., fund ral..s and LLLhous. actlvlti... 4. Residents" must seek and maintain '>>~,.'\h~M EMPLOYMENT. Life Center wi I I st~lv.. to make ~cl.anM ..ploym.nt evallable throu9~ It. vertouI venture. end pt"oJects. . . ' CI lents~ Initial. _______________ ,Life Center rlpre..nt8tive1a Inltlall __________-- ,'Rev1..cS. June 17, 1111 ,', . , .... . '. S~~-~~-~~- ~~- ~.... -, ". .... ...... r... '\111.1 L t" tit Center Handl .' - , , ___-.~ __..._'.. ....-: A I I ...' . " .-. . . . .. . ........-.......... ..........:...---.-.--: , "." " . , ... . ~ .f . Llf. Cent... i. dedicated te h.I~ln8 It., ..esldent. . {nc:el"ptlrate th..e pr I nc I p I Slli i nte thtt I.. live.. The l.I'on8' On cneN ot addicts helping addict. and group help that h.. been long establ ished illS the key to the 1.112 Step Program at Recovery>> can be found here end trom the realdentJ. sponsor .~ w~11 5~ through hie perticipat'ion in hi. own Individual 12 Step greup and hi. program. . '. . . Re.idents .... required to pay a minimum of $20.00 UP to $ 50 . 00 p . .. d il Y b lilS e d ant he I.. a b I 1 I.t y tap a y and the I I" fultlllment of the terms of this cOMmitment. This I. to cover part of their ahere of room and beard expense. Paying . mora Ie enccurased and will a II ow .'acld I t I ona I h.1 p for more at these seekins It. Rs&idents will blIP Ilssl.tad If It is' necel.ary, In establishing a tim.ly and .xp.dlent method af payment. Including an initial 5140.00 d.poslt that 1& ,required. Untl I a resident I. current an hi. .hare ef the~e :.xpens&s. he might be asked to turn ever the majority at hla ...rnln9s . until caught uP. The ....hau..>> cannatcpel"ate without money. W..I I lutter ~hen one doean}t pay his part. ...;' . '. . . . ".'.: .... R..~d.nt., when ....qulr.d, will be atuisted In the prep.rlng ,...'.'.. ',.ci;f resume. etc. ne.,ded in finding em,ployment. .' ". ,.' .:A mlnl~um 60 ... ': " . :.'t IlIIe' lit I fl' b. "~." r.,. " we.ks not I c. . "i' ;.',. . ~e8Id.nt ""gO out"" or for any oth.r r.a.an be dllml.~.d. h.' wi I I be relpanslble for an additional two weeks .expen... ($490.00). In addition. '"gaing out- or being expel,Ied will nat relieve the client at the re..alnder at hi, f.lnanc!..1 .'calll"It"ltnt fa,. t.he minimum 60 day stay. .. . . . . . . ,:' . I ,I '" .. . I . -".. . .., . . .' . '., . , " '.' day commitment Ie required. In some c...s II\cre r~quir.d~ After~h. 60 days, a mlnillu. of tWD will be requlred'priol" to 'I..vin..' Should a .' . \' ...., CURFEW. Sunday through Thursday night. - 10130 P.M. . F~lday and Saturday nlehts ,- 11.00 P.M. Exceptions wi II be made far participation in .vents. , r appt'ap,. i.ate .~ . ;. '. ' . ..... : ~ I. : ~'" . :," . . ~ ':. I,. " .': '. " .' .... ~. ", '. , ' Cl ient.J Initial. ________~__~~__ Life Center repre.entatlveJ. initial. ---------~~~ Rev!eed: 3une 17, leeS , : ' , 'L.t te Center Henc" . . .: ' ,. ,". I: V~~:, ': ~" ,':., ".. GENERAL ~OUSE RULES ',. :':'t~, .':".'", :,' The ~hClulSe'" wi n nat"pre,.llre bt'eakfae't or lunch,.. Any lettcvvr. --::-.":....":""..'~1~Dm 'tH"-'p;,'elll au'iS' On Ight I & supper' .. w., la. Qth~1" food' I taMS" ,author' I zed by the heu.e Msnager can be used by the' c'll ent for .' .', ','.' ~he'e, In.IB. CI ient"s Individual teod Items fa,. th.s~ meals may , be kept In the ~cl lentl.>> refrlgerater. When meals ere avel Isble at the club'heu.e or ether 1112 Step~ functions, they will net be , . . '. .erved at the JJhouileJJ. , There w"1 be no teDd. prepared en Sunday. . .' . " '. A l.f :,..; 5 I d" 1'1 t . w' I I b Ii e x P" C t e d t a ' p. r t I 'c I pat e, In'' t h.., 9" n e r. I melnten~nce and care of the house. Chores wIll be ~5./9ned and. ':'.,'. .must be completed p,./or to sal1"l9 to work. E.ch ,,...Ident' Is expected to prov I de his awn sheets;; and- tow., Is 'and keep. his .I..plns area nllrat end all personal Iteml kept In,thelr aSligned:, place. Bunks ar, to be made each day and sheets and tow.ls' w..hed weekly. In addition, each client will wash wh~tever:dl.h t,o llIe I . , t. b I e c lot h. , . t c '. t hat . II r e dl,. t y a t t h. t t I m a . 'A I I clients are expected to bQthe .ach day. .' " . . ~:. . . . . ... . . '. .', . VISITORS', Ree/d.nts wll I be expected to obtain a sponBor In AA, CA Dr NA l.II i th I n 15 days Or R temporllry ana will b. chcs.1"l for you. Sponlar, aI'&' we I COMe and encDurased to v I. i t. . 'you. at' the :~'" house. There wi I I b. no othe,. vl,itor. without p"~ar .pproval. .':" . .,:.,..:....$hl..tl and sha.s ar. to b. wern In ell publIc' ........: I A"y pereen who dr I hks, u..es, 0,. po.se......1 coh~ I .&1 tel' 1"9 . dru.. on hI. pe,.sen or on the prem I... exclude. thems.lve. frOM this call1munlty at onc.. DISMISSA", '. or any mocd- 8\.1tom. t i c:e II y . IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EVERY RESIDENT TO ENFORCE THIS POLICY Th. fallowing beh.vlor. will elsa ,...ult In Im.edlet. dl~mi..., frolll the hau... .k En'.!l1 ns I n acta -of v lot .':'tee c,. threat.' of y I 0 I.nee,. . 2- Theft. of any k I "d. ~ WI t Itul d..tructlen af prop.rty.' L.... L F.II ur. to 8~tend dall y ftleet I ngs, the ,.equ I red d Inn.,. me.tlnBs, ,raup a,. .indlvldual coun.el In.. Fallu,.. to r.pcrt 'anath.,. ~e.ld~nt wh~ I. drink!n. ar u.ln9 druBI. . :" Refulal ta lubmlt to . dl"UB 01" alcohol t..t when required.' L 1...... Other conduct ar clI::tlans potentially detrimental te LI fe Cent.rl. Recavery Home, ItB prosram ,or tis othe,. r..ldente. Cllent.1 Initial. _______________ Life Cent.r r.p.....nt.tlv.l. InitIal. _____~______ ',". ,Rev1..dJ June 17, 1GI3 ..., 101'.. ~. . ":. '. t t', .' ,"' "" ; '.:: ...,. .oj.,r:- I n9 Icbrlety l't I, nlce.5IU')" 401'" U. ,', aa we srow" i.o cont i nUB '.." ~ ,. "~' . '," .~a ~x~m I ne where we ar. I n our r ecevery, andwher e' end whllt It i I' . '.. ' '. ': "w.e want tg .ch!lrv. I.~ our new ilia)' of II fw. .' .' : ,0, :. .' . ,Hoe t. of ua ., n-the-ea r I y-'months--k now' mar e' of '1l1hat-'w,~'-dC:Jn I.-t"~'we nt-to'--'---" return to, than what It is we want. Sine. In mest eaS.1 we have n.ver had succelsful and ~e.nln9ful relationBhip. 'w(th~our pee~5' family Dr . lovers we denJt reelly ,know what llIe ar.'mlaslng tlr wher~ to start In obtalnlns It. ThetJ8 okay. Nane of' us th~t 1 knew ot, knew the.e thln9' betore starting this neww..y of lite. We only have t~ b. nopen"" and teachable. .' . .' 1 n a I tl t c f cales w. a r .. . t I I I not c c n v r n C' e d t h. t .t h e'r e a I' . p.op I It I n the JJPr091"am"" thAt do car. about us and I eve uS and denlt expect something material CI" .90 boosting' 'rt return.' However, they donJt always lLtJ!..who Wit are In this early staae cf our growth any more th.n we approve at the actionl of all those In the U Pl"oliramJJ or here in the """hous.."" This II bec8uase: of where w. .ach are In aur ""Brawth"" and hew we ar. handl 1"1i our own defects ct ch8~.ct.r. Maybe we don't yet b.ll.ve that our paat live!! wltre.. problem exc.pt wh..... our us I n9 01' d.. I nk I n9, wa. concerned. 