Resolution 063-1980 I RESOLUTION # 63-1980 v-lliEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MOtffiOE County, Florida, has received an application from Richard R. Norris to construct: Vertical bulkhead, place riprap along waterward face, clean fill landward of bulkhead, and cap the fill and bulkhead with a 5' wide walkway. Bulkhead is proposed to be 75' long, and approximately 6' vertically. Bulkhead will be held in place by concrete piles driven to refusal. Approximately 60 cy of fill will be used, including the boulders for riprap. Equipment and materials will be brought to site over existing roads and owner's upland. Bulkhead and cap will align with adjacent construction. Duck Key is a man-altered Key. The area is nearly 50% developed and occupied. Vegetation on developed homesites is ornamental, and terrestrial pioneer species (Australian pine, Braze1in pepper, grasses and weeds) on unoccupied site. The Australian pines in some lots exceed 20 feet, acting to stabilize some shorelines. Vegetation waterward of proposed bulkhead is Penicillus sp., Halimeda sp., scattered clump of Thalassia testudinum brown algae and green algae. The bottom material in this area is small rock, silt and organic material (See photo). Juvenile fishes, barracuda, Cassiopea sp. were observed adjacent to project site. The existing shoreline at project site had become a catch area for organic matter (See photo) and a vertical bulkhead would act to keep this material from collecting. The impact of the construction of this project on this shoreline will be minimal as the work will be conducted at MHW line and from upland. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MONROE County, Florida, that said Board hereby given its approval for the construction of the above mentioned project. RESOLVED this -:.Jl II~ day of !~1(~ , 1980, at a Regularly scheduled Meeting. ATTEST----~, . ~' / Z /.....b. di /.. ~. ...,,/ ~ ... // /~- ' ~ . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ::NROE(<<~~:_ __ Mayor ~nd Chairman APPROVED ON BOOK IA. .:) -I \ - ~ U -?D PAGE - ~\o . \, lJ U " J"l.' -. PI.E.\SE TY,)E oa PilI~'i "l'ltH 1'1' Nll'\lII'1I IIA'I'II_ .. ..-H-J}-?q }\~NE(~"S NA:.IE 'RT(,Hi\ RIJ R 't\TnPTF~ PIIONE 7.11_Alln.1 )NNER'S }IAILING ADDRESS P.O. BOX -269Q. MARA'T'HON snORES'.' 'fT,nl1TIJTI 110r:;? ~ONTnACTon's NAME LATER PHONE LATE? ~0~TnACTOR's MAILING ADDRESS LATER PROPERTY OESCRIPTON: KEY CENTER ISLAND -DUCK KEY LOT 17 BLOCK 1 SUBDIVISION CENTER TSLAND, DUCK KEY - LOT 17, BLK 1 STREET OR ROAD PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION See Back of this sheet \DJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS - PLEASE LIST THEIR COMPLET'E MAILING ADDRESSES Lot 1.6. Wl111am & Mary Ann Scherer 3 0 2 0 N. E. 45th Ft. Lauderdale, rL. 33309 Lot ll::l - Ralph Munson . Duck Key . RR #1, Box 972 Marathon, FL. 33050 APPLICATION WILL BE ACCOMPAINED flY THE FOLLOWING OR IT WILL NOT BE PROCDSSED: 1. Application fees as follows: Seawalls: Upland canals $10.00; Open Water $25.00 Docks: $25.00 Excavations: $25.00 Filling: $25.00 . (If application is filed for Seawall, dock, filling or excavation or any combination and all work is on one (1) lot -Flat Fee $25.00, on either open water or upland can!l). 