Resolution 062-1980 RESOLUTION :fl:_. 62-1980 vlliEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MONROE County, Florida, has received an application from Raymond McCarthy to construct: Solid poured concrete bulkhead at MFn? for erosion control and excavate a boat slip meastrring 20' wide x 35' long x -5' MEW. Riprap presently along the shoreline will be relocated to the toe of the seawall to be constructed. Sides of the basin will be precast concrete slabs. To provide access to the boat slip an area measuring about 20' wide x 15' long x -5' MHW will be excavated from the bottom slope in front of the basin. About 17 cubic yards of spoil will be dredged below MEW and 224 cubic yards landward of MHW for the access and boat slip. About 45 cubic yards of backfill landward of MHW and 25 cubic yards waterward of MHW will be placed behind the seawall. All dredge spoil will be deposited on the adjacent uplands and equipment and materials can be transported to the site over the uplands. Turbidity screens will be utilized during all excavation. The project site is located in a residential area on the east side of Sister's Creek, a major tidal creek between Hawk's Channel and the Florida Straits to the south and Boot Key Harbor to the north. Uplands on the east side of Sisters Creek were created many years ago natural mangrove systems by the dredging and excavation of tidal creeks and canals. The opposite shoreline (Boot Key) is a natural red mangrove(Rhizophora mangle) fringe in an undeveloped area, About 1/3 mile to the south is the confluence of Sister's Creek and open waters of the Atlantic. Depths in this creek range to about -10' MLW and are consistently deep in its center. Usage for navigation is heavy by both commercial and recreational vessels creating erosion problems on adjacent shorelines. Pesidentia1 development in the general area is about 10-20% of developable property. The site shoreline presently has riprap boulders in place about 5-10' waterward of MHW that connect with a concrete seawall to the south and continue in a line to the north. There has been some erosion of marl fill from behind the line of riprap by wave-wash from passing vessels. Uplands are old marl fill with little vegetation and several buttonwoods (Conocarpus erectus) and white mangroves (Laguncu1aria !acemosa) immediately landward of the riprap. The intertidal zone on this shoreline occurs primarily along the riprap and it is essentially unvegetated. Subtidal bottom slopes gradually in front of the riprap for about 15-20' and drops into the depth of the channel. Bottom types here are limited to rock rubble, rock boulders, and marl sediments. Vegetation is limited to the algae Bata1hora on rock and sediments except for several small patches of turt e grass (Tha1assia testudinum) with low blade density are un- vegetated. This lack of vegetation is probably due to severe wave wash and currents of the area which constantly resuspend sediments. Fishes observed included Sargeant majors (Abudefduf saxati1is) among the riprap and need1efish (Strongllura sp.) in front. The area to be excavated for access to the boat asin contains very sparse turtle grass blades at about -2 to -3' MLW and slopes gently waterward as a rock rubble/marl sediment bottom. The