1 knew that was the eese with me. For my firat th~e. years 1 dldn1t ""workU th,.NProgramN because I telt Ilk. ev.rythlnl bad that happened In IIY I H. wag the r.au I t of my add I c:t Ion end anc. 1 qU (t' 1 wou I d no lon..r have these problems. Ivy .8. ~h.\ .v.~ _ron.l In f4ct my life Bot wer... I didn't kn~w haw to d~al with oth..... although 1 thought 1 d I cY. and 1 had a I at of 9U lit over IIY paat, I d I dn J t Ilk. ..e v.ry lIuch .nd 1 dldnJt know what hon.sty was. 1 thousht ,I't had tc do with ateal'ne. 'At Lit. Cent." I t I. hoped that yau a~e "..d" "to 'a to any I.nlthn ta find this b.tter way af Ilf., and ..t thl. "b.at at II f.M that we e.ch d...rve. You will find out frail .ach ath.,. 'what II meant b)' n you have to .Ive It a.ay to k..~ It" and "1 Iv. ..and I.t I Iv.." Yau will I.arn af your lIow...,...ne... ove,. othe,.s . 'and that the anly chan.e we can lIat. .s with au,...,v.. and that ..'.....:......oni,,'com.. f,.oll within. You will I.arn acc.ptance.. dlsc:u..ed " :.: ,0., ,"an. pa,. 449 of the PI, Book 'and'how Mnothln., ab.olutel" nathln" 'happens by,.ml.take In Gad'. warldN and haw. that what happens h.,.e ls.part of that truth, and A pert at )'our .,.owth. .: :. . A'. YOU liraw and .atur. YOU" wi J I, ,beca.. ..a,..' ..n.1 t Iv. ta the '. ,:'.:' :., ..', ~an.9.abJ J I ty and neatn... 'of YO\f1" .'.sur'r~und In,s,' ,th.'. n..d. bf .' .:. : .'-thase' you. .re 'IIvlnl w.lth'. ~nd othe..s, '.t work -.nd" In" th. '. >'.:':. c-ammun I ty. A. you wor k the ""Step.:U' you w II r se. the nprem i 6 ealJ . '.' delcrl bed an pages 83 end e4 at the "'s I 9 Beak". beg" n to. happen " ' and ~Dme t,.~e in )'our life. ..... . . .0 . o. .' . .:. :. . II.. . 0' . 0.. . J t I. .. I WI' I te th I. that 1 ,...11 z. wh" I t I. .0 f ww'pcrtant th'.t:'>. we each have our written 9Dal. end t;tnll"lt..nta end . haw'. quickly.. we cen Bet away fro~ th.se .ael, It weIr. nat c:....f~I.' ' CI lental InLtlal. _______~_____~_ ~Ife Cent.r ..epl'eaentatlv.,. InitIal. ____________ Rev1..4: ,Jun. ,17", . 1~t3 :", "': ' , 0 o. . ....,_ .. ..,t_ . "WHY-'W'S: Al<t HERE'? " , .(. \ I'real'lz'. now that In order to meet our E::ommltm~'nts and the8~,:.'i'~,. ioals the....' have to be' leme d. fin I te J!.blUL for the... whe choo.e'. 'ta stay her. and be . part of the ~ff.~t Lit. Center.,can have en --.---- -1;,h. , r' .J I v. '."-' " -. . . ',', ,~-- -',~-'''' ~ .------... ---,.. .:..,~.._-------.- I ' : '.:" ; .:. T,hes. MUST a... I 1) It i. 'a BULI..L that a meeting Iii attended e6E::h day, Maklne It up the next day 1& not the .ame. If a day 15 ml5sed hawever, .It ~ust be made up the next d.y. ~ '" . ~'2 ) ,I t ' I. a mJLl.:l.. t hat' . vel" yon e h II V If a 15 pan 5 D I' wit h I n 15 dB y sot , 'arrivlns here. Thl. wi II be som.cne that we can cooperate wIth .. , " .'. . . . we. a II de eur par tin he I pi n9 each ether war k and understand the . :'.'.' .: .>, N 12 S t e PliO f R e cave r y . N . , , "': ~ :00 0: ,,~., :. . _ '~,:'l'/ .,... .:'3) .., It, I. '.. l'lj,l.t that everyone b.lc'ng to . group and participate .,' ".:,- .tn'th. servIce work ot his g,.oup .nd support the club wha,.. the.. " , ,meetlnes a,.. held. This slae, nR'\ hewever, t.ke priority over .::.<. '-,:-'onels responsibility ta the JJhouge.~' 'to., 0 , :'./' .;', '. '4) . , I t I. a IB!LI..L t hat e e c h one a c' c e p't N b eo i n 9 II par t .' 0 t t his :."~", " f.",I'I)''u end learn the re&ponslblll,t)' that Boe. ,with doing hi. .,...: , 'share here as well as the work required by the CQmmltmt!lnti made '/ . 0 ., by Life Center on hi. behelt tcstartglvlng 'beck. to .the ". .~, . c:ommun I ty that we have be.n tak I n9 frolll for ao I anti. . . I, .. .' 0 .t', . .'.. , .' ,." . 5) It Iii e Ift~~ that priarlties be malntalntd.'Oul"'scbt'l.t'y:'.r.':':.;.:': numb. I" an., the .uh.cuet>> I. number tWD. We ar. ,In, ...cav....y, "to;. Improv. our qual ity of life. . '. . 6). 1 t Is . I~,t_ that the mandata..)' we.k I y dinner' m.et I n"s b. att.nded. Only rare exc.Ptions wil I be madt. 7) 'Hou.. ..ule. and curfews .ust b. compl I.d .Ith. " " 8) aelnl,conslde...te of athe,.., th.lr f..lin~,'.nd .tfa,.ta .I.,.~, ,',:'" not ani)' thouehtful, It '..- lil't..'. '. ' . o. ~ 0 . " , ') .' ',,'9 . '.: . 0 Wh.n I.avlne the haus. .I..y. alen aut. ,. .... . 'Th. .....t..t freedDm that .ob,.l.t'y prevldl. Is OUI" fre.dom to chaes.. 1 wau I d hop.' the t .a II c.n grasp the way at 'f I t. the work I nil of tha N12 Steps of. Rwcev.,.)!1I ca", b,.1 n9 and chaos. to stay and pa,.tlc:lpate in wh.t. 'S being offered. Reallstlcel f)i' I know th.t same Must ea so that athers can came. I hope that each at yau with the' he I p of your ,J!Hlsh.1" Powe,. J II wil I make the choic. that is rlsht for yDU. Bill 1. . 0, . ',,, , 0 f' . ,,:, Cl lentil Initial. _____________~_ Llf. C_ntv,. repre..ntativeJg 'nlt'.', ____________ Revi..d, 3une 17, 1993 -- - ":.' . \ ',.:',,:.:';":':" . ." "'..:.. ", .~. i t I \ , \, " . ~~~!)~ .n~ C.pll\ui".nt.... ' ;.".~" 1 he"eby acknow I edee that 1 have r'Rad and' nit I. led: .eac:h af, the,.', ' ,pr'.ced I n9 page. and und.rstend th51 L~ te Center Handbook' 'end 'I'1:.B;~' ..,,',_... "u I . . and t h . reason for them" 1 c: 0 Il'I m I t my 5 " , tt C t c tal. '. part.lclpatlon end devetien te Its. pur'pese tel" a' ml",lmurn of:., ___________ daye, ' '., " ..' " 'I . ..', " ~_. 1 acknow I edge the ________..:.-------- of Inane I.' ccmm t'tment. 1 have made tc~.rd the expensea fer the operation at Nrreedcm House>> tor my ________- day commitment. This I. furth.r, .vld.n~ed by · PI" orn la ao I' y No te da ted ___________--:..---------. 1 t t h'. , c:omm I tment becemes I n the .rrear., l' III III author Ixe .my emp I eyer to !'lake . I I c: h e c: k It and d rat t spa y a b I e to b CI t h my.' I of 8 n d ' L it. :. '. Center. '..', . .....: " '. . , , '. ~<:l' further Ilcktlewledge the b.cwae 1ftaf'.~." h,. c..r..ctui'i)t13en~' 'Dve'" ,'and explained each peea of this dccumenti and the promlssO"y nete . and 'j ts term.. I tur'ther unde,.stand that It .up.....de. any p,.evious .e,...menta 1 may have had either verbally Dr ~"Itt.n. , . Oate ~---~~--~------~~-~~ cli;~tiR;;ld;~t------------------ ,. .... . .' " to:. ..' ',' ~ccePt.d' " ' . . );,;' " . .. I Oate ---~---~-~~~-~-~~--~ F~;-CTi;-c;nt;;----------------- .' . .. , ' ' ) "', . '.: . . ,. " " ,.. . ..... .'