Resolution 089-1980 ) RESOLUTION 1ft 89-1980 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of MONROE County, Florida, has received an application from George and Susan Schmohl, to cons truct: 160 l.f. of concrete seawall below MHW along an open-water shoreline. This would be in line with and connect to an existing seawall to the north and about 150 c.y. of back fill would be placed waterward of MHW and about 150 c. y. landward of MHW. Equipment and materials can be transported to the site over existing uplands and the seawall will be constructed before backfill is placed. The project site is located in a residential subdivision created by the excavation of numerous dead end finger canals and a peripheral channel. Orientation of the finger canals and shoreline is to the S.W. Upland usage is strictly residential and development is about 10-15% of available property. The adjacent bay is very shallow (-1' to -3' MLW) except for the adjacent artificial peripheral channel and con- tains primarily hard bottom algae communities. Seagrasses occur where adequate sediments exist. This site is on a corner lot formed by open-water and a finger canal dug inland from the immediately adjacent peripheral channel. The open-water shoreline is sloping, rock rubble eroded back about 15-20 from the edge of the channel and MHW is presently 10-15' landward of the channel edge. Uplands are old fill with essentially no vegetation and intertidal vegetation is limited to the algae Batophora. MLW to the irregular channel edge measures about 5-8' and this subtidal area contains enough sediments to support growths of short bladed turtle grass (Thallassia testudinum) but in rather sparse densities. The algae Batophora and Chondria are also present on rock rubble in this subtidal zone. Increased growth of turtle grass here is probably limited and will continue to be by the shallowness of this nearshore zone and the lack of suitable sediments due to periodic wave-wash and sorting out and removal of finer particles. The irregular, eroded nature of the channel edge will make it impossible to place the seawall in a continuous straight line with the adjacent seawall and immediately landward of the channel edge as diagrammed. Across the finger canal from the site is an open-water riprap shore- line with the riprap recessed only several feet from the channel edge. This project as proposed will form a continuous shoreline with the adjacent seawall but is ill-designed due to the irregular nature of the channel edge in this area. Ideally the seawall would tie in to the adjacent wall and then be recessed about 4-5' landward thereby avoiding this irregular edge and leaving a portion of the vegetated subtidal area which is valuable as habitat and food production to local marine organisms. The canal shoreline is exempt from permit requirements. Inaccuracies exist in the application related to the location of M~l and MLW on the sloping shoreline and distances involved. The adjacent concrete bulkhead is recessed about 2-4' from the channel edge not immediately adjacent is the x-section for the proposed wall is represented. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, that said Board hereby given its approval for for the construction of the above mentioned project. l.(-t-ro PAGE 16 APPROVED ON BOOK LA, \8g RESOLVED this . ~~ day of April, 1980, at a Regularly scheduled meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA I~~~an BY ATT~ST ?.. ~ (~y-/~A . ". ... , Clerk \ ~,