Resolution 084-1980 u \ \ RESOLUTION NO. 84 -1980 RESOLUTION ADOPTING A POLICY STATEMENT OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COt1MISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ON STATE GENERAL LEGISLATION. WHEREAS, various legislation to be considered by the Florida State Legislature is or importance to Monroe County, and WHEREAS, Monroe County also supports additional legis- lation which should be considered by the Florida State Legislature, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the attached Policy Statement on State General Legislation is hereby adopted by the Board of County Com- missioners of Monroe County, Florida. 2. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby instructed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the Monroe County Legislative Delegation, the Speaker of the House, the President of the Senate, and the State Association of County Commissioners and such other State officials as is appropriate. DATED March 25, 1980. Attest:. _""' ) <: , ..--/ } L / // .d. .......d-. - / -" '/ '~7";/ ~ --1/ "- Clerk ' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE~~1;O'RIJ)A " ~'" "c. /'it' A By { t.::, .", ,/ . /., /, ---...::;_~ ".' - .-, ,,/,- _,/' ,""','" ...tr...',,".. ~ Cl\ai iintfi'C--'4-* '----- (Seal) "PPROVEO ,11.$ 70 FORM ,:';ND I.EG'Al. SUFFICIENCY. ;gJ~~ / Attorney'. Offke m' APEROVED ON 3 - c2 s-=. t2> - - . . 'lui ,..- .. - .. _-.... ~'-~."-"'~'-"-''''''''r--'''''_. BOOK t.~ 1 . ow,, ft.. ,-eAGe__ ...~, '<?k:l - 'WIJ /'sf POLICY STATEMENT BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ON STATE GENERAL LEGISLAtION 1. Monroe County supports legislation to eliminate and abolish district mental health boards and to place such activity directly under the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services to administer. 2. Monroe County supports legislation to assure, in regards to fuel allob-ation, that upon the closing up or discontinuance of any fuel stations or other outlets within a County that the fuel allocation which was provided for the discontinued busi- ness activity be redistributed throughout the County directly rather than being allowed to be redistributed by the individual gasoline company ou!side of the County. 3. Monroe County supports legislation that recognizes the Medical Examiner Program a~ a'state-m.a)J.dated function that should be ' t', ~ fully funded by the state. ',; " . 4. Monroe County supports legislation that recognizes that, al- though mental health is a problem that can best be handled through community programs, it serves a state purpose and should be funded from state revenues. 5. Monroe County supports legislation which eliminates the requirement: of a successful referendum in order to impose the 9th cent gas monies for public or mass transportation. 6. Monroe County supports legislation requiring the DOT to send 5th and 6th cent monies directly to the counties rather than to con~inue to allow the DOT to act as the county's banker under the present statute. Counties are now required to keep books on 20 percent of the 5th and 6th cent and it will be no additional burden on counties to maintain the books on the ot0er 80 percent.' 7. Monroe-c6~nty supports legislation authorizing a constitutional amendment to allow counties to use the 5th and 6th cent gas tax for maintenance. 8. Monroe County supports legislation that a portion of the first .gas tax (1, 2, 3, & 4 cents) be designated to construction with local jurisdiction. Gas tax funds are decreasing while construction costs on roads are increas~ng. IS; POLICY STATEMENT - CONTINUED 9. Monroe County supports legislation which would a~ard attorney's fees on the basis of the differential between the appraisal and the amount awarded. Urge DOT to allow county attorney~ and expecially local appraisers greater input into condem- nation cases. 10. Monroe County supports legislation to adopt a statewide com- prehensive policy for the installation, operation, maintenance and funding of traffic signals. \ 11. Court reorganization under Article V of the Florida Constitu- tion was adop~ed'under the specific premise that funding would be the sta~e's responsibility. Sadly, this has not occured, with counties required to foot the bills. Monroe County con- tinues to place top priority on state funding of this and all other state-mandated programs. Monroe County supports as a means of property tax relief, the transfer of judiciary system costs back to the state for items such as court reporters, baliffs salaries, special public defenders, private investi- gators expert witness fees and court facilities. Monroe County supports legislatio.:n that re~m~.urses local governments for capital 'outlay funds already expended to ac~ommodate Article V and requires full state funding for other Article V costs cur- rently being paid by counties. Monroe County supports legisla- tion that removes from counties the responsibility of paying for the fees, costs and expenses paid in criminal prosecutions and competency proceedings incurred on behalf of prisoners and indigent criminal or civil defendants. 12. Under exist~ng Florida law, county municipal service taxing units (MSTU'S) unlike cities, are not eligible for revenue sharing. Since MSTU's provide municipal-type services in unincorporated areas, it logically follows that MSTU's should be eligible for revenue sharing. Monroe County will work for and support legislation that will fairly and equitably distri- bute state collected-locally shared revenues. Monroe County supports legislation that authorizes county municipal services taxing units to share in the municipal revenue sharing trust fund. Section"197.214, Fla. Sta., provides that "Special assessment liens on property in special districts shall be collected as provided for ad vaiorem taxes under this chapter, whether created by general or special law or by county ordinance which now exists or may become l.aw. The Attorney General in A.G.O. 79-111 opines that this stature "is not applicable to Munici- ~al Service Taxing or Bertefit Units". Therefore, Lee County strongly requests and urges that the Legislative Delegation present and support legislation which would amend Section 197.214 to include Municipal Service Taxing or Benefit Units and thereby allow collection for delinquent special assessments through the same procedure which is provided for the collection of delinquent ad valorem taxes. \ bO 13. Under existing Florida law, cities appoint their-own housing authorities but the Governor must appoint members of county housing authrities. Monroe County supports legislation that would place counties on an "equal footing" with the cities, transferring this appointment authority to boards of county commissioners. 14. Florida cities and charter counties now receive gas tax rebates on fuels consumed by operating their government vehicles. Non-charter counties should also be eligible for this type rebate. 15. Monroe County $upports legislation to broaden current authori- zation for the defense of public officers and employees in actions arising out of and within the scope of their official duties. '". 16. Monroe County will ~ppose any limitation or across the board revenue reduction without a specific detailed analysis on the impact on services as rendered by the local government. 17. Monroe County opposes any taxation that would erode of the counties an~ their as needed on an equitable governing body. legislation in the area of dual the constitutional responsibility auth~rity to provide services ba~i~)as determined by the local ,. '" 18. Monroe County requests the Monroe County Legislative Delega- tion to present and support legislation to license, certify and regulate the profession of psychology, for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. 19. Monroe County requests an amendment to general legislation providing authority for counties to impose license and/or registration fees on recreational vehicles and repealing any portion af the Florida Statutes including Chapter 320.24 which prohibits counties from collecting licenses or regis- tration fees on recreational vehicles. \ to 1