. .1 ,,", ..... .. '. .' ", ~":' . ..' .. .:.....;. Of' "10" . CII.ft'.',lnltlal.--------------- ~Ite C.nte" ,.epre.entatlve's Initial. -~--~------- I. . ~. .. . ," ", , . ... ., ,.' to' .\ .: ,1;'1, .. . ':': . . ' Revi..eta Jun. 17,. 1993 ) . '\ .. 0'" E. Program Objeotivt5 and Performance Measures Complete unifonn program objectives and perfonnance measures (found in Appendix ~ for the federally authorized program area you want to implement. Your application is not complete without them and an incomplete application will Dot be considered for subgrant funding. Start helow and !!5~ continuation a es as necess Program Objective 20.1: To provide ~ bed spaces to clients assigned to an alternative short-term support facility by the criminal justice system during the grant period. Program Objective 20.2: To provide intake and screening services (obtaining basic background information and problem determination) to 6, clients assigned to an alternative support facility by the criminal - justice system during the grant period. Program Objective 20.3: To provide rehabilitation services (educational and vocational training, jOb placement and living skills) to 6 clients assigned to an alternative support facility by the criminal justice system during the grant period. Program Objective 20.4: To provide tracking and reporting services to the sentencing authority of 6~ clients assigned to an alternative support facility by the criminal justice system during the grant period. Program Objective 20.5: To provide short-term supportive and qroup counseling to '6 clients assigned to an alternative support facility by the criminal justice system during the grant period. Program Objective 20.6: To provide transportation services to and from medical appointments and prObationary hearings to : 6 "clienta assigned to an alternative support facility by the criminal justice system during the grant period. Program Objective 20.7: To provide daily structured activiti.s including educational and motivational therapy to j , clients assigned to an alternative support facility by the criminal justice system during the grant period. (Educational and motivational therapy means attempting to assist the drug abuser in accepting responsibility to accept or continue in the program and to maintain a SUbstance-free lifestyle.) Boma F. Project Budget Schedule The Project Budget Schedule includes six Budget Categories (Salaries and Benefits, Contractual Services, Expenses, Operating Capital Outlay(OCO), Data Processing Services, Indirect Costs) and Total Project Costs. Type or Print Dollar Amounts Only in Applicable Categories and Leave Others Blank Budget Category Federal Match Total Salaries And Benefits • Contractual Services 22,545 7,515 30, 060 Expenses Operating Capital Outlay Data Processing Indirect Costs Totals 22;545 7,515 30 ,060 • , .' Go., . Project Budget ~arrativ,~ You must describe line items for each ap,plicable Budget Cat.ego~ that you. are requ~~ng subgrant funding, Provide sufficient detail to show cost relationships to proJect actlV1l1eS, In addition, describe sources of matching funds, . Start below and use continuation a es as neceSJ LIFE CENTER FOUNDATION, INC. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TwO (2) beds x 365 days/year x $41.18 per client per day PERSONNEL SERVICES Director . House Manager Maintenance Manager Clerical Assistant Fringe Benefits(24%) , Subtotal OPERATING EXPENSES Food Hygiene Public Transportation Office Supplies Household Supplies Equipment Rental Equipment Repair & Maintenance Building Rental __ Building Repair & Maintenance Automobile Maintenance Automobile Insurance Licenses and Permits Utilities Miscellaneous Expenses Subtotal TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,000 1,000 1,000 4,500 2,760 14,260 3,000 100 500 500 500 500 300 5,200 500 500 600 100 3,000 500 15,800 30,060 Matching Funds will be provided by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners. • `mm■a • H. ' Acceptance and Agreement All persons involved in or having administrative responsibility for the subgrant must read these "Acceptance and Agreement" conditions. This "Acceptance and Agreement" (Section H) must be returned as part of the completed application. Note Condition No. 13: Only project costs incurred on or after the effective date of this agreement and on or prior to the termination date of a recipient's project are eligible for reimbursement. Conditions of Agreement. Upon approval of this subgrant, the approved application and the following terms of conditions will become binding. Non-compliance will result in project costs being disallowed. The term"department", unless otherwise stated, refers to the Department of Community Affairs. The term "bureau", unless otherwise stated, refers to_the Bureau of Public Safety Management. The term subgrant "recipient"refers to the governing body of a city or a county or an Indian Tribe which performs criminal justice functions as determined by The U.S. Secretary of the Interior, and includes an "implementing agency" which is a subordinate agency of a city, county or Indian Tribe, or an agency under the direction of an elected official (for example, Sheriff or Clerk of the Court). 1. Reports A. Project Performance Reports: The recipient shall submit department Quarterly Project Performance Reports to the bureau by February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1 covering subgrant activities during the previous quarter. The recipient shall submit an Annual Project Performance Report, for each twelve (12) month period of project activities. This report shall be submitted to the bureau within thirty(30) days after the end of the original twelve(12)month period. The last quarterly report shall be submitted with the annual report. In addition, if the subgrant award period is extended beyond twelve (12)months, additional Quarterly Project Performance Reports shall be submitted as well as a Final Project Performance Report. The latter report shall cover the entire time frame of project activities and is due within thirty(30) days after the end of the extended period. B. Financial Reports: The recipient shall submit Monthly Financial Claim Reports [DCA-NA 3 (A-G, Revised January 1991)] to the bureau. A final Financial Claim Report and a Criminal Justice Contract (Financial) Close-Out Package shall be submitted to • the bureau within forty-five (45) days of the subgrant termination period. Such claim shall be distinctly identified as "final". • • alma 6.110 , w Before the "final" claim will be processed, the recipient must submit to the department all outstanding project performance reports and must have satisfied any pending special