Resolution 076-1980 . i. RESOLUTION NO. 76 -1980 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe Cou ty, Florida, has reviewed the Boot Key Harbor Project to e constructed at Marathon, Monroe County, Florida con- sis ing of the following: The project would be to enlarge an existing access channel into and through Boot Key Harbor from a point in Moser Channel to the west. New excavated dimensions would be 7500 ft. long x 100 ft. wide x -12 ft. MLW (plus a 2 ft. allow- able overdepth). This channel would terminate in a turning basin within the harbor 200 ft. x 200 ft. x -12 ft. MLW. Sides of the channel and basin would have a 1:8 vertical:horizontal slope. Approximately 170,000 cubic yards of spoil material would be excavated and deposited below MHW into three deep, tidal borrow pits about 8 to 11 miles to the west of the project site, Spanish Harbor Key, Bahia Honda Key, and Ohio Key. and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has reviewed the Department of Environmental Regulation's Biological Sur ey, under DER File No. 44-20174, a copy of which being att ched hereto, and WHEREAS, after considering it at a public meeting, the Boa d finds that there presently exists a compelling and ove riding public purpose and absolute need for the safe har or and turning basis which would be established by the pro ect, and the Board so declares such an overriding need exi ts so that the adverse ecological and biological effects to e occasioned by the dredging activities are greatly out- wei hed by the benefits obtained to the citizens and visitors of Monroe County, Florida, now, therefore, 1 of,2 Pages ,..3 (0 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That said Board hereby declares that a compelling and overriding public purpose and absolute need exists for the safe harbor and turning basis which would be established by the construction of the Boot Key Harbor Project. 2. Further, the Board finds that the general health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Monroe County, Florida, and the visitors to Monroe County necessitates the construc- tion of said project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that said Board does hereby give its full and absolute approval for the construction of the above mentioned Boot Key Harbor Project. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regularly scheduled meeting on the 25th day of March, 1980. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE UNTY, FLORIDA / ~ / ,. . J By ( Seal) Attest: '') ') ../ (" / ~..- ";) /~,- :tj- '('6f~{{-'~" 4' APPROVED 11$ TO FORM .AND I.<<fAL SUFFICIENCY. ~~~y ,. omtr. Page 2 of 2 Pages 13 '1 'rmN T(!VJ~llr; IH "fer [JUILDING lMl~1 AI ^'Il :; r{)~lr 1:01\1) TAU.AHl,;;SU:. FlUHIDI\ J.l3tl1 . \\',il~'~,1,f.....' ~ d ' '1,-", ',~/, ' ,''''i /:Jc'" < -' > '-:)\ tv' . ~.' ~ "J. ,." \ (" ~ I ' \ : 1'. ~ '~.1'( i j I~Ni;~: J ,,;~~~l~;i{ ~/ -....::. ,~rf Of f\<Jl.~ / no C\ ,; nil. I~ N, GOVEIl;\;Of '. .~ ...--::=:: ...