Resolution 058-1980 RESOLUTION NO. 58 - 1980 RESOLUTION REQUESTING THAT A JOINT APPLICATION BE MADE BY THE CITY OF KEY WEST AND THE COUNTY OF MONROE, FLORIDA, FOR REDEVELOPMENT OF THE TRUMAN ANNEX SURPLUS PROPERTY. WHEREAS, each entity has prepared a plan for the redevelopment of the Navy Surplus Property/Truman Annex; and WHEREAS, the County has submitted its plan to GSA; and WHEREAS, the City is in the process of submitting its plan to GSA; and WHEREAS, it would be in the best interest of all concerned to submit a joint application in behalf of the City and the County; and WHEREAS, the GSA indicated that a joint application would be In the best interest of all parties, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the City and the County Commission meet together to discuss submission of a joint City/County application to GSA to provide for policy, implementation, and management of the redevelopment of the Navy Surplus Property/Truman Annex. 2. That concurrent with or subsequent thereto, the City and the County Planners meet to resolve any differences between the proposed plans of each entity to allow for a joint effort which would serve all the citizens of Monroe County. 3. That the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners IS hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the City of Key West for its appropriate use and action. DATED February 26, 1980. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE By (Seal) Attest: , J ./ "":~ ~~. /,,-, '.7-'-, / .d -;;:4.-/(. ~.. 1'OFOIlM AIIII.. ~.tut:r. _//~ ke 7.. // .. ~5'~#{{f{k // ..- ."... ~-". Iff IS