conditions. Failure to comply with the above provisions shall result in forfeiture of reimbursement. The recipient shall submit department Quarterly Project Generated Income Reports to the bureau by February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1 covering subgrant generated income and expenditures during the previous quarter. (See 14. Program Income). C. Other Reports: The recipient shall submit other reports as may be reasonably required by the bureau. All required reports, instructions, and forms shall be distributed with the subgrant award. • 2. Fiscal Control and Fund Accounting Procedures The recipient shall establish fiscal control and fund accounting procedures that assure proper disbursement and accounting of subgrant funds and required non-federal expenditures. All funds spent on this project shall be disbursed according to provisions of the project budget as approved by the bureau. All expenditures and cost accounting of funds shall conform to Office of Justice Programs' Financial and Administrative Guide for Grants(Guideline Manual 7100.1D, U.S. Department of Justice Common Rule for State and Local Governments), and in federal Office of Management and Budget's Circulars A-21, A-87, and A-110, in their entirety). All funds not spent according to this agreement shall be subject to repayment by the recipient. 3. Compliance with "Consultant's Competitive Negotiation Act" The recipient, when applicable, agrees to satisfy all requirements provided in Section 287.055, Florida Statutes, known as the "Consultant's Competitive Negotiation Act". 4. Approval of Consultant Contracts The department shall review and approve in writing all consultant contracts prior to employment of a consultant. Approval shall be based upon the contract's compliance with requirements found in the Office of Justice Programs'Financial and Administrative Guide for Grants(Guideline Manual 7I00.ID, U.S. Department of Justice's Common Rule for State and Local Governments), and in applicable state statutes. The department's • approval of the recipient agreement does not constitute approval of consultant contracts. , ... . ~ Before fhe "finat" claim will be processed, the recipient must submit to the department all ou!standin.K. project perfonnance repo.rts and must have .s~tisfied any pending specIal condItIons. Failure to comply WIth the above prOVISIons shall result in forfeiture of reimbursement. . The recipient shall submit department Quarterly Project Generated Income Reports to the bureau by February ], May], August ], and November] covering subgrant generated income and expenditures during the previous quarter. (See ]4. Program Income). C, Oth.er Reports: The recipient shall submit other reports as may be reasonably required by the bureau. All required reports, instructions, and fonns shall be distributed with the sub grant award. 2. Fiscal Control and Fund Accounting Procedures The recipient shall establish fiscal control and fund accounting procedures that assure proper disbursement and accounting of subgrant funds and required non-federal expenditures. All funds spent on this project shall be disbursed according to provisions of the project budget as approved by the bureau, All expenditures and cost accounting offunds shall confonn to Office of Justice Programs' Financial and Administrative Guide for Grants (Guideline Manual 7 JOO,JD, U.S. Department of Justice Common Rule for State and Local Governments), and in federal Office of Management and Budget's Circulars A-2J, A-87, and A-I JO. in their entirety). All funds not spent according to this agreement shall be subject to repayment by the recipient. 3. Compliance with "Consultant's Comp~titiv~ N~gotiation Act" The recipient, when applicable, agrees to satisfy all requirements provided in Section 287.055, Florida Statutes. known as the "Consultant's Competitive Negotiation Act". 4. Approval or Consultant Contracts The department shall review and approve in writing all consultant contracts prior to employment of a consultant. Approval shall be based upon the contract's compliance v..ith requirements found in the Office of Justice Programs' Financial and Administrative Guid,' for Grants (Guideline Manual 7 JOO, JD, U.S. Departmem of Justice's Common Rule for State and Local Govemments), and in applicable state statutes. The department's . approval of the recipient agreement does not constitute approval of consultant contracts, , . (0 . S. Allowable Costs Allowance for costs incurred under the sub grant shall be detennined according to "General Principles of Allowability and Standards for Selected Cost Items" set forth in the Office of Justice Programs' Financial and Administrative Guide for Grants (Guideline Manual 7 J 00, J D, U.S, Department of Justice ~ Common Rule for State And Local Governments) and federal Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Circular No. A-87, "Cost Principles for State and Local Governments", or OMB's Circular No. A-2J, "Cost Principles for Educational Institutions", All procedures employed in the use offederal funds to procure services, supplies or equipment, shalI be according to U.S. Department of Justice's Common Rule for State and Local Governments. or Attachment "0" of OMB's Circular No, A-J JO and Florida Law to be eligible for reimbursement. ' 6. Travel All travel reimbursement for out-of-state or out-of-grant specified-work-area shan be based upon written approval of the department prior to commencement of actual travel. The cost of an travel shan be reimbursed according to local regulations, but not in excess of provisions in Section J J 2. 06J, Florida Statutes, All bills for any travel expenses shall be submitted according to provisions in Section J J 2. 06J, Florida Statutes. 7. Written Approval of Changes in this Approved Agreement Recipients shall obtain approval from the department for major changes. These include. but are not limited to: A. Changes in project activities, designs or research plans set forth in this approved agreement; B. Budget deviations that do not meet the following criterion. That is, a recipient may transfer funds between budget categories as long as the total amount of transfer (increase or decrease) does not exceed ten (10) percent of the total approved budget category and the transfer is made to an approved budget line item; or, C, Transfers offunds above the ten (10) percent cap shalI be made only if a revised budget is approved by the department, , D, Under no circumstances can transfers of funds increase the total budgeted award. Transfers do not anow for increasing the quantitative number of items documented in any approved budget line item, (For example, equipment-items in Operating Capital Outlay or Expense categories or staff positions in the Salaries and Benefits category.) '. . , 8. Reimbuneme~t Subj~~t to Available Funds The obligation of the State ofFJorida to reimburse recipients for incurred costs is subject to available federal Anti-Drug Abuse Act funds, 9. Advance Funding Advance funding is authorized up to twenty-five (25) percent of the federal award for each project according to Section 216. 