- .JM:r.1l1 () V;,\ 11: Si:CRf:TM1' STATE OF flORIDA DEPARTMENT or ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION October 30, 1979 c, c, T() ~->:) :'~ '--.-) i(' '~ ' . I. ~..".- " ,. ('7 (:F :;~"'\ ,j .: ;j: ,;;!}' . ". "~i : ~ I . I ,.w...! "'t~r. r:ich.1el II. Cates' , -., ,t.~a.l J\dvi sor Monl'oe County Doard of County L () il1~:] i s s i I) 11 e r s Key West, Florida 33040 "v /\;,)\1 5 1(')"(9 COUf~TY f\TTY. Dei'll' /'-ir. Cates: - ~ .. fl.e: DER Fi le no. M::2..Ql1.g, tlonroe Co,unty r'lonroe_CoL!.~ 'Bciar'(f O~_~0~..L_~.oi1]Il1:Ls_sio~ers_ The ()I~p2,rtment of Envil'orWlental Regulation stafF has per'~orl11C'da biol::;gical ~;lirVE':I for the alJove project and offers the follow'in~r COilJl1leilts t;o be u;Il~;)dered bv the, Board of CO:lllnissioners as required by Subsection 2S3.12~(3). ~lo~ida Statutes. PHO,] LCT m:scrn PTI Oil: Tin,' project 'dol..'ld be to enlarge lIn existing' acce')s chann(?] into and throu9h GOOt. I<ey Har!Jor from d p~nt :nr,jo:;('lol"""'Cnannel to the \iest. i:CI', excavated dimensions vmuld be '7~)OO ft. lonq X lOO ft. v,id", \', -l~' Ft. !'l.l'i (plus a 2 ft. allo\'llll)le ovcrrJeptfJ). TI1;:; chiJnnr.l \'ioulr1 tf"t'llIilldtein a tllrninq basin with"ill the harbol' ?OO ft. >' 200 ft.. >: -l? Fl. fIUII. Sides of the channel dnd bi1sin v;<)uld f1i)'!0 J ]:-'; \'('rtic:~I:hoY'iz()l1t(jl S10PC'. !\pproximately 17C1,(100 clIbic'/rlrcl', or sf'oil lIl<itcrial \lOuld be CXCrlV,1t.0d and dep!.1~,it.ed [)elo\'1 f'li\,1 intu Un"ee '!e'cp. tidal hun"')\'J pits abcut c; 1.11 11 I;'; les to the ',((':-it clf the projl~ct site, Sp.)r'~ish Hdrb()r Key, 8allia Honda v.oy, c;nd Ohio f,ey. E<(lVdLi,Ji1 \./ouiJ t:e pOI'fonned \'Jith d clanlshell dn?cJqE' In.'''1 i~ flor1L~I]~i t'arc.1(I. ~,puil \'/o:Jld hr depositecl 01) barqes and !lll)Vcd to all olfshon~ trnilSfE!( L1Cilit.'Y' to h2 c:onstructrd v.'he:-(} tl1l' iJl.l\er'j.~l "10l;ld hr: i,rilllsfel.t',~d hell] "he bi1Y'ge to a ;);i)(:l ine ctrlcl PUlllpu! ;nt_o the (is,'oSJl (j iti:s. This t....onsfel' faei! ity \'i(iulcl be uir:strllctC'c: i1~;OU~ 0:11' I'i If f,'(Wi the bCtTO\'I arer:s. The borrO\'i pits \'.'o~jld be backfil1c'.J tr) a bout -d ft. rlL:L jlbel'it I,: J,r:rr: of ;l:allgrovcs vlould be t.t'I7':por"rily rr.I.10'.fEd ft'nl'ii ti10 ("'I"~pl,)Std clld:lnel ::;lopc (J.:lJ pldccd elsC'\\,kiCtE: IHltil CCillillc:,lC'1 Ci'i)lC i.1n')]cct at '"hich t.il;,.: they will l)e n?tun;erJ t.o tll2 O)'1Tin,,] L,.CJI:;(dl. .., .:: :11;d i \ 11".1 ,," 1111)': r", " f 1,,': 1"'1"''' \38 t~\ '",",,' . . , ...-. - .--.. - -- - " ", """I '",. . j'1i ch<1J~ 1 H. Ca tes r aql~ I;VIO October 30, 1979 "'. !'~i'I; nteni\lIce dredgi no \vi 11 be necrssary about evr;ry 10 years '?/ith l:p.rnrwai of a!Jc\\:t S,OOO cubic Y'1rds of spoii to be deposited in the . same L'on"ovl pHs. Silt bl1'riel's' \'/otJld b(~ used around the drt~dge and s~)oil disposal <'('pcl'otion:; to,control the discharSF= and nlovf;rnent. of suspended Natcriols into adjacent waters. Weirs will be placed'across the en france to t'he borr(l~'1 pi ts to prevent any movelnent of spo; 1 ed Ifla t e r i ij 1 s. J nrOLGGICAL - LCOLOG1CAL ASSESSMENT: --..