construction of a concrete seawall along a similar line as the existing riprap will result in only minimal short-term impact to the resources of the area if riprap is placed and relocated as designed. The location of the seawall will be waterward of the MHW line and not at MHW as is described. If the permeable line of riprap is removed, the MHW line would be about 6' landward. A seawall placed in line with the adjacent seawall would be at least this far waterward of MHW. ~~ 2 The subtidal riprap should provide additional ideal habitat for fish and invertebrates and attachment substrate for benthic algae as well as better reduce erosion to the uplands. Excavation of the boat basin from the uplands biologically will result in no adverse impact and water quality should be maintained due to excellent tidal flow of Sister's Creek, shallow depth, wave surge from boat traffic that will aid in turnover of water within the basin and the orientation of the basin to the west. Observations of several other similar basins along Sister's Creek to the north indicate adequate benthic and water quality conditions and little or no entrapment problem from floating debris. Excavation of subtidal bottom to provide access to the basin will create a bottom discontinuity but not one that the bottom of which will differ significantly from adjacent bottom types. Based on biological consideration and due to site specific conditions, recommend approval of the project as proposed. This recommendation is in accordance with CHAPTER 17-3 and 17-4 FAC and Sections 253 and 403 F.S. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MONROE County, Florida, that said Board hereby given its approval for the construction of the above mentioned project. RESOLVED this Ill}\. day of _)1/1 ~O'\., 1980, at a Regularly scheduled Meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE ;CZOVN Y, E IDA .( l PC BY ATTES:~. ") /...k cILtfY&4/ . Mayor and Chairman 3-- Ji - g'() APPROVED ON , .___LL-- PAGL__-1il .J, ". 8"0 TO. . . . .. KERMIT LEWIN FROM. . .. JOHN CARBON DATE.... 1/19/80 SUBJ. . .... McCARTHY - FILL BELOW MLW LEGAL. . . .. WALORIS SUB., BLOCK "F" LOT 16. As a part of the application for a seawall, slip, etc., the applicant proposes to deposit of about 25 cubic yards of fill waterward of ~ low water, as necessary ~~~k fill. This proposal would not result in adversities. Recommendation - aporoval Attached is a DZR bio-assessment. . . , . 81 ~ :: \ ". \.~..:. '~, \~. I \ :__:.. ~~) ~~ :'", "~ '< !~.\ '~. \ ~~ ~ . _J . .\ r) :'), :.~ \."~ I :": . ~.!O~,:ZIJ~: I-:'J:J~:'~Y :~U I LJ: ~:'~ ;\~~~ = ~ '; [~;(~ ":::1', :}.'r'~::... ~)!.r: \Sr~ ~".~IJT7 )',~ -I:' [':T 'Er:'-fT'r ':fJ'~!~:~:~ 13 Sept 79 --) \ T ~--~ Mr. & !1rs. Raymond 1'1. ~1cCarthy n!r()::r: (212) 486-2506 ) ~',':\ [ r~ "S ': ,\ ~ 1 f: );0;[ R 'S: L\ I L r :-:l, \ [1] R r s S Three Charcoal Hill, Westport CT 06880 CO~TR'\(:TO ~'s :: A: 1[: To be let Pllo:n: =O::TR;\CTO!~'s :L\ILr:-:G l\D[)I~rSS PROPERTY DESCRrPTO~:. KEY Boot LOT 16 BLOCK -~ --,---,-,-- "-'-';.-:~~- ..-_---------~---~'-- -----.-.::. SUBDIVISION Waloriss "".:---------.::~ '4.,~~._~_--r______..~_.....'