181 (J2)(B), Florida Statutes (1991); the Office of Justice Programs' Financial and Administrative Guide for Grants (Guideline Manual 7100.ID, U.S, Department of Justice's Common Rulefor State and Local Governments). Advance funding shall be provided to a recipient upon a written request to the department justifying the need for such funds. This request including the justification shall be enclosed with t~e subgrant application. .- . 10. Commencement Of Project Ifa project has not begun within sixty (60) days after acceptance of the subgrant award, the recipient shall send a Jetter to the bureau indicating steps to initiate the project, reasons for delay and request an expected project starting date. Ifa project has not begun within ninety (90) days after acceptance of the subgrant award, . the recipient shall send another letter to the bureau, again explaining reasons for delay and request another revised project starting date. ' Upon receipt of the ninety (90) day Jetter, the department shall determine if the reason for delay is justified or shalJ, at its discretion, unilaterally terminate this agreement and reobJigate subgrant funds to other department approved projects, The department, where warranted by extenuating circumstances, may extend the starting date of the project past the ninety (90) day period, but only by formal written amendment to this agreement. II. Extension of a Contract for Contractual Services Extension of a contract for contractual services between the recipient anC! a contractor (which includes alJ project budget categories) shall be in writing for a period not to exceed six (6) months and IS subject to the same terms and conditions set forth in the initial contract. Only one extension of the contract shalJ be acceptable, unless failure to complete the contract is due to events beyond the control of the contractor. 12. Excusable Delays Except with respect to defaults of consultants, the recipient shall not be in default by reason of any failure in performance of this agreement according to its terms (including any failure by the recipient to make progress in the execution of work hereunder'which endangers such performance) ifsuch failure arises out of causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the recipient. Such causes include but are not limited to acts of God or of the public enemy, acts of the government in either its sovereign or contractual capacity, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions. strikes. freight embargoes, and unusually severe weather, but in every case the failure to perform shalJ be beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the recipient. . . .. Iffailure.to perfCjrm is caused by failureofa consultant to perform or make progress, and if such failure arises out of causes beyond the control of recipient and consultant, and without fault or negligence of either of them. the recipient shal1 not be deemed in default, unless: A, Supplies or services to be furnished by the consultant were obtainable from other sources, B, The department ordered the recipient in writing to procure such supplies or services from other sources, and C, The recipient failed to reasonably comply with such order, Upon request of the recipient, the department shan ascertain the facts and the extent of such failure, an~ if the department determines that any faiJure to perform was occasioned by one or more said causes, the delivery schedule shan be revised accordingly. 13. Obligation of Recipient Funds Recipient funds shall not under any circumstances be obligated prior to the effective date or subsequent to the termination date of the grant period. Only project costs incurred on or after the effective date and on or prior to the termination date of the recipient's project are eligible for reimbunement. A cost is incurred when the recipient's employee or consultant performs required services, or when the recipient receives goods, notwithstanding the date of order. 14. Program Income (also known as Project Generated Income) Program income means the gross income earned by the recipient during the subgrant period, as a direct result of the subgrant award. Program income shall be handled according to the Office of Justice Programs' Finoncia/ and Administrative Guide for Grants (Guideline Manual 7100,1D. U.S, Department ofJustice.s Common RUl,'efor State and Local Government, Reference: The Cash Management Improvement Act of 1990). IS. Performance or Agreement Provisions ]n the event of default, non-compliance or violation of any provision oftms agreement by the recipient, the recipient's consultants and suppliers, or both, the department shall impose sanctions it deems appropriate including withholding payments and cancel1ation. termination or suspension of the agreement in whole or in part. In such event, the department shal1 notify the recipient of its decision thirty (30) days in advance of the effective date of such sanction. The recipient shal1 be paid only for those services satisfactorily performed prior to the effective date of such sanction, ., . ' . . 16. Access To Rtcords " The Department of Community Affairs~ the U.S. Department of Justice, Office ofJustice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance~ and, the Auditor General of the State of Florida. the U.S, Comptroller General 'or any of their duly authorized representatives, shan have access to books, documents, papers and records of the recipient, implementing agency and contractors for the purpose of audit and examination according to the Office of Justice Programs' Financial andAdministrative Guide for Grants (Guideline Manual 7100. lD, U.S. Department of Justice's Common Rule for State and Local Government), The department reserves the right to unilaterally tenninate this agreement if the recipient, implementing agency or contractor refuses to allow public access to all documents, papers, letters, or other materials subject to provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and made or received by the recipient or its contractor in conjunction With this agreement. 