--...- -~._._----_..--_..__.-._._-_._--- 'ihc clvrlilable h;3bitat.s support a tremendous r.ui~~be\- and diversity of ~'ishps iHld 'inw(~_ebl-at.es. Surveys of fish populations in the F lorir.1;, I<ey:; have indicated t.he presence .of over son species of n<::1I'sl\Ol'(; fishes (Starck II Davis, 1966) Ill0St of \'ihich could be .' expcctf:'d t.o occur 'in th~2 gen'~ral area of the proj(Jct site. Tht~rp. "ci're ",ell develorJecl putch rN~f systems srvr.rill miles to the s()uth of (hr project. site ilnu extensive scler':H:t'inii'ln CI)ral cOl1l1l1lmitif}S on'ly <:;'li~htl'y furthC:'r to the south. Benthic COlllll1unni~s'of pl.:~nt.s and il1'/,.:'rLebrate;; of tiH~ local area support. tremendous numbers of lower t.rophic lcv(~1 organisms. llwrr. iH(:; extensive and v\11ualJle established cOlillllercial (lobstf'r, Sf:(JIlL' .~:r.~b, ~~ni)ppr~r, grouper, kinqfish) and recreational (ttll'pOn, h,)n.:;fis-,h, kini.Jfish. bottoll1fish) f'ishl'?r;r's in the genl'rai vicinity I)f t.he rll'f)j(,~ct locat.ion as vl~ll as a lar~~e ~p.ol'J.-divin~J industry. Pr('~ICI~ t dFCpths t'/i tlli 11 the a,(,(~iJS of p't)ot, Ifpy i:arbor (jllll t.he ,'CCI"<:;<; dUI1/ll:l Pl'l:'posed t!l be enLlrq(~d and dreprnC'd CU1Tently r(ln~lp. frorn .11lOllt 6./ t.o 15. i ft. (COtT':-; 'of i~,nqil1t:'('t:; 'Project I~~;port) and clnnnf'l ~'iidt.h '/Cll'ies from aoolJt 50 to 10n ft.. Thc~e depths ~lprroxi- ::llte La sn::l11 O\'I flu:::; conCEntrate tid:ll flow in t.he (hannf~l r.nrl CI'f>rJLr~ r. vl'l'iety of conditions within tile project, are.:-\. Cilsicully, ,It (j("f1th; qrpater than about -5 ft. rJU.1 in unci along thr: ed~jr; of the (li'C::'Cllt chtlnr1P:, vegetation 'is dOi1linat~~cJ hy )I~n;llqri)~,s rInd ~)h,111()',\'e( th.~!1 t.h;:, depth, esr~lecial1y <:lon9 the south s'idc of the C II J i 1Ili'? 1, t U l't 1 e 9 1'0 S s i s pre cI Q m 1 n I) n t. !:t'()Cf'f~di'l~J frOlii t!>r.: eAst f'r;d ~If the l'('C~;p";1pnrld pi'l)icct (tlll^tciw; h~ '; ; n) t 0 the \'J ,: s 1:, tile :) i 01 0 ':J i c (1 1 C (j I! In i IJ n -j tic s P t"l~ S ;" n tar E: u~, ' fol1r:\'iS: . ".,.,'11.'; \ \ 1"'.1 "/l 1 (1)', n., ,\ I.,.) 1l.11"." '3~ ~."-- - ..-~ ~ - i:id,iJel II.' Cate~} I\;,]n thn!e October 30, 1919 "". ~ (J.) The: norther'l)' ha 1f of the i1 rea to be dr~dgE'd for the turn i 11'] llasin i~~ r>il'(tof the old dredged area nnd depths llre about-~ ft. :0 -JO ft. 11L\~. Sediments iln~ th1ck (frorl 4 ft. to fi ft. decpj and ,is t!H'OlJghout the projp.ct area predominilntly f'inl! (s;lt)'. Gottom <', '/e~lL't;')tion here and for about 400 ft. to the I'Je;,t i~; Illnlost E'xclu:-;ve1y <'sl'ol\l~Jt'r'J:';:;. ,fiC?t samples from this' 9rasr;cd bottom rrqdlJced niJlT1prou!:. '~niall decapo'ds '(Pel'laeidea~ Caridr.a). gi'lstropod~; and tub.icu1ous polychact.l~s and lesse,' numbers of isopods, ilmphipods and n seahorse '"'" ~(I:!~i,pr.c.!~}llj1!:.J. "Fishes observed included snappers J1,'~tj!