Resolution 056-1980 t t~ L ,.,J RESOLUTION 4F_. 56-1980 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MONROE County, Florida., has received an application from Gerold Brugger to construct: 105 l.f. of concrete block seawall along MLW on an open-water shoreline for the purpose of reclaiming eroded property by backfilling and preventing further erosion. Riprap will be placed at the toe of the wall for its entire length. The length of the wall will be interrupted in the center by an existing concrete boat ramp. About 100 c.y. of marl backfill will be placed below ~T and about 25 c.y. of riprap. Equipment and materials will be delivered to the site over existing uplands. The project site is on the east side of Sugar10af Key north of U.S. #1 and located on Bow Channel, a major tidal channel, handling current flow between the Florida Straits and Florida Bay. Depths in this channel range from about -3 to -8' MLW and bottom communities are productive seagrasses or hard bottom algal communities. Shorelines in the area are exposed to predominant E winds. Across Bow Channel on Cudjoe Key are natural mangrove shorelines and wetlands. There are scattered residential communities in the area with a few long dead-end canals. There is a peripheral channel along and to the north of the site shoreline with fill uplands adjacent to this channel. Upland residential development is low, probably about 10%, and there are natural mangrove fringes located to the south and further to the north from the project site. The project site is an eroded, rock rubble shoreline that drops into an artificial peripheral channel about 5-10' waterward of MLW. The landward edge of this channel is irregular in nature and vegetated up to about MLvJ with a small amount of turtle grass (Thalassia !:estudinum) where adequate sediments exist and the algae LaureIlcia, Penicillus, and various filamentous red algae (Ceramia1es). The intertidal zone is essentially unvegetated. Uplands are old fill with residences on both lots to be seawa11ed and upland and shoreline vegetation is limited. Erosion of this shoreline has occurred due to its orientation to the east. The peripheral channel is about 60' wide and about 10-15' in depth. Immediately to the north of the site is a$ndbag seawall at about MLW and to the south are additional eroded, rubble shorelines with several private docks. The construction of this seawall as nroDosed will result in no adverse impacts to local biological resource~ a~d will in effect prevent further erosion and provide more stable nearshore conditions. Placement of the riprap as proposed will serve to reflect wave energies and provide attachment sites frrplants and animals. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the BOARD OF COUNTY CO~MISSIONERS of MONROE County, Florida, that said BOARD hereby given its approval for the construction of the above mentioned project. RESOLVED this 26th day of February 1980, at a Regularly scheduled Meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE COU TY, FLORIDA ATTEST: .~ hBY _~ ) 7 ( " ~ ' ,/ )' , .. '---". Clerk /a<;tt /& /.:: L- < 1