17. Audit A. The recipient shall provide to the department one copy of an annual audit conducted in compliance with The Single Audit Act of 1984, P.L 98-502. The audit shall be perfonned in accordance with the federal Office of Management and Budget's Circular A-128 and other applicable federal law. The contract for this agreement shall bOe identified with the subject audit in The Schedule of Federal Financial Assistance, The contract shall be identified as federal funds passed- through the Florida Department of Community Affairs and include the contract number, CFDA number, award amount, contract period, funds received and disbursed, When applicable, the recipient shan submit an annual financial audit which meets the requirements of Sections 11.45 and 216,349, Florida Statutes; and, Chapters 10,550 and 10.600, Rules of the Florida Auditor General. B, A complete audit report which covers any portion of the effective dates of this agreement must be submitted within 30 days after its completion, but no later than seven months after the audit period. In order to be complete, the submitted report shaU include any management letters issued separately and management's written response to all findings, both audit report and management letter findings, Incomplete audit reports will not be accepted by the department and will be returned to the recipient. ' C. The recipient shall have all audits completed by an independent public accountant (IP A). The IP A shall be either a Certified Public Accountant or a Licensed Public Accountant, D. The recipient shan take appropriate corrective action within six months of the issue date of the audit report in instances of noncompliance with federal laws and regulations. E. The recipient shan ensure that audit working papers are made available to the department, or its designee, upon request for a period of five years from the date the audit report is issued, unless extended in writing by the department. F, If this agreement is closed out without an audit, the department reserves the right to recover any disallowed costs identified in an audit completed after such close- out. , . , ' G. The completed audit reports should be sent to the following address: Department of Community Affairs , .' Office or Audit Services. . 2740 Centerview Drive The Rhyne Building Tallahassee Florida 32399-2100 18. Procedures for Claim Reimbursement All claims for reimbursement of recipient costs shall be submitted on DCA NA Form 3 (A-G, Revised 1991) prescribed and provided by the bureau, A recipient shall submit claims monthly in order to report current project costs. All claims requesting reimbursement for Operating Capital Outlay (OCO) items having a unit cost of$5,000 or more and a useful life of one (1) year or more shall be accompanied by a completed non-expendable property fonn signed by the recipient's property custodian. Iflocal accounting procedures require OCO reporting at a lesser amount than $5,000, local requirements shall be adhered to, All claims for reimbursement shall be submitted in sufficient detail for proper pre-audit and post-audit. All bills for fees or other compensation for services or expenses shall be submitted in detail sufficient for a proper pre-audit and post-audit thereof. 19. Retention or Records The recipient shall maintain all records and documents for a minimum of three (3) years from the date of the final financial statement and be available for audit and public disclosure upon request of duly authorized persons. 20. Ownership or Data and Creative Material Ownership of material, discoveries. inventions, and results developed. produced, or discovered subordinate to this agreement is governed by the tenns of the Office Of Justice Programs' Financial and Administrative Guide for Grants (Guideline Manual 7100,1 D. U.S. Department Of Justice's Common Rule for State and Local Government) or the federal Office of Management and Budget's Circular A-l 10, Attachment N, Paragraph Eight (8), 21. Property Accountability The recipient agrees to use all non-expendable property for criminal justice purposes during its useful life or request department disposition. . . , . J . . " The recipient shall establish and administer a system to protect, preserve, use, maintain and dispose of any property furnished to it by the department or purchased pursuant to this agreement according to federal property management standards set forth in the Office of Justice Programs' Financial and Administrative Guide for Grants (Guideline Manual 7100,lD, U.S, Department of Justice's Common Rule for State and Local Government) or the federal Office of Management and Budget's Circular A-lID, Attachment N. This obligation continues as long as the recipient retains the property, notwithstanding expiration of this agreement. 22. Disputes and Appeals The department shall make its decision in writing when responding to 'any disputes, disagreements or questions of fact arising under this agreement and shall distribute its response to all c;oncemed parties. The recipient shall proceed diligently with the performance of this agreement according to the department's decision. If the recipient appeals the department's decision, it shall be made in writing within twenty-one (21) calendar days to the secretary of the department, whose decision is final. If the recipient appeals the department's decision, italso shall be made in writing within twenty-one (21) calendaf days to the department's clerk (agency clerk). The recipient's right to appeal the department's decision is contained in Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, and in procedures set forth in Chapters 28-5 and 9-5, Florida Administrative Code, Failure to appeal within this time frame constitutes a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. 23. Conferences and Inspection of Work Conferences may be held at the request of any party to this agreement. At any time, a representative of the bureau, of the V,S. Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Assistance or both have the privilege of visiting the project site to monitor, inspect and assess work performed under this agreement. 24. Publication or Printing of Reports A. Before publication or printing, a final draft of any report required under or pertaining to this agreement shall be sent to the bureau for its review and comment. B. Publications or. printed reports covered under A. above shall include the following statements on the cover page: ) . "This report was prepared for the Florida Department of Communit), Affairs, Linda Loomis Shelley, Secretary, in cooperation with the U.S, Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance," The next printed line shall identify the month and year the report was published, ", I ", . , . 