~(lS_ SIlP.) '. II ~l-Ull ts [I.'oma J,) sy i'dfl e) 0 nd pill fi s h JJ:~Il~)Sj,q,!l,_~t~9~1~~,~i,g,~~,~ illl typ i cid of gr;j:;r;pd bOttOr>l. {\bout half of t!IE r)Y'o~losed tlll'ninq bll~~il1 (south ,lIld s0liUleDst) val'ir:,s from ahout -3 to -6 ft. rill,! ilnd contains pn,(j0nlinant1v tlJrtle grass with shoa1grass and the algae Ihlirnrda, ,1\,E:,r,li~:,l.l~~:.' S-:,~_l!J~"!:Uj" JJ_i~tl'2.t-.~ and ,~:~?~,r.f:'c.1.5!.' Sedimcnt::; il'rr:.-s-o'f't, thick ,3nri contdin nll.lC!l Halimeda frClgl1lEnts. Height of the tlll't1e qr,.1SS ranrJf:s froil] i,!YjuCr;..T:-S"ft. and (voI'ith ;s dense. Net Sil.liplcs /herl~ ~lrocluc'2d IllH~I(~tOUS small decapods (shrir.ip), qostropods U~ or 'ITi()l'p s[Jccies), lubicl)low) polychaete'). iJlilrhipod5 and lesse~'nl)f',bers (If iSOP'jdr;, ophiul'r)'ids, jell,',:fish (CDssiopeid),. killifi:~h (CY[H'inodontidue ri'i p d i ::. h ( S:f 11 q n a t hid a e) and C()\'J f'i s h (0 s t r a c i i d a e ) \ ,,) lJ ve Ii i 1 (J 91" II n t s , :::,nappp.I'S, pinfish, rnojarras (Gerreid()(?) and 'leopllrd ray (r1yl;obat;dtle) \'j(,~ 1'1-:' 0 b s l~ r' V e d ; nth ish (1 b it at. f3 c c a use the c h ann e 1 i ') to be \\' i rj e n e d to 100 ft, and the sides slored on Cl 1:3 ratio drrdging will ~~cruach int.o Si[11ilaf- ~;hi:lli(Jw turtle gra~,;s habitat 11lollCj most of its 1500 ft. 1enqth and 'in particular along th(~ easterly onE~-half. (2) Py'oceedin!J I',est one encOI:ntefs dE'ep0.r p~r.ti.Qns of t1~e' Ch'l/ll1el (-13 to .,15 n. ) ivflC!rf~ bottonl sfldil11cnts C1r~' curn:ont,\\'cpt 'non? sorted ~lLiL .;till 3 to 5 ft.. thid~. '.;'(~gctn1;iol1 herr. is I'i\'lited t.o SCi\tV~ted 1:(I1:I'i~:d,l. l;dotcd, ;:'I1(i laurencia, This puriton or the 1~:,:istin9 CliJnil-(:rTs liT;ril;~dri)tQl'y 'l;o-rTii'ciT',ihciut.\, (lcrr of reu I;;nvjt'oves J .I,ll J !:, \:'\~!3' ~ r,?, n,i:l~~~}'p') S 1 a U:d tv be rCI!;O v eel d 1.Il' 'j n9 (" xc a Vc'J t i :);1 . rh~: s c' 1i;;,}WirO':~5 have extensive p~'(lll root SY:.'LI'II::;, depths l'(,nqe f"om n j'() Jdi{) u t .. ~ f t.. i :UJ J ro un tit/, (~m t\ n cJ t.he p l'Op roo t'i S f~ rve a', \1 tt':'t dill1(' n t sit.e:; for e~H:rllstin\j invf:(tehrntcs and alg,lP. ;}S [Jrotc':tivc' (()'/I'Y' fIJI' Fishes une! function as I'nter filtcrE')'s and Scc.!ililcnt stillJi'lizers. T/lis dl~ept'l' fJol'tiGI~ of the chunnel is about 300-400,n. 1l)n~1. (51 \'ir:,( of fhis dl~(.p arca adjacf::nt tr) tilE' COlllnil?l'ciill docK'; in tfli' (()ns tri ct(:d 1)01'1; i on of tiJt~ cfi'Jnn() 1 ilnd fal" ()bQ~;t 36(iO ft. t.o the \'i('sj, tile E';<istiIl9 cllanncl Shtlllo\lij to iJhout -I) t.o -10 ft. \.:i th il fc\'; 51)01:5 shoaled tG abOIJt -/ ft. ;1[;.1. Ij('~eti)~;ion t.h('(:;u~Jhollt ~,h'i:. ':i:'(~(l in the c:i:,l.nnel is al:nC'st exc1usivel,:/ shIJ.'ll'::\'olSS ,'iith ,::hoL1t '/) tc ;:,:' of the botton', vcqetateJ (lnd th~ 1'('rlaiwJer c.lean, S\'iept: ni(l,'l -.,cdi!il2JitS. Lllallw:l \,;idLh hr::re vi\Y'ie~; fnw: about ;,f) to 7::; ft. ,]nd SlCP9S ilnd sI101110"/5 on each side contain (~ither rni;.:cd ttH'tlr. 9I',~::;S "';:",,11 1\1"',1 (," 1(;CI'" 11"'1,1",1,';""'1' IY.o -- ....