<-~ STREET OR ROAD Boulevard de Palmas ?ROPOSED CO~STRUCTI00/s0lid-poured concrete bulkhead__to prevent further and dredg~ private boat slip to provide boat mooring. \DJACENT PROPERTY O\'::-~ERS -PLEASE LIST THEIR CO'IPLETE l.jAILING ADDRESS:S prn.s.;(")T'l: Mr. William P~ell; 1652-Mullet Court, Napl~J FL 339A2 Mr. -DavTd Dorn; 264 Rowayton Avenue, Rowayton, CT 06853 ~--------=----- ,\PPLICATIO~ WILL BE ACCO:IPAt!!!ED BY THE FOLLOWING OR IT lI'ILL ;-:OT BE PROCESSED: 1. Ap~lication fees as follows: SCilHalls: Unland conals $10.00; Open Water $2S.00 Doc ]~ s : $ 2 5 . 0 0 Excavations: $25.00 Fillin;;: $25.00 ,(IE application is filed for Seawall, dock, filling or eXcavatio~ or any combination and all'work i5 on one (1) lot - Flat Fee S25.00, On either open water or upland canal). 2. T '.'! 0 ( 2 ) set S 0 f d r d 'y in c: 5 0 r p'l an s a 5 fa 11 0 H S : Ora \1 i n g SOT pIa n s s h a1 1 b eon a 8 1-,: " x 1 0 ' , 1) i c c c D :." 2. T,y' i Tl g S \'l ill s h 0 ~'l t 11 c f 0 11 0 \',' i n g ~_TI f C T:-:1 a t.,i 0 n a . '1' 0 P vie \v .:~".... .. .;-.iL:_~...i."-"" b . Sid e vie \-/ - C r 0 S 5 S e c t ion . , -,---- c. Plot plan --., .'_ d. Drawn to scale . e. Neat and legible : -.... :.yi~- .~,;.. of Dauer ..' -) .'"~ -::-....:; <. -, ;.....i'-J....: ".' ~..;:.. . ,_..... _~_.,'J. w'~=~_,-.t 3. Location , , " ~,Llp - 1._" -~ .:( '~~ .:\ Lu.:,".-.~ ,- _'t.J ..L(.",,'_ -. I hereby certifv t}l~x:..t'.rJ fi'i:rve read and examined this application and kno....' the 52-De to be true' and c(}/r~ct. All provisions of Ll\-!s and ordinances i:ro':C:-:-:1T:; c: :1 i 5 t r.::' e 0 f \,! 0 T k .,-: i.} 1 bee 0 m p 1 i c d III i t 11 \01 h e t !l e r s pee i fie d her c i nor not. T:1 e :. Tan tin ,~ 0 f ape r m i t doc s not pre sum e to:; i v c aut 11 0 r i t Y t 0 v i 0 1 a t c; (; rea 7~ c ",1 ': ~ c r;:- 0'.' i :; ion S o:~ any lac :11, S t:J. t C; 0 r r. 2 de r:11 L Zl;, r c: :; '_II :J. tin g co;, s t r 1.1 C :: i 0 :: ' 0 r tile rcrfor::1ance of construction of this .type of fac:~ r1:t~q?f ,+ ' . .. -1* uj,l'.K Si ,~"" 'oco: ,// //'. Ar4~~tf* ~~ "i.lt( r'...\ c Mr:J~'RaytfiORd ;-.!'-1 ~-"'iM6cc{J?,tJ1Y i "v ~':...t tv \ M' r R I) V E f) F 0 !), I S S U ;'\ :': CEO F P E Tn l 9 .7' I .....f '3 r ,,:,~J~-- ~ _', I" .\~; :.; _1.. S :::. ,~1. il L: i..J 1 -l.; C C ~ \.J r D L L-\ S E !~ r: T i) D, :~ :\ P P L I C\ T I 0 :: TO: ,ECOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES C 0 5 t 0 l: !> e r in':' t 523 Elizabeth Street Esti:natcd cost of inrrove:nent Key West, FL 33040 ~1- E(~2.OG;(Al S TECHnOl~~JEI K..y W~.t, FL 33040 Sl-;,TE RS C'REEK.. (305) 294-8719 . .... - b'J\..\o<--..\-\E.ADdot . - _ . .prOJecl: 'C>op.., s\-\ P - e. q -b-'a. subject: ~R.~ M\25. 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DON SCHL.OESSER, District t ".0. Box 304 Marathon, Florida 33050 Monroe County Build ine Dept. ,,\'~':.~7~,I':,<i':'-,.,..:"',~~CX;;::7. ~. ". :":','':' ~. ",,::), .; J~,:;:,iij"~;.(~;:;,7;:~~~ OK~:~f7~~~[~E (306) 294-464 j Sept. 20, 1979 Raymond M. McCarthy 3 Charcoal Hill Westport, Ct. 06880 Dear Mr/Mrs McCarthy, Your application for Bulkhead&dredge Has been APPROVED. To receive your permit take this letter to the Building and Zoning Dept. in Marathon. Be sure to post the permit card on the site. Sincerely, ~z. C:;:~A~~~ ~ John Carbon Biologist NOTE: 1. 150 Cubic Yards boat slip 2. 140L' Seawall 3. D.E.R. & C.O.E. Permits required JC/bk 85