2, ."This program was supported by grant # _ awarded to the Department of Community Affairs. State of Florida, and by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA). Office of Justice Programs (OJP), U.S, Department of Justice. The BJA is a component ofOJP which also includes the Bureau of Justice Statistics. National Institute of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and the Office for V,ictims of Crime. " 3, "Points of view, opinions. and conclusions expressed in this report are those of the recipient and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the State of Florida. Department of Community Affairs, the U.S. Department of Justice. Office of Justice Assistance, or any other aoency of the state or federal government." 25. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) No person, on the grounds of race, creed. coibr or national origin shall be excluded from participation in, be refused benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination under grants awarded pursuant to Public Law 89-564, Non-Discrimination Requirements of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988; Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Section 504 of the RehabilitationAct of 1973 as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; The Age Discrimination Act ,of 1975; and, Department of Justice Non-Discrimination Regulations 28 CFR Part 42, Subparts C, D, E, and G. The recipient and a criminal justice agency that is the implementing agency agree to certify that they either do or do not meet EEO program criteria as set forth in Section 501 of The, Federal Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 as amended and that they have or have not fonnulated. implemented and maintained a current EEO Program. Submission of this certification is . prerequisite to entering into this agreement. This certification is a material representation offact upon which reliance was placed when this agreement was made, If the recipient or implementing agency meet Act criteria but have not formulated, implemented and maintained such a current written EEO Program, they have 120 days after the date this agreement was made to comply with the Act or face Joss offederal funds subject to the sanctions in the Justice System Improvement Act of 1979, Pub. L 96-157, 42 u.s.c. 3701, et seq, (Reference Section 803 (a) of the Act, 42 U.S,C. 3783 (a) and CFR Section 42,207 Compliance Infof71Jation). ' Any state agency. county ortity receiving SSoo,ooo or more in federal Anti-Drug Abuse Act funds shalt submit their equal employment opportunity plan to the bureau, 26. Criminal Intelligence System The purpose of the federal regulation published in 28 CFR Part 23 - Criminal intelligcncc Systems Operating Policies is to assure that recipients of federal funds for the princinal purDose of operating a criminal intelligence system under the Omnibus Crimc.' COlllrol and Safe Streets Act of 1968, 42 U.S,c. 3701, et seq., as amcnded (pub, L. 90-351. as amended by Pub, L. 93-83. Pub, L. 93-415, Pub, L. 94-430, Pub, L. 94-503, Pub, L. 95- 115, and Pub. L. 96-157), use those funds in conformance with the privacy and. constitutional rights of individuals,. . . . ". . .. The recipIent and a criminal justice agency that is the implementing agency agree to certify that they operate a criminal intelligence system in accordance with Sections 802(a) and 818(c) of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 as amended and comply with criteria as set forth in 28 CFR Part 23 - Criminal Intelligence Systems Operating Policies and in the Bureau of Justice Assistance's FY 1993 Formula Grant Program Guidance. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite to entering into this agreement. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this agreement was made. If the recipient or criminal justice agency operates a criminal intelligence system and does not meet Act and federal regulation criteria, they must indicate by when they plan to "ome into compliance, Federal law requires a subgrant funded criminal intelligence system project to be in compliance with tbe Act and federal regulation prior to the award of federal funds. The recipient is responsible for the continued adherence to the regulation governing the operation of the system or faces the loss offederal fUnds. The department's approval of the recipient agreement does not constitute approval of the subgrant funded development or operation ofa criminal intelligence system, 27. Non-Procurement, Debarment and Suspension . The recipient agrees to comply with Executive Order 12549, Debarment and Suspension (34 CFR. Part 85, Section 85,510, Participant's Responsibilities). These procedures require the recipient to certify it shan not enter into any lower tiered covered transaction with a person who is debarred, suspended, declared ineligible or is voluntarily excluded from participating in this covered transaction, unless authorized by the department, 28. Payment Contingent on Appropriation The State of Florida's perfonnance and obligation to pay under this agreement is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Florida Legislature, 29. Federal Restrictions on Lobb)'in& '- The recipient agrees to comply with Section 319 of Public LaM' 101-121 set forth in "New Restrictions on Lobbying; Illterim Final Rule, " published in the February 26, 1990, Federal Register. Each person shall file the most current edition of this Certification And Disclosure Fonn. if applicable, with each submission that initiates agency consideration of such person for award offederal contract, grant, or cooperative agreement of SI 00,000 or more; or federal loan ofS150,OOO or more. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this agreement was made. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite to entering into this agreement subject to conditions and penalties imposed by Section 1352, Tille 31, United States Code, Any person who fails to file the required certification is subject to a civil penalty of not less than S10,OOO and not more than S100,OOO for each failure to file, The undersigned certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: > . A. , No federally appropriated funds have been paid or shall be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any federal agency. a member of congress. an officer or employee of congress, or an employee of a member of congress in connection with the awarding of any federal loan, the entering into of any renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal contract, grant. loan or cooperative agreement. B, If any non-federal funds have been paid or shall be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of congress, or an employee of a member of congress in connection with this federal contract, grant loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit the standard fonn, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities, according to its instructions. C. The undersigned shall require that the language of this certific'ation be included in award dpcuments for all subgrant awards at all tiers and that all subgrant recipients shaIJ certifY and disclose accordingly. 