-~ - r 1 i c h a (: 1 r I. C u Lr2 S P,v:c four October 30. 19;9 " ard sllOalgrdss or e>~(l\Jsively turl;le ~jl'oss. net sllmplt:;siY) shualgl":=J.ss Clt i1~.I()ut ,-gf/:.. (;(~pth produced nUi1ll?rOlJS gast.ro!,wds, cJ~C2pocl:; (l~(lrid(~dn . ilnd I3l'achyuri1ll) and IY)lychaetes ;:IS 'dell as a gohy (Sl'bindce) (Hid (1 .:11nid (ClinidiJ2). Observed \'1ert' <:;(!verol (<1) juvenile spin,!, lob<::ter _U~~~!.!:!,~j,C':,I?__,<3.!:...~J~). a s pi d2 r (Bp.l on hL'\.e) a Ild ba r ra cud;:, (S phy ra (rI i clop) . <, (I)) Tll\' "lest' !:nd((lbout 2700 ft.) of the prupu~r:d en.lar(jed ilCCf:':oS ('hdnn~l relll,:'\ins fidl'ly consi~;tent, in dppth (about -9 to' -12 ft.) ;-:-', -:-' -:-'~Ind exCri)t for,u rucky ridge about lOOO ft. fronl the end is entirely , , veqf?t.ilU!dlIY tut'tle gr(1:;5. Depths become inuPi1s'ingly cJeepr.r to the vvp.st. of t.he end into 1105(2\" Chi'lnnel. This rod r'idCJ(~ 'is ()f ~;il11il?1' drrth but sediments dre thin and t11(~ lH::ntl1ic cor.ln~unity \:on:;ist.s of gorqonian and soH c(lr~lls, sl1PI19ps and a'19(11.'. Thi:-. exv)s~d rock lone is about 100 ft. lon'] c111c1 ~;E'diment~) become inr.rt:i1singly ( ; c e p (~ r I) n d ~)" Ui 0. T h.'1l a.:; s i i1 tot h r. r: as t i) :1 d \'/e s 't: . ,\ cl j c1 C c n t iJ r r. ,J <:; t 0 thl'? I:otth i\nd suufll'of-'fF1Ts \';est.cl'ly portion of the prcr()sed drEdCJe i\rc(~ arC! of similar depth CHId vc~:;etdtion as this is not part, of l.:!le pre\.riGI1;, (195()) dredge area. Inn three b01TiM pits pruposed to be u:.ecl for' ,spo,il- disposal ore dbout 30 ft. in rje~'th \'Iith shal.lo\'Jel' Entrances crr~atinq ~,i?v~~n' stt(1tific:'lticn in thes2 depths. Di:<:,olved oxygl:n levels ,we proba.bly! c:ol1~;ti\ntly depn~ssed \'.Jith the reSlllt,)llt anoxic bottOlfl cOllciitions illll,\ lack of bF~nthic communities. The \';'..'st ~:'ui',li1lerlancJ horrm'i flit i:i itl)out ,1O~) ft. X :)01) ft, ;( <\(') ft. \'1ith i\l'I en1xC:lncc ilLlout 50-(iD ft. "ilCl(~:~ -l() ft.. I~L\'!. This entrallccis Cnllllcctcd to Bahia Ilonda IJut1nr~l vi('t i; ",11'1'0\'1 axtH'ir.,ll chilnn:=1 :\I')Qut SO ft. \,lidc ;~ ..J~) n. t:ll'rJlI(,l!IOllt and ubOllt. -S ft. en r.,1.<:h encl. r\cJJi1C~c'l1t \'Iater;i t'\rt' :~/:;)lh'I'1 awl iJclI~hic COI1I1~iUllities (nn::,jst of l11:xrc1 :'C'il'Jr(15~l:':' or hal'a /)C,tt.OI'l soft. cIJr(,1-~;pong('-a19;:1t-~ CO'I1Ii'I!mi.i,i(~"). rn(~ br;nl (J1"o:II,d till: I,'i l i'i old fi'il ond ,~llO'l'ls tid21 fliJC',h!II~J ,;',';r('::;'j H dl,ll"in~ pcriod~; (d ::X~Jf::Ii~(: !lioJh tide'). -:-he [lahia H:Jll(~d (litis tl'i.1n';ljl:'Jr, (JI)ouL ()'~I() ft. :< ;:,r;o ft.. av(~\'ac;f' \'Jith 1. 1!€!lUI of i10:l\lt -JG It.. t.cu:';s ,!,,!,oI,h(: offshon; ore -4 to -t, ft. and ,1c1,j,lceilt ;1\-1':<1:, contilin r:OdLictivr. (.(?(jncs UHltI';,mities. The Ohio K,'\, P':~, i': cur'rC'lLly i) 'i(lpIJlilr, IIf'<Fi Iy lIS(dj 1;'"w1n21 that is part of al,]rqe CiJI1'I)(j:'ol.llId. :!. L, ;~!'