2. Two (2) sets of drawings or plans as follows: Drawings or plans shall be on a 8~i" x 10" piece of paper Drawings will show the following information a. Top view . b. Side view - cross section c. Plot plan d. Drawn to scale e. Neat and legible 3. Location Map 1 ;\creby. certify t!lat I have read and examined this application and know the ~~~le to be true ~nd correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing ".,is ty,e of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The "".'lntine of a permit does not -presume to give authoritr to..violato or cane al tl\c provisions of any local, State or Federal Law reeulati~g construction or tho porfo!'mnnce of construction of this type of facility. Signature: 07?~-., < tr\-~-2 . - () W J\ o.r 0 reo n t r rL C to r")--1 AI'PIWVnn I'OH lS~UANCU 011 PIlHMI'l' Person Accepting application Assistant Director rLEASE RETURN APPLICATION TO: Paul C. Kenson, Jr. & Assoc.~Inc. ----~. O. Bo~ ~2 . Marathon A' 'Flof.l:da ,3305~ '. Cost of Permit Estimated cost of improvement________ 1 (l :; /07 4 .h. 1 S R5______ __-----' <6') MEMORANDUM TO .... . .. KERMIT LEWIN DA TE ...... FEBRUARY 25, 1980 SUBJECT.... NORRIS - BULKHEAD FROM. . . .. JOHN CARBON LEGAL..... DUCK KEY, CENT. ISLAND, LOT17, BLOCK 1 The applicant proposes the construction of a standard 75 foot concrete bulkhead affronting Tom's Harbor. There would be no adversities from the construction and presence of this structure. Recommendation - approval Attached please find a DER bfo-assessment. <6~ , ~ AI 'll - Gl ~ " 'I 2 " c:.1O~ -- ~~l2.BO~ l==' L..o.~..o " TOH'S --- """.t-\<'\~ ~,~\" e,O'T'oJ,. -=,"-,oe 7P~ ~O\..I~~ Ml.\'IJ . -e:x. \ ~,.. c.c:>~c. /SI-lD 75 j 158'" (0 . -~ ;; <;f- 1-----1 I ~E.~ \ o';a.)c.E I I l.)fvCe.~ I I CO\)5if:. I L____l o ~0 I"- <T ( I I Lol" ''''' LOT n -eLK. , CEt-.li"ER '~LCl.~t) t:luCK KEY fBS-8'2 \ Lo, _ \S' '. . ~, c," ,. \') S ~ '. \'1 ,-. c," ,. ,10 ,~ 7.5 . -~='eIMIt-11 D~ .') -L 0 C A:T \ O't'J- ~ \ TE. p'LAW I I ~ "" c:....:.. l.. III - ...( ..:.oI;;?; 0 :5 I EOO .1000 '2000 ( _~e>t> .:S.::::~ \. e.. 1:4D ~T f---i tJ 10 I ~... , 40 I ".. 'F~DV\ 0SC.~<a. ~ C~~~\ \-)0 ~s \ : . :-"Se.l:... \",20,2.1 i Tc..c..5 3 e 34E. PURPOSE: COt.-l5T~,-,c:r '()~c::."-s\€ ~\.l,t:l "'I/Q.IP~A? @\"OG. I="'O\~ ?R.\V~\e. ebA.T ""OO~\\..)"I DATUM ~ l2I>N SEA. L.E:V\;;,'- ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: CD 'NM. ~<'\ole;~e:r:. 3tJ2o N.t::". 4S-rn~i 'F r L~c..)C>E;'C. V':'l..~ FL. !J!J8o<>) @ QA,-p~ Mut-.) ::Sol.) pu.::::.t.:::. Key g~.1 ~o><..~1'2 ",,~~-nJ.o...., FL.330S0 I N TOM S \-V:::.. e.. e,;'? l<. AT cue-to:::' 'c::...S'-f COUNTY OF ",\ou e.c~ STATE \-\... APPLICATION BY "'-E.to-\~o":' b..~:SoC roe 1<,,\<:'.\-1.40 c:::..o ~oe.el~ SHEET OF'2. DATE -20 12.tc.V'1 - 1\ - \2.-79 ._.~ --.--- --,-_._--~ _.-._-- ---- .,-.-~.-..._."-' ----. __._ _....--~_....__..._'~... ........,_.or-.. ............ ..,--..-,. ,'-'.-.'--- . "f'-'--" -;--- " ' . , ~, t:...x'SI t ~+- "- 7~' r r\:-":"'i- ~... -L-I! _ ~\~\ _'a~'O r- " --r-:t>.V\T~ ~ '~\...A~ 1 \0'. . 1 ~~~ ~- -\.0 la' " 2.0' , . ,<,> \0'. 10' L I~~ I~'. r f . r--., ~ T 5,0 O--IL ~ JL JL JDi :~l. +0,0 t=:LcV A.I'\ 0 ~ b r"~T I \0 'to I ::10 ","0 +- ;~o t ~ ~ M1JYI _ t:", .:>. G;'.II:. _ , - / ,/ I I " ,~' W'/.81....x~" ',/ -,..,. (.0 ~c::..:~ee\ PIl.&; -,,&@~,"..~ 4 y, ~ / ' I:I I Ie: II t:'~r ~ T\.. "'il G ~ co I~ c.~ Co <::.G\<:. 'rC Z) _IX Z ')1. a: e. \. 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