Resolution 319-1978 RESOLUTION NO. 319 - 1978 RESOLUTION AFFIRMING ZONING BOARD OF APPEAL OF RALPH CHRISTENSEN. WHEREAS, on March 31, 1978, the Monroe County Zoning Board denied the request of Ralph Christensen for a change of zoning from RU-2 to BU-2 for property known as: Lot 28 of Key Colony Subdivision #2, as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 152 and located in Section 6, Township 66 South, Range 33 East, Key Vaca. and WHEREAS, Ralph Christensen, having duly appealed from said decision to the Board of County Commissioners, and the Board having voted on November 21, 1978 to deny said appeal and to affirm the decision of the Zoning Board, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MON- ROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that the decision of the Monroe County Zoning Board of March 31, 1978 denying the requested BU-2 zoning classifi- cation change for the property owned by Ralph Christensen, above described, be and the same is hereby affirmed. RESOLVED in regular meeting at Marathon, Monroe County, Florida this 19thday of December, A.D. 1978. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA /) 1 ~~~~R~ Mayor/Chairman of the Board BY: Attest';::; ~ ,---- / .,,' ,.' (-* - / ~~4/~ .' ,V" , lerk . .,. """'1'1 ,Mt~_~'''I'~~'':'-~1 .t~"l'~~ ;',:;.':' I ':1 f.?>- ; 1:->, 1', .. ,,' ~ "" J ~~.::"";~'\"';-\,w;.~r L~~~~:: ~0';;:t: r::;,:;': ~"'-."''''''^'~ ~ E..;',~ li;t...<~,\..1 -;w". a... U ~ W'"~'" R,.,J-.~I\~:r)G. ?:~ ~"~'.!L A'~~\:~ C{J(~~t:J 1\.tl, ; ~~'v'~; \ --=.\ -'10. ....: _~ "~~:F<:',,,",:r=, APPROVED ON_...J-2'..=-'~ S. .' .PAQE.J.k"~,,,~i- 1J.{X)It- -"'-