(iid, 11~jn ft" X JOri ft. v/ith a GO fL \'Iic!r~ :>ntxllllcr: (lfll{ ,J(U.':;S '~cll~h; of <i to -i ft. ill tllP .'Jd,/,lcent CI,,'lt1I1L'l, LUllsir;c'(;'hlr,t'id,l'l C\,l'(/oid,:; l~i(\V,~ t hro'<!h thi~; cl1arrnr 1 (11~r1 ,lrii<lcent hott,(llolS ,lre ;:),11 Illy Ii, i >,td~(),VJY',Y,~~"'C). The '.';lS t::,rrOr^f: 1 i ne () r tlli ::; pit is 1'; IWtI ';: i 1 i1 ,-t"j 1.1/,I'C,.i'.("VC'" <;,'j,:', (;f' i)j'I f~it::; ,)((; rel',k il( r'od' '(uld.,lr \,.'i1:" i\J~t(I\~'lirICJ !'I,"lt il11fi :1il~:,,:~l C(J1i11:1unitif~s cxistin;j ;,,1,1 r:i':nth ~~r,'l:-''''l:itl'r.j i::: :-) Ll~~i ( i F'~".~d (~/ 1 aYL\fs. t\ 1 a l'qe '.i,Jl'-i <;~'.y of Ci ':;i~(~~ I !l<...luc!: n~-;l ~;I'l":~[I)Cr'~) ~ Tl11nts, PO"II;I,,;, pir-Ifish, !'lojarras, I)lirracudtl. ,}nrJ nl'(~d':,,-;i::;I, ,)((" kIIU;;[i 'CC> heqlJen,t. th(:se pi ts. , \ '"I;. III ,d I \ I"'" \'11 II II}', r"I', I I... i 1',1)'1'1' l4-l --- - " ' --r.:-~- - I, , ~1iclFlcl H. Cdtes P,)~l~ fi vc October 30. 1979 <, The area slatp.d for mangrove replacement on the south side of the harbor' is not cut"n~ntl'y in nGed af revegetation, contilins natlll'c1l1j" . tJccurring red end hlack' ,(/'vi~enn.i..~ucr~~n_~.c.~) Inangl'oves and (111)' v:od: or r(;~placel11ent here would pI'obably do' more harm to the area thil n ~JOod. .., "'" ~ -, ~ " '[;5 th,p. propd~ed'specificatiol1s for thr. dredged channel caJl for .:1 1:3 vertical :horizonta1 slope, the actual width of the bltered .....-JrcclgpareiJ 'tIil'l'be considerably greater than 100 ft. Using an ~~lr.er'ed average \\"idth of 125 ft. (added slope especiC!l1y ~long ,Sh<lllO\'/, south ~ide) the total arca to bl~ dredged hould be on the ordrr of'22+ acres, including the turning basin. As seagr~sses , vegetate approxilll,1tely 80% of the dredqe areR, this project v/ould re:;ult ill tIle cl'irect destruction of ovel' 18 acres of nroducJl.ive /il i x ~~ d a 11 d pur e s e i19l' a ~ s be cis and t h (> i r ass 0 cia t e d 'j n fa u n (\1 a r. cl ppifilunal con1ll1unities. These SCi,J(lrdSSeC;, in addition to providinD / . protect; ve covel' fo\~ j liven; 1 e f; she:; and i nvertehrates flnrJ s~lbs tt;ate .. for' a tremendous ahuncJance of organisms a'l:;o ser'.;e to hind sediments , in cHI area of Ud"l and rran-induced r;lll'bulance and to filtr.\' the i':i1tcr colullin in Cln area of usually hi~her' than'aIH~Jip.nt turbidity levels. It is believf~d tilat the effects of this dredging Vlill udditionally be long-term due to the fine nature of the sediments to he dredged, the const~,nt resuspensio!1 duf' to pn~sent high levels of vessel traffic, the length of time Ileces')ury for rcvegetution even under stable condit ions and ; ncreasecJ oxygen dt~nland on the I'later colUlnn. Tho IJse of i\ claI11sl1;~1l dredge buckot. to excC\v"atf: OVE:r 170,000 cubic )'ar-ds (If 75',: silt $C'dilllents l'/i11 result. in un(J(cq~t(ll~le le','p.ls of tut'/';iciity th,ll cannot be controlled ;n'a. channel I'lhere C1il"Y'cnt.s co:nr~ICJllly exceed 1 knot. This ~,lill lJ11Drlct' ad,it1cC'n1. productbc ::;p.