30. State Restrictions on Lobbying In addition to the provisions contained in paragraph 29 of Section II. Acceptance and Agreement. the expenditure of funds for the purpose of lobbying the legislature or a state agency is prohibifed under this contract. 31. Statement of Federal Funding Percentage and Do))ar Amount When issuing statements. press releases, requests for proposals, bid solicitations. and other documents describing projects or programs funded in whole or in part with federal funds, all grantees and recipients receiving these federal funds, including but not limited to state and local governments, shall clearly state: A. The percentage of the total cost of the program or project that shall be financed with federal funds, and B, The doUar amount offederal funds to be expended on the project or program. 32. Project Oose-Out Project funds which have been properly obligated by the end of the subgrant funding period will have 90 days in which to be liquidated (expended). Any funds IIot liquidated at the end of the 90-day period will lapse and revert to the department. A subgrant funded project wiIJ nor be closed out until the recipient has satisfied all close-out requirements in one final subgrant close-out package. .. ) . EEO Certification Letter - Subgrant Recipient Mr. John A. Lenaerts, Chief Bureau of Public Safety Management Department of Community Affairs ' 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 RE: Compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Program Requirements _ Subgrant Recipient Dear Mr. Lenaerts: I, the undersigned authorized official, certify that according to Section 50l of the Omnibus Crime Control and Saf~ Streets Act of 1968 as amend,ed, that...Initial one of the following: , . The sub grant recipient does meet Act criteria, XXXX The subgrant recipient does not meet Act criteria. I affirm that I have read the Act criteria set forth in the Subgrant Instructions. I understand that if the subgrant recipient meets these criteria, it must formulate, implement and maintain a written EEO Program relating to employment practices affecting minority persons and women, I also affirm that the subgrant recipient...Initial one of the following: Has a cun-ent EEO Program Plan. XXXXX Does not have a current EEO Program Plan, I further affirm that if the recipient ;"eets the Act criteria and does not have a current written EEO Program, federal law requires it to formulate, implement, and maintain such a program within J 20 days after a subgrant application for federal assistance is approved or face loss of federal funds. By: Title: Date: ~ I'"D I t} ~ , 37 /,~;:J ...r~~ (~.. ...,,~... ,~,,:;; ~. .~~ . ;'.s.~~~ ~ ... I " . EEO Certification Letter -Implementing Agency Mr. 10hn A. Lenaens, Chief Bureau of Public Safety Management Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 RE: Compliance with Equal Employment Opponunity (EEO) Program Requirements -- Criminal Justice Agency Dear Mr. Lenaens: I, the undersigned authorized official, cenify that according to Section 501 of the Omnibus Crime Control ana Saf~ Streets Act of 1968 as amended, that...Initial one of the following: The criminal justice agency does meet Act criteria. xxx x The criminal justice agency does not meet Act criteria. _ I affinn that I have read the Act criteria set fonh in Subgrant Instructions. I understand that if the implementing agency meets these criteria, it must panicipate in the subgrant recipient's EEO Program or fonnulate, implement and maintain its own written EEO Program relating to employment practices affecting minority persons and women, I also affinn that the implementing agency...Initial one of the following: Has a current EEO Program Plan, xxxxx Does not have a current EEO Program Plan I fun her affinn that if the implementing agency meets the Act criteria and does not panicipate in the subgrant recipient's EEO Program or does not have its own written EEO Program, federal law requires It to participate in such a program or formulate, implement, and maintain its own program within 120 days after a subgrant application is approved or face Joss of federal funds. Requires signature of authorized official: By: i'r\,._ %~ ~~;~.. ~ Broske Title: Director, Grants Management' Department, Monroe County Date: 6/11/93 39 ~. , ~;. .'0 "-' ~..... 'OK~~rv~o~~~E (305) 29<4-<464 1 BOAR ;OUNTY COMMISSIONER: MAYOR, Jack London, District 2 Mayor Pro Tem, A Earl Cheal, District 4 Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Shirley Freeman, District 3 Mary Kay Reich, District 5 " Thomas W. Brown County Administrator Monroe County Public Service Building Wing II, Stock Island Key West, FL 33040 (305) ,292-4741 G June 9, 1993 .' Mr. John A. Lenaerts, Chief Bureau of Public Safety Management Division of Emergency Management' Department of community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 Re: Monroe County FY '93 Drug Control and System Improvement Formula Block Grant Program Dear Mr. Lenaerts: May this letter serve as authorization for Mary S. Broske, Director, Grants Management Department, to be recognized as the Administrator of the Implementing Agency, and that her signature be accepted as such. Sincerely, W. Brown Administrator TWS/msb .. L ,. \ . Sianature rale. In witness wbereo . the parnes rm they each have read and agree to conditions set forth In this agreement, have read and understand the agreement in its entirety and have executed this agreement by tbeir duly authorized officers on tbe day. month and year set out below, Con-ectionS Includin strikeovers whiteouts de. on this Q e are not trect table. I'laLe or Florida De~ent or Communi!)' !Jfairs Bureau of Public Safety Management By: ~~rJ.~ Title: Clayton H. Wilder, Community Program Administrator Date: I 0 ~ c.J _ Cj;J By: . Title: Date: By: Title: Date: Subgrant Recipient Authorizing Official of GoverrunentaJ Unit (Commission Chairman, Mayor, or Designated Represcn~ti\'e) ~ThO~ County Administrator V( J'bl ~~ -' Implementing Agency Official, Administrator or Designated Representative . . --m ,~~ MarY~BrOSke Director, Grants Management Department, Monroe County (;//t:~lq3