Resolution 475-1993 ~f.i~:l .~~- - ~ 7")~ "; RESOLUTION NO. 4 7 5 -1993 A RESOLU110N CONCERNING RECEIPT OF UNANTICIPATED FUNDS WHEREAS, It Is n~ to Incr8Ee items under the General Revenue Fund #001 of the Monroe County Budget for fiscal year 1994 to aooount for unanticipated funds, now, therefore, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the General Revenue Fund #001 of the Monroe County ~ for fiscal year 1994, be and the same is hereby Increased bi the sun of $320,000.00 as foJloM: RewnJes: CLERK'S PUBUC RECORDS TRUST RJND 001-000000-341100-00000-ClERK'S PUBUC RECORDS TRUST FUND Total Revenue Apprqyiations: ClERK'S PUBUC RECORDS TRUST FUND 001-()2(2)1-516&40-00000-QIpitaI OuUay $32),000,00 Total Appropriations . ..000,00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board, upon receipt of the above unanticipated funds, Is hereby authorized and dreCt8d to place funds In said items. as set forth abova - PASSED AND AOOPTED by the Board of CountyCanmisslonenl of Monroe Cot/!IIY, I'lorida. at a regular meeting of said Board held on the .1Oth day of November A.D. i994. v.J :~ ~c-; ~ :z :=J Maya London~ >~:,- S? _ Mayor Pro Tern Cheal a b s en t ~~: ." 2:5 Coinmissloner Freeman ye s 3::::- J::- ConmJssJoner ~ yes -< \O.~ Canmlssioner ReIch yes ~ (;)~- ~,(XX),oo _.000,00 (Seal) Attest: DANNY L KO~AGE, Clerk ~C. ~~ , , , , :j ,~..~