(Flr,~s~~ COI~;!1ll1nitie5 to an ullKnO\^-,n d(:g)'e~~. rill;? tl'(In.';f(~\' cf this ~;ilt fI1atr'l'iu1 from cLlll1shel1 to harlle, bdl'~iE' t.l' tt'~il::,r(?r stdtion, to pipeline and pipeline into bOI'TOW rrit. coulrl i.llso result. in \J11,lcceptable lock of control of the sroil t'IJnoff. t>:istinq c')~"ilr,:nHies ','/ithin the spoil sites Ivould be destroyed by plau'ment of- ~lpuil iJ/ld it. is Cju'~stinni1blp.if t~rlacerlcnt CCi~ll)!Unitif's \>:i1l OCeL.I" (If, t:1(' <:'/:'(li1 tlfter df:[H'S'ilionin pits is cOliiplete (1r.A1.:' to si2.l:.' COlilp~)sH'!en i!l1rj e,:tsy l"CSllSpcnsion, ('!Zlintenance drcdljill\] periodicallY t..)i~,!1 si:lliidr S110;l p1acelilc:,t \';i11 (c:;ult 1i1 r:ontil1\)~.'d cJi~;;n:!Jti(>n cf h:nthic pcpul;:ltiollS ill th~se pits, ContC1irWiPnt of hiC]h 1tt,'ch ;)1 tu,-hi(J \,i'3tC(S ~'/itl1in th0 pits d:!i"ill~i pldU~lii2i1t c'uld a'iSl) [,,:,~ iTtJtJleni cspeci-1l~y at the Ohio Key pit \'lh2l"r? an llcthe !",i)l"in,:) 7-aci 1 Hy i:;1 ()CC\ ted. "II;'lIt,d I ~ Iwd "" 111((, II" \ I 1.,,1 ";;!".,, IlJ.-'- , . _. ....-.. - \ I t-1ichi\(~l II, Catt~s ~(l'Y' ~: i x Oct0be1' 30, 1:)]9 t.xcessive If:'>'Iel~ of turbidity over? 6-month period (r'redict~:d 'in;d9"~ til1l(~) could possihly result in ~ nr.ua1.ive, det.rimcnti1\ ';n:\';1Ct to (.2xi:;t.ing soft c()rDl-spon~~e corrummHir.s in r10Si~1' Ch;,Jt1l1el ilnc1 fwn::atvpic coral patch reef and rcpf communities from 2 to 4 nd1es sOlJt.llof the project site. These reff r.o1illiunitic:, are r:urn:ntl,)l <, " under' ~i t.res<) fl'OIil d vdt'i (;t,y of nil tura 1 und llIan'-mad~ candi ti ons. "[he rr.m\lVi'llof the \, acre or fT1angrov(\s ild,jacent to tne 'channel to """ ~IH' dredq(:d \'/ill l'OP-love vc1uilble hclbit~t and ~;lJb5trilte rind n~duce "t1,"""t1 ~he CJp2cil:y 6ft/lc 'local :,li3ngrovp cor.l111unities to filter \!at(:r and l'unoff aml ')tabilize sedinlf::nts. Itis c1oubtfu'l if I as p,,()po:)E~d, thi~; "Jell..,d0.veluped red Iilangrove island C(ln be "rernClved frol,) the proposed cht\nnpl c-,lope and pli1ced else'tlhefcunt.i1 co::;p'letion of till:' p,'o,jcct ,1t which t'irl1f: they \'/i11 be r::turned to theil' origincJl 1 n c i' t i '.1 n . " In SLiiHl~,)~''y~ thL project, as proposed, \\lill result. in 5110,1. ami 1 on9-term I1C~J'1ti ve i IIIpacts to the. 1 oca 1 I1I,1.ri ne communi t.y b/: 'direr:t d':struction of ovC'r 22 acre:, of pl'odlJctivG benthic habitat, l,/IIknoWll dnlount of cJ.c>sf,I'uctiGn and disr:lpt.ion t;o benthic (I)ml1llmiUes by IliOV:;'i11cnt of uncontro 11 ab 1 e turbi d w,) ters an,j des truct i 011 of l:i ,'\ere of red !1lanqrove habitat. PurSlI;ll)t I.a Llle rCCjuin:illcnts of Sub.':,ection ?:,~;LJ2~j(3). Floriua ~;tJtutes, the p'eccdi(j~l COl11lilcnts should be duly considr::l'erJ and read 'into the :~1in\.ltr'~, cd' the 111ecting ill; \vhich tinie i1 c:E:te(l~lin(ltinn of local iJppro\/r11 i~; IIi:ldc. To iL,si',t. in pvaluaLing the r~y'oject t1 CCj'V of the Clpplicat.'inn alld d ~,(!~, or ~lt'ojcct dr-il\'lings dl'e cnc:losfci (f\tlClctJlilent I, I I), /\ Sipple n:::,ulutioll (l\tt,}(hllICll1. TIT) prr;jlillTd bJ' tile i}~p,:lrlnJent's lc,c;rtl st,Jff i; i'!Lo t~n(-lo'jcd. 'nlis (joClJl"~ent 'is pr(J'J~df;ri 1.0 as~);st till'.' BnM(1 ~)r C"IX'issir,nrl'~ 'in pr'::~,F:\Y'iny a i'(,:<,o1ution tll(d. \'Jill rJl~r~t tile l"~q:,li\E:':'l(~lli::::; of <";!'i,'diclii ;;:;3,12-1(3), Flo'-ifia Statute" Tile fjr;drd of COlljlTiissiOlll:rs i::. 1:'1i () i) 11 yJ1:ecl t.o us I;' 1.h is frJ)'l1io t so '10119 i1 S tl1:~ f\:Pd rtlllen ti S ""'idE' <1\'1(:, \' t.ht) i. I,he fr.qui '(f;;llenls of 1::11(' stC\,t.Ulf' hi'\vf:' t'eell fulfi 11t:d, Sincet'c1y~ ,...-'" 1( /?;'.;.,<~~.-' .....>/v /1/ t1,.rvi n Cull j Il'j, 1[[ I' r(:r~r' ,11 Cr,() ((I i II(~ tL, i' S t a II d '1 (d 1\; l'll i i 1. l.i n ,J ~, ;:: c t i G fI ~ : c ( ~: h /.\ttJCI1I1K'nts u: :>li 1 G/cn//\ny (1)\'[:"5 of Enqi "eey'~;i,]ilck~:,on'J'j 11!~ G 1 enl' r;':;'0/DFY/; ;,:lrat.hon IJ/T..i:l:d \\ I"'" tin ",Ili'; r.'" ~ 1"IIII;Qll'r 1<+3 -- \ ..' ~ . ~ ...... . ~ DATA nEOUIHED BY HIE rl:IVr,CY ACT OF 1lJ74 (5 CJ.S.C .),-" 0/1 1 1 I TL E :) F FOR M J 0 j n tAp D 1 i ~ ,1 t i Oil, [) C' [1 t (,1 f , t 11 C' . A nil j' / f- lor i d L1 n (' p t; 0 f Ellvlt'onl1lental f\e()ulL1tloll fat, i\ctlvltles 1[1," r"(" , 1. AlJTHOfllTY Section 10 River ,~ HarhO\' Act 1899, Section 103 t1c1~ine Protection, Rr.search F/ Sanctuaries Act of 1972 and Section 404 Feci' 2. pn';NCIPA,L PURPOSEIS) Application. form for permits c:uthorizinq structut'es and ''-lark in or affectino navigable \'Iatet'~ of the State of Florida, the discharfle of dredaed or fill material into navigable \'Jaters,and the transportation of dredqed material for the rurpose of durllpinq it into oceCln \'Iaters. To be used by citizens of Florida as one application"'foJm for State and Corps dredge, fill and structure permit applications. 3, ROUTINE VSEs--. Deso'ibes':ttle'"'.,pl1oposed activity', its purpose and intended lIse, including a description of the type of structures, if any, to be erected on fills, or pile or float-supported platforms, and the tyre, composition and quantity of materials to be discharged or dumped and means of conveyance. The application is made at the District level and subsequently the content is made a matter of public record tht'ough issuance of a public notice. The content of the application is made available to any requestin(] atlency, dealinq with the revi.evJ,of the application. The forlll itself is not milde available; only that information which is pertinent to the evaluation of the permit request. , The form (or copies) could be kept on file at District, Division or OCE level, dependinq on the details surroundinq the Cilse. The information could become a pad of any record of a revie\,:ing aqency \':ith a need to knO\'J; such as U. S. Fish p, Wildlife; Environmental Protection Aqency; etc. .. .. .. 4, MANDATOFlY OFl VOLUNTAFlY DISCLOSUflE AND EFFECT ON INDIVIDUAL NOT PFlOVIDINO INrORMATION The disclosure of information is voluntary. Incomrlete data [ll'eciudes prorer evaluation of the per~it application. Uithout the necessary data, the permit application cannot be processed. l#